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R8XFT's D&D leaderheads

R8XFT said:
...all this fantasy.....you'll be telling us next that the Patriots will win this weekend ;) ....
:lol: Well, I have been saying it all year on the NFL threads in the Sports forum. ;)
No prob, no hurry here, I had some RL issues come up this week and it put me way behind my modding schedule.
R8XFT said:
Sorry about the lack of updates this week. I'm going to spend the next fortnight's CivIII time on Anno Domini, then returning to these in early March.
Hi, R8XFT!

You are the best leaderheads-maker of the last time, IMHO. :)
I'm waiting for new great works!
Especially the second guy from "Friends" preview (a very good elf leader head), Foes and green skin ork leaderheads. :)
The Frost giant is my favorite one!
I apologise to all those awaiting these leaderheads, especially Drift and Tjedge1. Anno Domini's really taken over, so all my time's been devoted to that. I can't see myself completing any more of these until the mod comes out, which I'm hoping to be at the end of May.

However, I do plan to come back and complete these after that.
No prob. My mod will be done before then I hope, but I can always do a patch. ;)
Yeah, what tjedge1 said. :) MoM 2.0 will probably be finished before May, but that's ok. I'm just happy that you're enjoying modding.
I know, I know. Don't bump old threads, but I was curious if any of these have been done and might be posted somwhere, or if any others that could fit, like an orc or draconian or pointy eared dog guy, that might have been done by someone else? I haven't spent much time on the boards lately so I'm hoping I just missed them somewhere. If not, is R8XFT still going to work on these? Or have we lost him to Civ 4. :sad:
Spacer One said:
the pointy eared dog guy is done...tho I cant tell you where, its in a MOD...I believe Dragon has been done as well...There is an orc...several of the others
Well, the ones your talking about are in my D&D Mystara mod. Those are the ones I'm replacing with these that R8XFT was working on. I was wondering if there have been any additional replacements. Unless you are talking about different ones. ;)

I'm trying to do a finishing patch on that mod before planning the Civ 4 version.
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