R&T - Longterm research goals

mad-bax said:
Beeline to military tradition. Slow run to Economics. Build Smiths, put our feet up and wait for the finish. That would be my plan. :)

Might as well play 20-30 turn turnchats if we're just gonna "put our feet up and wait for the finish". :)

Granted, you know know if there will be another runaway civ, since this IS high agression, and civs tend to have blodfueds that they WANT to finish.

Hey, I even played one most agressive deity OCC game (got lucky with ivory! :dance: ) where the Greeks nearly had 2/3 the land, and the Russians had 1/3. The Russians came back to conquer Greece to win it after I forced them into peace, breaking their MPP and Alliance with the Greeks.
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