Quot Capita: Majesty

NP bro. I was just checking out all your newest updates and the idea popped into my head. I believe there is already a GEM (or several :)) in the archives, and as for TSL, you could probably use Platy's fine WB in order to create the specifics. Somehow, seeing all your fine work on an epic scale via a dedicated setting is worthy of serious weekend snack binge.... I'd take one for the team of course, you know, in the interest chocolate chips..... Err, testing, I meant testing, yeah, that's what I meant :mischief:.
Unfortunately, no matter how appealing it sounds, if my pc can't handle a Huge map there's no Way I'll ever be able to load a GEM!

Maybe the National Weather Service will let me borrow one of their climate modelers for a weekend game of CIV... :mischief::mischief::mischief:
Big maps make the game really slow even if you can handle it lol

There is actually already a Standard sized Earth map with locations for I think 9 civilizations in the mod.

I'd like to do one with my civilizations placed(Cahokia, Iroquois, Indonesian, Chola, Rajput etc). But figuring out the map tools is proving difficult. I'm going to ask around.

Here are those flags we've been chatting about. Feel free to use any, all or none as you see fit.


  • Flags.zip
    211.4 KB · Views: 41
SoG, I found this gentleman's work on the Civ III boards;


His 3D ship models are unearthly in their detail. Can these be used in a Civ IV mod, or is there something in the coding that makes iii art incompatible with iv?

Civ3 units are actually 2d images, as opposed to Civ4 units which are 3-d models. A lot of ships by generalmatt which were made for Civ4 are in my mod already actually, they are similar to the 2d civ3 units ;).

Kingpin: Thankyou man Ill take a look :)
Trying out your flags in game Kingpin and I must say I am very impressed by your work. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to use most of them normally but I want to use the Mayan one for the Toltecs(reminds me of Apocalyto its freaking awesome btw), but I want to use the normal Chinese and Korean flags, since I'm aiming for all of history(if I knew how some people have era-specific flags I'd feel differently though).

Just curious, what program do you use to view the dds files outside of game?
EDIT: I'm glad you like the flags. I like the idea of era specific flags too. Figuring that out is beyond my modding abilities though.

You probably know this already, but, make sure you change the map color line in the CIV4ArtDefines_Civilization for each Civ to <bWhiteFlag>1</bWhiteFlag>

I use DTXBmp to convert the images from Bitmap format to DTX3.

EDIT: I have attached the Korean yin-yang flag and the Chinese yellow dragon flag.


  • Korea and China.zip
    19.5 KB · Views: 47
Could you perhaps make new flags for China, Korea that reflect all eras together? Like maybe a dragon holding the five stars of the modern Chinese flag for China? Or maybe for Korea S.Korea's flag might work?

Hope its not to much trouble.
Could you perhaps make new flags for China, Korea that reflect all eras together? Like maybe a dragon holding the five stars of the modern Chinese flag for China? Or maybe for Korea S.Korea's flag might work?

Hope its not to much trouble.

What do you think of this?

EDIT: My previous post has the South Korean flag and the Chinese Qing Dynasty flag


  • qing_dynasty with stars.zip
    10.7 KB · Views: 44
  • qing_dynasty with stars.bmp
    48.1 KB · Views: 45
That's really cool, what I was thinking(I should have been more specific earlier sorry :( ) was for having the big star between the dragon's jaws and the smaller ones each at the end of one of the dragon's claws, with maybe the dragon and stars being red and the background being the Qing dynasty gold.

The Korean flag is perfect btw. I also like the Qing dynasty one too. :)
If you have any other flags you want me to make, just let me know. You can either send me the graphics or I can see what I can dig up.
I'd love to see what you could do with flags for the Chola, Rajput/Nepal or Lumeria/Rama's Empire(which represent both the legendary civilization and the Harappians in my mod).

And by the way...thankyou so much for helping out with this.
Okay, I've attached a few samples here (bitmap preview included with the DDS files). There are two for Chola (the graphic on Chola 1 was a little too blurred for my liking), Nepal and Lumaria/Rama. I think these are all improvements on what is already there. If they are not quite what you're looking for I can mess around a little more.

EDIT: I have attached 34 flags for your consideration. I found all the easy ones and did them up. Let me know which ones you like and which ones still need some work.

The trick is going to be avoiding flags that look similar to other flags. I've included some alternatives when possible. That's why the French and Netherlands flags are not their actual flags... they just looked too similar to the Russian flag. Same with Poland and Indonesia... same colors, just reversed. If they went to war it would be utter chaos.

EDIT: SoG, I don't want to hijack this thread, turning it into a flag thread rather than your fantastic QC: Majesty thread. Would you prefer we move this flag stuff to a separate thread?

Oh, the flag I sent you for the Celts would be better suited for Wales. I'll find another Celt flag.


  • Majesty Flag Pack.zip
    806.4 KB · Views: 34
I don't mind using this thread for this topic at all, its still on-topic.

Yeah I actually was very happy you did that with the French flag, the Russian one is really very similar to the French tricolor. I actually saw a variation of the Russian flag with the old Russian coat-of-arms included which was interesting recently.

On the dragon flag, I actually used it for Wales after comparing it to the existing Welsh flag I had. The button I'm using for the Tuatha-De could be used as inspiration for a celtic flag or even for the Tuatha-de/Avalon civ.

Taking a look at the new Indian flags now.
And a few more... this is all for today.


  • Majesty Flag Pack 2.zip
    208.3 KB · Views: 34
When installing the mod, I got an error message that a filename was too long and would need to be shortened, namely the Arabic Industrial Rifleman (Ottoman Palestinian L...) (not sure what the rest of the name is). Would it break the mod to accept a shortened filename, as Windows is asking me to do?
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