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RBC14E English Freebooters

Pre-flight – review variant restrictions. Looks like I have three years to kick the French out of the British Isles. At least I have a decent sized force to do it with. Good DH has left them all fortified. Compared to France we have an average military. Let’s hope they aren’t all in Edinburgh.

We are really light on defense in Ireland. Change the build from a temple to a pike.

Portugal and Spain have gunpowder, but won’t trade it. Bump science up to 90%, naval ordnance due in 11.

We’re also light in York. Wake up the pike and move into York. We’ll start the attack next turn.

IBT – Spain declares war on Portugal.
Dublin: pike=>carrack (50)
French complete Leo’s.

1. 1511 AD – Sell our WM around for 51G. Declare on France and move our troops into French Scotland.

IBT – Dublin is attacked amphibiously by a French MDI, we lose a pike. :eek: MDI are amphibious!
Spanish build Cop’s

2. 1512 AD - @ Edinburgh: 4/4 knight retreats from 4/4 pike (-2hp)
4/4 knight kills 3/3 pike (-1hp)
3/3 MDI killed by 3/3 pike (-1hp)
3/3 LB kills 2/3 pike (redlined)
The 2/4 pike remains. This is not going to be a cake walk.

Almost run into a a stack of barbs with our explorer in present day Columbia.

Shift a pike from York to Bristol.

Drop science 10%. NO due in 9.

We’re probably going to be attacked at Bristol, Dublin, or Plymouth.

IBT – Dublin again. Our pike defeats the redlined MDI (-1hp)
York: Colonist=> colonist
Bristol: MDI=> MDI
Plymouth: Barracks=>carrack

3. 1513 AD – This looks rough at Edinburgh. I have a ¾ knight, a 1/3 LB, and a ¼ knight attacking a 4/4 pike let’s see. Attack with 3/4 knight and retreat after inflicting 2 hp loss. A healthy vet pike pops to the top. We will be regrouping. We also won’t be kicking the French out this year. Move the two knights out to heal. Move the fresh MDI in to guard the treb.

Lux needs to go to 10% and science drops 10%.

The Iroquois have a worker for sale. Use CoL to purchase their worker & WM. Get another 25G sell our WM around.

To be continued....
4. 1514 AD – The walls of Edinburgh are destroyed by our Treb. There’s some good news.
Stick our colonist and a pike in a carrack and head for the new world.

Meet the Incans. Sell them alphabet for WM & 39G. Turn around and sell our WM with it’s new information for 138G .

The Incans haven’t met anyone. The only profitable deal selling contact is with Portugal, 2 gpt & 32G. I think I will hold off a turn or two. I have everyone’s money right now.

Crank science up to 90%. Spend 124G hurrying the MDI in Bristol. Hopefully the French won’t rebuild the wall in Edinburgh.

IBT – Bristol: MDI=> MDI

5. 1515 AD – Move the fresh troops to the front. Portugal has banking. I pull the Charis trick and bring science to 0%. See if we can get a two-fer. No… Spain has banking also. The Dutch don’t have anything. :wallbash: No two-fers.

Sell contact with Incans to Portugal for 2gpt & 32G, to Aztecs for WM & 6G. Same deal with Mayans and Dutch Sell the Incans contact with the French for 23G & WM. That’s all the money available in the world. We’ll see if the Iroquois and Spanish can come up with some scratch next turn. If they get it, it will be a gift from someone else.

6. 1516 AD – Treb takes off a hp at Edinburgh. 4/4 MDI kills 4/4 pike (redlined). A healthy pike rises to the top. 4/4 MDI flawlessly kills 4/4 pike. Move the healed knights to the front.

Find the straits of Magellan.

:wallbash: Portugal and the Netherlands have Naval Ordnance. Spain doesn’t. Sell Spain contact with Incans for 3g & TM. Very devalued.

Buy N.O. from the Dutch for 4gpt, 120G & WM. (Don’t need to give anything more to Portugal.)

Sell N.O. to Spain for Gunpowder, worker & WM. Could have got banking, but if we’re gonna be pirates, we’ll need saltpeter. Good news, if we can ever capture Edinburgh, there’s saltpeter on the hill directly south of the city.

Since we have to start researching Protestantism in 1527, there is no sense researching anything right now. Science goes to zero.

IBT – William demands WM & 4G. You puke! Put him in our book! Now cross out his name! :mwaha: Their military is about the same size as ours. Since I’m a little busy trying to capture Edinburgh at the moment, I give into the sleaze bag.
York: colonist=> colonist

7. 1517 AD – Some fellow over in Germany named Martin Luther has some grievances with the Catholic Church.

@ Edinburgh: Treb takes a HP off the defender. Yes, looks like only one!
4/4 knight kills ¾ pike (redlined) and the city finally falls. The city comes complete with five ticked off French looking Scotsmen, one slave, a barracks, a market and a court. Start a colonist.

Sail through the straits of Magellan and into the Pacific. This voyage will be very profitable. Our WM is worth a lot of money each turn. This time I get 54G.

We can get peace with France now, but I hold off in case of a flip. We presently can get a pretty good deal for peace.

IBT – Dublin is captured. So much for throwing the French out of the British Isles.

8. 1518 AD – Load a knight and a MDI on a carvel to recapture Dublin. Offload a pike/settler at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River.

Start hooking up the saltpeter.

Hold off sell the WM this time around, since Henry is being stingy.

Get a worker and WM from the Incans for CoL.

Have to bump lux up 10% due to unhappy people.

9. 1519 AD – Dublin is recaptured. MM cities to get Magellan’s in 10.

Make 16G sell WM. Iroquois have another worker, but that would make two, and I think that’s an exploit.

We can make peace with France and get Banking, 57G, 7GPT & WM for Naval Ordnance. I’ll hold off and let Pokiste make the call. I don’t like the idea of Edinburgh flipping.

IBT – Bristol: MDI=> Navigation School

10. 1520 AD – Sailing, working, sleeping.

After action report: There is a colonist on the northern tip of Scotland ready to found a city. The settler/pike pair is in position in the New World to form a colony.

Peace is the next player’s call. I think we need to make sure we don’t lose Edinburgh first.

Save: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads7/RBC14E_-_1520.zip

Pokiste – Up (Evening watch)
Bede – In the rack (Mid-watch)
Deceased Horse
Got it
There are some les known dialoges in Sir Francis Drake´s life.
Her is one:
-Dad! Please please sink Treasure Fleet on Sunday. But in saturday we can together visit grandmother and she will make us pancakes with grassberry jam.
-Yes my little daughter. Of course I can do it one day later.

What I trying to say, is that don´t expect my turns before sunday.
Pokiste said:
Got it
There are some les known dialoges in Sir Francis Drake´s life.
Her is one:
-Dad! Please please sink Treasure Fleet on Sunday. But in saturday we can together visit grandmother and she will make us pancakes with grassberry jam.
-Yes my little daughter. Of course I can do it one day later.

What I trying to say, is that don´t expect my turns before sunday.

Quoth Alice:
The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday—but never jam today.

You sailing the seas Pokiste? ;)
It takes awfully lot of time to dig into age of piracy. And surprise-surprise: Portugal capital is on Madeira. Nice choice.
And as I understood point number 2 in variant rules list is completed. Point number 1 is during my watch.
And some draft proposal to the House of Lords decision makers concerning point number 3.
*Our main colony ?belt? will be in Canada. If we are quick we can get gold in Black Hills and Furs. I have temptation to build naval base to Haiti and Cuba.

*Future naval campaign against Spain. Let?s do it like German navy did in WWII against England. With fast ships we can patrol in Pyrenees peninsula waters and intercept their treasure units without need to have permanent naval presence in Caribbean Sea.

*I wrote about temptation to build colonies in Haiti and Cuba. But at the moment there is no potential treasure building Spain colony at all. To get half VP-s from Spain treasures maybe we should let them build some colonies to Caribbean islands?
Gobibear rules say that half VP-s must come from piracy without mentioning any nations. If it is so I see no problems ;)

Preturn AD 1520 Her we go. And let?s give peace a chance. My fellow Scots people: calm down and join with your distilleries our alcohol and troubles export network.
And for 168g, WM and peace we get banking to. And for 6gpt and 230g and WM sell to France Ordonance. I saw no reason to hold it back.
Move pikeman to Edinburg.

1521 (1) York Colonist-musket. Upgrade on caravel to carrack.
Build Yorktown in Canada. Starts temple.
Build Port Royal in Scotland. We make now 53 gpt.

IT France longbow near Yorktown.

1522 (2) One senior naval officer (we will not mention his name her) is keelhauled, because he forgot to sell our WM around.
Carrack with colonist and pike starts toward Caribbean islands. Arrival due 6 turns.
Meet France settler in Brazil.
WM sales bring in 53g.

IT zzz

1523 (3) Peaceful England works and sails.
Portugal has metallurgy. We can?t afford it. 20g from WM sales

IT tzzzzzz

1524 (4) Edinburgh colonist-colonist. We make some gold selling WM

IT zzzzz
1525 (5)
York pike-pike

IT tzzzzz

1526 (6)
Carrack sails to new world. Spain has professional armies.

IT We meet huge Dutch fleet (3 frigates). If we compare, then our military is weak.

1527 (7)
Buy wine from Spain for saltpeter.
Start research Protestantism at 90% (13 turns).

IT Dutch fleet shows flag.

1528 (8)
Our first frigate leaves dock at Plymouth. Starts harbor.
Use frigate to block Gibraltar straits and slow down Dutch movement.
Edinburgh colonist-harbor.
Pike and colonist land in Haiti.

IT zzzz

1529 (9)
Things started to happen.
We build Norfolk in Haiti. It is corrupt.
London builds Magellan?s voyage and GA starts. London starts frigate.
Dutch has Protestantism.
I will not stop research, as I understood from Gobibear rules we must research it. Not buy....We will have it in 7 turns. It?s means revolution during GA. What a bad luck....
And there is possibility to make twofer buying Prof.armies from Portugal for Iron, WM and 408 gold. And possibly sell it to Dutch for metallurgy. Deal will leave 240 to treasury what is money we need to pay for 7 turns remaining research. But there is very high possibility, that this profitable deal will delay our Protestantism research.

Reef a sails. Anchor. We stop her because legal and moral problem. Problem is next: can we delay our Protestantism research because so we can save unknown number turns of GA we will waste otherwise during revolution. I have feeling that this can be counted as exploit and is against Gobibear?s variant rule number two. But I?m not sure, so I leave it open for discussion.

And I think that, after we make decision is my watch over and it?s Bede?s turn to take command in the bridge.

Best regards
Quoth :
May not research Protestantism until 1527. Starting in 1527, must research Protestantism. Once learned, establish a Protestant Monarchy. Once in that government, must start building the Luther's Theses wonder.

Doesn't say anything about pacing research. I'm inclined to delay research until end of GA.

Opinions from other captains, please.
I'm okay with you guys taking it slow on Protestantism ... but you can't switch and research anything else!
Aye, aye Sir Gobi Bear (Honorary Gentlemen Freebooter)
Got it

Play tomorrow.
Captain Bede takes command
First step is to slow research pace on Protestanism to tiem end of GA with regime change
Shift some citizens around to get turns off Navigation School.
Look around for a good site for a Luther prebuild and find we don't have one. So make a strategic decision that since Luther was a German Protestant and England will be High Church Anglican that the theses is a good project for the Calvinists in Edinburgh.

Pay a courtesy call on our fellow future Protestant WIlliam of Orange and sign an RoP. He has already had his revelation towards Puritanism and is in anarchy on his way to a Protestant Moanrchy. The Netherlands will become our firm ally against the grasping Spanish

Aztecs start Temple of the Sun

T1 1530
Colonists and pike set out for New World aiming for treasueless island off the coast of Spanish Florida .Colonist in New World follws St Lawrence valley towards Gitchigummee.
Build an embassy with our friends the Iroquois.
Renew the iron deal with Henry of Portugal as he is keeping Spain busy.
Peddle maps around for groats.
Drake's caravel in the Pacific heads for Magellan's Strait

Anarchy has addled William as enters the Spanish Portugese war on the side of Spain. He also starts Luthers95.

T2 1531
Our South Maerican explorer is trapped by the Maya city blocking Panama and runs into Aruac tribesmen
Carrack from Bristol sets sail for Ivory Coast.

Aztecs start Temple of Moon.
Our blockade of the English Channel has holes in it as Dutch frigate slips by on way to Portugal

T3 1532
Sailing to Africa and the New World.

Iroquois come calling wanting maps so we trade even up.

Navigation School completes in Bristol.

Edinburgh finishes harbor and the canny Scots start a bank

T4 1533
Sailing, trekking and building banks in the home island

Iroquois join the Dutch against the Portugese.

T5 1534
Dutch beat us to Newfoundland

Sell Henry horses for 15g and 5gpt and hope he keeps the Spanish busy

T6 1535
Drop colonist and knight at mouth of St Lawrence
Found Toronto at head of Great Lakes.
Start trapper camp in Yorktown

Henry the Navigator wants us to betray our friends the Iroquois. Sell him an RoP and get his territory map plus 12g,
Carib galleys attack our carrack in the Caribbean and sink promoting the carrack
T7 1536
Found Cobh in west Ireland..
Land colonist and pike on Ivory Coast
T8 1537
Found Williamsburg at the mouth of the St Lawrence
Found Kingston on Caribbean isle
Found Freetown on the Ivory Coast for ivory and slaves
Spanish take Madeira from Portugal. Capitol is now in Cape Verde
T9 1539
Banks complete and our income takes a 66% jump.
T10 1540
Not much to report. Pick up explorer marooned on coast of S America and take him to Mississippi Valley.

Freetown needs its harbor rushed. There is a trapper camp acitve at Yorktown and a carrack waiting delivery of the first shipment of fine beaver from Canada. The Iroquois are moving through Sault Ste Marie to the south of Lake Superior. The north shore (the Norwegian Riviera) is still open for settlement. There is a colonist on hand in Jamestown to claim a spot NW of Toronto. Discovered that colonists cannot build in forests, but there is a grassland next to another furs site just off the lake. King Henry VIII will be ready to divorce Kathereine of Aragorn in 1550 and establish the Church of England just after the GA ends, so be ready. We want to learn Protestantism right at 1549 and there is room to do that.

Bede – Eating mid-rats
Tex - on the Gulf until 26th
Deceased Horse - up
Bugs - on deck
Things are looking up. After Protestantism we need to beeline to piracy.
If the Dutch beat you to Luther's Theses, is that a loss? I guess perhaps not, the special rules were just to work on it as soon as possible.

Still, it would at least lose you a few "style points".
An internet explorer crash ate my turnlog, so here's a summary: We traded for Colonization and Metalurgy. We are paying a heft sum of GPT out as a result. Founded another Colony in Canada, and our first treasure unit is ready for transport. We have just begun a six turn anarchy :mad: and London faces the prospect of either rioting or starving. The Portuguese are at war with practically every other civ; both the Spanish and French tried to get us into MA's versus Henry as well. Mining, Fortification, Piracy, and Professional Armies are known to other civs. Our frigate blockading the strait of Gibralter defeated the first pirate ship seen so far, but is returning home to England to get the damage those scurvy dogs inflicted on it repaired. Our treasury is running a -57 defceit thanks to the anarchy period. Colonial Capital is under construction in Edinburgh. Explorers were chopped up and the pieces used to cut build times down in a couple of cities. Harbor in freetown was rushed. The portuguese will buy saltpeter from us for a fairly decent sum, but I'm not sure how much longer Henry has on this earth, so think twice before making the trade.

Yo ho ho and a bottle of Rum
Colonial capital pre-build for Theses?

Good call on trading with Henry. He doesn't have much time left, or many cities with harbors.

A suggestion:
If Henry survives long enough and we have enough troops. Ally with the French and capture Cape Verde and another ville in Africa. Then let the other nations finish him off. Those two spots would make great staging posts for naval and land campaigns againstv the Spanish.

Tex - on the Gulf until 26th
Deceased Horse - kicked the Pope out
Bugs - gets to found the CoE UP
I've got it. So priorities are:
Found Church of England
Write 95 Theses. That can't be that hard if we're going to be able to nail them to the church door.
Figure out how to hire privateers.
Hire privateers.
We'll need to figure out where the Dutch are building the Theses. They have a large head start, the Demi-God cost factor, and the advantage of us being in an anarchy period, and our best city (London) could not really prebuild since there was nothing for it to use as a prebuild. The Dutch cities are not particularly strong producers, and Edinburgh has mined iron it can use, so there is still a shot. Bristol or London are our other options. If we can't beat the dutch to the wonder, we can just let Edinburgh finish the Colonial Capital since I assume (I only played this scenerio with V 1.0 before, so building any kind of FP was a mistake) that the Colonial Capital operates like a normal Forbidden Palace, so building it in a second-ring city is usually the best choice.
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