Railroad Rules for Civ7

Jan 10, 2019
My proposals for Railroad rules should be of that
1. ALL LAND UNITS move on rail AT THE SAME SPEED. Horses can't gallop faster on tracks, tanks and APCs don't regularly rides the rails on its own power but all units board a toop train which GENERALLY moves at the same speed.
2. Any unit (or Army, if stacking is used as proposed by @Boris Gudenuf ) can board a train ONLY by a district connected to the rail lines. and can only move AS FAR AS THE MAX MOVEMENTS ON RAIL goes--ahem! Unit/Army may only leave a train inside or one hex around a destination district connected
- Should there be Railroad Facility district available for free as a mandatory boarding and leaving a train?
3. Railroading begins with a dedicated technology--Steam Transportation (Which also permits faster embarked units), and trains earn 'Tech Upgrades' with more techs researched-I.E. 'Cast Steel' adds more movements on rail, Advanced engines added evenmore speeds and so did Aerodynamics.
4. Should there be distinctive High Speed Railroads in addition to Regular RR too? and how to treat Highspeed Railroadings?

Who should build railroads?
1. Worker OR Civil Engineer
2. Combat Engineer
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