Trying to use gamefont icon but failing 
Instead of "Oil" I want to use the icon from BONUS_FUEL
I tried with:
iBonus = gc.getInfoTypeForString("BONUS_COPPER")
and a bunch of other stuff. But the UI completely disappears...
Right now I'm using
But would really like the icon....
My text:

Instead of "Oil" I want to use the icon from BONUS_FUEL
I tried with:
iBonus = gc.getInfoTypeForString("BONUS_COPPER")
szOutText = u"<font=2>%c:%d%%</font>" %(gc.getBonusInfo(iBonus).getChar(), pPlayer.getOil())
screen.setLabel( "OilText", "Background", sColor + szOutText + u"</color>", CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY, 14, 50 + (iCount * 19), -0.1, FontTypes.SMALL_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1 ) "OilText" )
and a bunch of other stuff. But the UI completely disappears...
Right now I'm using
szText = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MISC_OIL", (pPlayer.getOil(), pPlayer.getOilPerTurn()))
screen.setLabel( "OilText", "Background", szText, CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY, 12, 50 + (iCount * 19), -0.1, FontTypes.GAME_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1 ) "OilText" )
My text:
<English>Fuel: %d1 (+%d2_Num/Turn)</English>
<French>Fuel: %d1 (+%d2_Num/Turn)</French>
<German>Fuel: %d1 (+%d2_Num/Turn)</German>
<Italian>Fuel: %d1 (+%d2_Num/Turn)</Italian>
<Spanish>Fuel: %d1 (+%d2_Num/Turn)</Spanish>