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RBC14E English Freebooters

Spanish treasure fleet sets sail from Cuba sails past Kingston and into South Atlantic heading for

Azores Fleet consisits of 3 MoW and a galleon.

Henry the Navigator calls and wants to renew the RoP. Done.

Lots of Kongo pikes appear out of the African jungles.

Bombard treasure fleet with no impact. Frigates take up station to south and east of fleet.

Seadogs in Atalntic attempt to set up mulitple intercept course north and west of Azores.

As anticipated the Spanairds head for Madeira

Frigates move to block access to coast of Madeira, lobbing cannonballs in passing and wound a MoW

Spanish MenOWar sail out of Lisbon and sink a Dutch ship and a Sea Dog. Treasure fleet sails north

along coast and encounters a French frigate which sinks a ManoWar and delays the fleet movement

Frigate sails in and bombards treasure fleet, damaging ManoWar. Sea Dog strikes and sinks ManOWar.

Sea Dog attacks from Atlantic, cripples ManOwar but sinks. Sea dog attacks, captures Galleon, a

pike, a musket and two treaures. Galleon heads up French coast escorted by Sea Dog. Crippled

Spanish ManOWar sinks Sea Dog but next Sea Dog sinks the MoW and sails north to join treasure ship

escort. Two more Sea Dogs and a Frigate create picquet around Lisbon to force SPanish MenOWar out

to sea. Oporto is blockaded by French frigate.

Mayflower sets sail up coast to follow Great Circle Route across Atlantic.

Remainder of freebooters sail west to set up picquet at Panama City.

Portugal reneges on the Spanish alliance.

A Spanish treasure fleet sets sail from Vera Cruz heading for the Spanish Main (3 Frigates and a


France reneges on the Spanish alliance.

We learn how to build MenOWar!! shut off research

Jamestown riots...

French start NewtonU

Aztecs complete Temple of Kukulcan

Spanish treasure galleon reaches London safely(2)

Plymouth builds first ManOWar.skip the cathedral build as the cessation of research gives us plenty

of income to work with and the Thirty-Nine Articles (95 Theses) are due in London in 3.

Spend earnings from Spanish treasure rushing Sea Dogs and a ManOWar.

Position fleets in Atlantic and the Iberian coast to hit the treasure fleet.

Spanish MenOWar sortie out of Lisbon to reinforce treasure fleet which scurries for cover in Panama


Two loads of furs from the Hudson Bay Compnay delivered to London (English furs 3/Spanish Treasures


Setting up freebooter fleet to take or wound spanish treasure fleet. There is a pack of wolves at

the Azores to take the cripples.

Renew Dutch RoP staright up.

Sign RoP with France straight up

Spanish treasure fleet leaves Panama City and enters Spanish Main. It was upgraded at Panama City

to 3 MoW and a Galleon

Wolf pack partially closes the pass between Azores and Madeira (5 Sea Dogs, a MoW, 2 Frigates).

There are two Sea Dogs and a MoW in reerve at Oporto.

Thirty-Nine Articles(95 Theses) are written and published in London.

Spanish sortie three MenOWar out of Madeira, two sink and the third sinks a Sea Dog

Spanish treasure fleet sails through gap. It is reachable by the wolf pack.

HMS Hammer(frigate) and Anvil(MoW) weaken Spanish MenOWar. Wolf pack moves in for the kill. Four

Sea Dogs attack, three are sunk, the fourth captures a Spanish ManOWar(converted to Sea Dog) which

immediately attacks, damages a MoW but sinks. Next Sea Dog attacks and captures another MoW, the

new sea dog attacks and captures the treasure galleon. The last Spanish MoW in the fleet is sunk by

the Sea Dog that captured the first Spanish MoW. There is one Spanish MoW left in the area.

There is another Spanish fleet heading out from Vera Cruz

The elite knight attacks Mexico City and Henry VIII appears. Now how does he get home?

Maya and Iroquois sign a Peace Treaty

Another Spanish Treasure fleet appears in the pass at the Azores

Patrolling wolf packs on the east coast uncover another Spanish fleet heading north of the Spanish

Main. The Spainards may be altering their track. Sea Dogs shadow.

The frigates in the Azores pack bombard the Spanish fleet in the pass and HMS Vulcan(MoW) sails in

and sinks a Spaniard. HMS Anvil is sunk in another attack on the Spaniards. Sea Dog golden Hind

moves in on the exposed Galleon and captures it.

A Spanish fleet is on the coast of Portugal heading north. It could be a treasure fleet returning

to the Americas or.... it could be the precursor to the Spanish Armada!!

Decide to take no chances and kill a ManOWar and cripple the galleon. The battle takes two Sea

Dogs.After battle the fleet sails west to intercept the next Spanish treasure fleet.

Treasure delivered to London. (Totals:Hudson Bay Company 3/Spain 3).

HMS Sea Wolf sinks one Spanish MoW and captures another in the Azores Pass.

Iroquois and Netherlands declare on the Portugese.

Attack Spanish fleet in Virginia waters and capture treasure galleon. Surviving Sea Dog and galleon

take refuge in Jamestown

Blockade the coast of the Bay of Biscay.

Spainards break the line and land treasure.

Netherlands attempts amphib assault on Lisbon with a single MDI, fail

Regrouping fleet and sailing into the North Atlantic to run a circular search pattern for Spanish

fleets. Northwest then west south then east to the Spanish Main.

I suspect the next treasure fleet will return to the southern route. The Mayflower is loaded with

Hudson Bay Furs, there is a Spanish galleon with two Spanish treasures sailing in company. The two

treasure ships will hit the coast in 1, Treasure will have to be unloaded by lighter to keep it

safe from marauders.

Sink the remnants of the Armada

Tactical considerations:
Spanish fleets consistently appear in squadrons of four (3 MoW and the galleon). Head on attacks by Sea Dogs usually don't succeed and the sea dogs are lost, which increases the Spanish score. With three MoW and two Sea Dogs the galleon can be captured and losses minimized. Bombard the MoW until the galleon appears in defense. Then attack with the first Sea Dog. If that attack succeeds the galleon is captured, if it doesn't but the Sea Dog survives, immediately follow up with the second Sea Dog, and press the attack until the galleon is captured. MoW have defensive bombardment and I only saw one Sea DOg retreat after lsoing a skirmish.

If a fleet gets past the Azores it will follow the coast north to the Bay of Biscay. As long as there are warships in the coastal waters between Plymouth and the Bay there will be second and third chances to capture. If it reaches the coast on the border of Spain and France it immediately off-loads and sets sail for the west again. If there is a galleon in Plymouth with three muskets in it it is possible to reach the landing spot and try to capture the treasure on land with an amphib landing.

Maps follow

Three cheers for Captain Bede!

Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

Cheers are in order for Sir Bugsy for sinking the First Spanish Ship.

All of London is buszzng about new promotions! From this day forth, Sir Bugsy will be the Admiral of the Red and Bede will be the Admiral of the White. We shall see if Potiste can claim the title of Admiral fo the Blue or if 6thGenTexan or Deceased Horse will claim that title. The greater question is which Admiral will be named Admiral of the Fleet?

After reading the dispatches form the Atlantic:

Sir Bugsy: 4 Frigates, 3 Man-o-Wars
Bede: 3 Spanish Treasures, 4 Galleons, 1 Frigate, 10 Man-o-War's

Although Admiral Bede has a clear lead at this point, inaccurate repoarting, ie. "Sink the remnants of the Armada", may cause the High Admiralty to choose someone else as Admiral of the Fleet.
Huzzah!!! Admiral Sir Bede has broken the code!!

Who cares who has sunk more?!! It is all for the glory of Britain and the Glory of our Queen!
6thGenTexan said:
Three cheers for Captain Bede!

Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

Cheers are in order for Sir Bugsy for sinking the First Spanish Ship.

All of London is buszzng about new promotions! From this day forth, Sir Bugsy will be the Admiral of the Red and Bede will be the Admiral of the White. We shall see if Potiste can claim the title of Admiral fo the Blue or if 6thGenTexan or Deceased Horse will claim that title. The greater question is which Admiral will be named Admiral of the Fleet?

After reading the dispatches form the Atlantic:

Sir Bugsy: 4 Frigates, 3 Man-o-Wars
Bede: 3 Spanish Treasures, 4 Galleons, 1 Frigate, 10 Man-o-War's

Although Admiral Bede has a clear lead at this point, inaccurate repoarting, ie. "Sink the remnants of the Armada", may cause the High Admiralty to choose someone else as Admiral of the Fleet.

The Admiral of the Red and his predecessors provided the means. Without ships and well placed patrols the victories against the Spanish would not have been possible.

Honor demands that I take umbrage at the unfounded accusation by jealous rivals of "inaccurate reporting". In reviewing the files on hand in the Admiralty I find no intelligence regarding Spanish ships remaining in the Bay of Biscay. If there are any they were obscured by the flames and smoke of battle. :smug:

There are Spanish ships at sea, but none threatening "the sceptered isle", and treasure and flags for all.
Gentlemen. This is Admiralty war diary. There are no changes in text since it was started....

Age of captains seems over and age of admirals has started. Some sentences from Admiral Pokiste speech to his captains at London Admiralty Building:
?Gentleman. We don?t need just ships anymore. We need fleets. Our predecessors left us good knowledge about enemy?s transport routes and tactics. If we build bigger fleet and collect better intelligence then our campaign aim can?t be less then shutting down all Spanish traffic at Atlantic.?

Preturn: move scout to iron hill near Rio to spy on possible Spanish Treasure fleet near African coast.

IT Dutch Fleet passes by.

1581 Three treasures arrives London. We have now 789 g in bank. (total 4 Hudson bay and 5 Spain.. Nice.) Rush ships: 3 seadogs and 1 MoW will leave shipyards next turn. Two seadogs this year. Upgrade last frigate. Rush harbors in Kingston and Norfolk.
Fleet combat orders: Form Taskforce at patrol area south-west form Canary islands with orders intercept and capture Spanish transports coming from New World and Africa.
7 ships wait next turn near Oporto. 1 Seadog scouts near Panama city.

IT We lose 3 ships to Spanish navy. And Dutch lose three MoW and 1 galleon. Argh.
Two Spanish fleets sail nearby. One probably full of pistols. I think that ?no intelligence regarding Spanish ships? and ?If there are any they were obscured by the flames? were not completely correct. Admiralty starts large-scale overhaul and keelhaul in intelligence department.
And one Spanish MoW seen near Rio.

1582 There are Spanish ships near Brest. Three MoW and galleon. Four our MoWs damage escorts and then Seadog attacks Elite!!! Galleon. And sinks. And Spanish MoW are up again in stack. Hate it....
Fifth MoW attacks and sinks. And Seadog attacks and sinks.
We are damned say?s somebody in crew. Now is it personal and I shall go till bitter end if needed.
Seadog enslaves MoW. And elite galleon is up again. There are two units available: new regular Seadog and 2hp veteran Seadog. Regular attacks, takes down 1 hp and sinks. Veteran attacks, takes down 1 hp and sinks.
Everything is in one card now. And our last available Seadog sinks under Spanish ship artillery fire.
We have lost 6 ships.
Altogether 9 ships in this turn. And as we have lost possibility stop treasure we stop here. Spain has lost 1 ship and has 22120 VP. We have 14075.
Mourning in London.
Her some paragraphs form Churchill speech in 1940: We shall not flag nor fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight on the seas and oceans; we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be; we shall fight on beaches, landing grounds, in fields, in streets and on the hills.

Rush two seadogs. More ships will be built next turn. Lets try again.

IT Spanish Treasure fleet passes Kingston heading west. Another fleet leaves Spain to south. Some Dutch movement.

1583 War weariness everywhere. I can understand all and every protester. If naval war with Spain continues as during previous turns, the future of protestant monarchy will be dark. Rush 3 Seadogs. Furs for wine to France.
Seadog shadows Treasure fleet heading west form Kingston.
Killergalleon is still at sea, covered by two MoWs. Two MoWs damage Spanish MoW. Seadog attacks again Killergalleon. And sinks. As usually. And second seadog sinks. MoW sinks redlined Spanish MoW. Loses 2hp. What a hell is going on. 2-1 Spaniards are still ahead.
MoW sinks Spanish MoW. 2-2.
Killergalleon is alone and redlined. Our seadog sinks it. This ship was EMPTY.
Final score 3-2. We make some progress. Altogether: during last two turns we have lost 12 ships. Spain 3. We have 5 available warships. Two are at dock.

IT Spanish MoW sinks another our MoW. 13-3. Spanish Treasure fleet near Madeira. Another fleet in the middle of Channel and heads east.
Our scout near Rio is wasted.

Landing operation?!
Wake musketmans in Mayflower and send them to London and York.
Seadog sinks redlined MoW. 13-4.
Our MoWs, cannon and Trebuchet bombard Spanish fleet. Galleon appears in stack. Seadog attacks and sinks. 14-4. Seadog sinks MoW 14-5. Seadog enslaves MoW. 14-6. And Seadog sinks MoW.14-7.
Redlined galleon sinks our Seadog. 15-7. No. Wrong. Galleon sinks 2 Seadogs. 16-7
And finally: our veteran Seadog sends this damned galleon to hell. 16-8.
We have 5 available warships. 3 are in dock.
And war weariness is increasing...
And we can?t afford peace for 20 turns.
Rush MoW and 2 Seadogs.
Make peace with Maya.

IT Spanish privateer sinks our Seadog shadowing Treasure fleet. 17-8

Warwearines more then 50% everywhere. 6 ships at sea near Oporto to try luck (what this?) with Treasure fleet. Rush 2 Seadogs.

IT zzzzzzz. Some Dutch fleet movement.
Spanish pirate passes by.... Good.

Unrest in London. And Treasure fleet near Oporto. 11 ships are ready to attack. Her we go again.
After some bombardment galleon appears. And elite Seadog opens fire... Galleon sinks. EMPTY. 17-9.
Privateer sinks Seadog. 18-9. Seadog sinks Privateer. 18-10. Will not fight with MoWs to save Seadogs.
Rush 2 seadogs.

IT Spanish fleet sinks 2 seadogs. 20-10.
Dutch make peace with Spain.

Seadog enslaves MoW. 20-11. Seadog sinks MoW. 20-12.

Spain has 24360 VP. We have 14530.

I will play my last turns tomorrow. It's to late today.
Kepp heart Admiral Pokiste! The gods of war will bless us soon.
Seadog enslaves MoW. 20-11 Seadog sinks MoW 20-12.
Rush MoW and Seadog.
Mayflower brings one treasure from Hudson Co. Now we have 5 from Hudson and 5 from piracy.

Change of tactics: to avoid unwanted interturn casualties move fleet away form Spanish coast. From 20 lost ships 6 sunk during interturn attacks. This number is too high. New operations area is near Spanish Main route. New repair bases will be Kingston and Norfolk.
Move knight and leader in Africa to north with aim reestablish observation post near Rio.

IT Leader in Africa is killed by Spanish archer. Iros land in Panama.

Spanish treasure fleet prepares landing near Madrid. Prepare 3 muskets for landing. Main fleet heads to Spanish Main. Mayflower heads to New World.
Rush 3 Seadogs and 1 MoW.

IT Spanish fleet sinks 4 our MoWs and one Seadog. We sink one MoW. 25-13.

Remaining 3 damaged ships form so-called Main Fleet will try to reach Norfolk.
During battle near London we lose 4 Seadogs. Spain loses 1 MoW. 29-14. Spanish fleet probably prepares landing in Scotland. God save the Queen.
Rush 2 Seadogs.
BTW: our Knight in Africa is killed.

IT All ships are floating after this IT. I think this is good news at moment.
Iros are defeated near Panama.
We sink MoW near London. Seadog enslaves MoW near London. Seadog sinks galleon. 29-17.
Our Fleet is divided into two weak squadrons: one in Caribbean sea and second in England.

To next player: avoid Spanish coast. We have lost there 12 ships during interturns. Our main tactics should be interceptions at Spanish Main. One ship must start patrols near African coast to give early warning for intecept. We have 2 treasures ready in America and 2 in Norfolk.

Total: lost 29 ships, including 10 MoWs. Enemy: 17 ships. Including 3 galleons. What is now second result after Bedes 18 kills. :D
Captured treasures: O
We have 15775 VP. Spain has 25170.
To win we need capture 10 treasures.

I hope that I have consumed all our bad luck.

Rear admiral Pokiste. Retired. :suicide:

And again: avoid Spanish coast
Truly, it is a dark time for all of England. We have faced dark times before, my countrymen, and surely shall again in the future! We shall never give up, never surrender, and defend our lovely home with to our last breaths! We shall fight the Spanish dogs all over the world, and we shall drive them back! Our MDI shall make amphibious assaults and steal their plunder (they have a higher attack and are cheaper than muskets!)! We shall sound a call all over Europe, asking that our bretheren aid us in our struggle against this dark tide of evil, this unholy crusade! (This may be a dangerous gamble; if the Spanish actually win and/or take cities from the other European powers, they will get a lot of VP.) Let them send their Armadas against us, we shall meet them on the high seas, and should they stray near our homes, we shall welcome them with cannon fire (If the Spanish are right on our doorstep, some land-based artillery will help even the odds) God save the Queen! God save the queen!
6thGenTexan-Call to Quarters
Deceased Horse-Waiting Admiralty orders
Sir Bugsy-Admiral of the Red
Bede-Admiral of the Green
Pokiste-Admiral of the White

Looks like Spain is changing tactics. Sailing north then west to the Caribbean. Unless a Spanish fleet directly threatens the coast let it sail west.

Good call on the artilllery, DH. Weaken 'em in our coastal waters then sink the MoW.

Way to keep up the pressure, Pokiste.
Bede wrote: Looks like Spain is changing tactics. Sailing north then west to the Caribbean.
My comments:
I belive that three fleets I sunk where in reality invasionfleets not treasurefleets. They appeared in radar near Pyrenee peninsula and took course to England. And turned east. Not west. Last Spanish fleet was sunken near London and it headed north-east.
And treasures travel via Spanish Main. Even if Spain uses Northern route to send ships to Carribiean then return anyway with cargo via Spanish Main

Finding ally's is not that easy. Dutch asked for gpt payment and same where France. We should before signing alliance evaluate their military might.

On more idea: when all ships where busy near Spanish coast I took risk and send Mayflower form New World to England unescorted. Result: Spain send one Privateer to intercept. And this Privateer showd no interest to our warships during interturn and where sunk during next turn. Mayflower acted as bait. If we have will have in future bigger navy maybe we can use this tacticks to reduce Spanish navy. But not yet. First we need strong sqadron at Spanish Main ( at least 15 vessels) and spyship near Rio.
Best regards
Unfortunately a sick child prevented me from adding Spanish Oak to the bottom of the sea yesterday. I did have time to look around at a few things and have a few questions.
Are the 2 treasures in the Spanish Galleon in Norfolk captured or are they from our gold mine there and are waiting a trip home?
Where is Spain getting its saltpeter? I see some in their borders in Sount America, but I did not see a native source for them. Is someone trading salt to them? It may be one of the civs demanding GPT to ally against Spain. Do the MOWs and Frigates require salt?

I should be able to play tonight.
Treasures are from our goldmine.
I sold Spain some salpeter during my first round at the year 1527. There is mine near France border. MoWs need salt. Good plan Tex:goodjob:!!
I'm thinking resource denial is a better use of our muskets. Dropping them off next to Madrid to slow/prevent treasure ladings is suicidal. We may capture the treasure but will not survive to get it home again. I'll head out to keep them from the salt.
1590 State of the Navy
4 SD monitoring traffic from Carribean west
2SD repairing in Norfolk
1MoW of Eastern Seaboard of America
Mayflower in Jamestown
2SD and a MoW repairing in London
2MoW, SD and 3 muskets on a Galleon in Plymouth

Sortie out a MoW from Plymouth and bombard a SMoW off the coast of Brest.
Rush the MoW in Bristol.
France is given 21GPT as long as they will fight the Spanish.

IBT Renu RoP with Portugal. French complete Newtons in Paris. Iroquois Carrack heading across the Atlantic.

1591-1 Wounded MoW limps back into Kingston for repairs. Galleon ferrys workers to Norfolk. MoW bombs Panama City on the way to the Spanish Main. 2 SD stay in Norfolk for repairs and another pair remain in London. Move one SD to station near Cape Verde Islands to see in the Spanish are bringing treasure from Africa or South America. 4 MoW and a SD protect the Galleon dropping off the 3 Muskets on the Spanish Salt. They move back to be 6 leagues from the nearest Spanish Port. I notice that the Spanish have destroyed the French Salt mines. I spend our gold on the Temple in Kingston to expand our border to see more Spanish waters.

IBT Spain drops off a Treasure.

1592-2 Two American Colonies decide to riot. York SD-->Cathedral Dublin SD-->SD Williamsburg Harbor-->SD Kingston Temple-->MoW Moving 2 SD and a Mow to take up station S of the Canary Islands. The French archers have cleared the Spanish out of the Pyrenees Mountains. I decide to attack the treasure and the 95TH Rifles defeat the Spanish Muskets. Hei is covered by another vet and a regular unit. Our Fleet 4 MoW and 5 SD protect the beach and destroyed the Salt mine. Rush the temple in Norfolk.

IBT Spanish MOW sinks our SD near the Cape Verde Islands and continues South. Wounded Mow arrives in Oporto. An Elite MoW approachs our Fleet.

1593-3 Edinburgh SD-->MoW Norfolk Temple-->MoW MoW bombards wounded Spanish and a SD sends him to the deep. Our fleet goes 3 for 4 on the bombardment but the Spanish ship has lost all its masts. Our regular SD goes in and gains the experience sinking him. Treasure heads to London escorted by 2 SD. Move Fleet out to see to far for the Spanish to attack and return to a friendly port. Muskets return to claim Salt Hill.
I swap most of the American colonies over to Barracks. We are in a position to keep treasure from the Spanish. We will need to attack some of their colonies to catch up in VP's.

IBT Spanish Pirate attacks our MoW South of the Canary Islands and dies.

1594-4 London Frigate, MoW-->MoW Plymount SD-->MDI Calverton Barrack-->MDI Frigate Upgraded to MoW. Deliver Spanish Treasure. Start journey of native treasure from Toronto. 5 MoW and 7 SD are patroling NW of the Iberian Peninsula. One MoW and 2 SD are south of the Canary Islands and 2 SD are on the west side of the Spanish Main. Wounded SD and Mow are arriving in Norfolk.

IBT Spain is denied a chance of peace then loses a MoW to our Fleet.

1595-5 Yorktown Barrack-->MDI Victor from fight returns to Plymouth but replacement arrives. Rush the Cathedral in York and Temple on Roanoke.

IBT Renue RoP with the Dutch and French.

1596-6 York Cathedral-->MDI Roanoke Temple-->Barrack Rush Barrack in Toronto.

IBT Spanish Treasure fleet heads to Africa.

1597-7 Dublin, Cobh SD-->SD Tornoto Barrack-->MDI Return native Treasure. Move Fleet to Spanish coast to see if there are any ships hiding in port. The 95th Rifles and 2 cannons arrive on Salt Hill allowing the 2 muskets to start pillaging. Rush Barrack in Roanoke and MDIs in Yorktown and Edinburgh.

IBT Bristol riots.

1598-8 Roanoke joins Yorktown and Edinburgh building MDI. Rush MDI in Plymouth and Calverton. Split Fleet to start bombardment of Spanish coast. Still Following Treasure Fleet off of Africa. The Dutch have several Treasure Fleets in operation but we have twice the VP's.


1599-9 London Frigate,MoW-->MDI Plymouth and Calverton continue to produce MDI. Upgrade Frigate.

IBT Lose one of my pillagers.

1600-10 York MDI-->MDI Bristol MoW-->cathedral I think the Treasure Fleet arrived at La Paz. WE have 2 MoW and 3 SD covering that area. They will have to pass the rest of our ships to get home. I attacked St.Augustine (Greenland) with a MoW and 2 MDI. All were successful but a 2HP Musket remains with 2 HP MDI. We will need more Galleons but not sure who to rush them.

I overestimated the challenge of landing in Spain. They did not even come out to look at us until I was south of Madrid. Bring at least 3 MDI to attack a colony. The only Spanish Navy I know of is in an African Port. We are about to totally prevent the Spanish from returning any more treasure. At that point I say return one of ours for every colony we capture. We have several sitting in Norfolk now.

We have shown the Spanish the power of our ships, now lets show them the strength of our marines.

The Game
Admiral Tex, your time in command of Her Majesty's Royal Navy has been one of great Success. You shall hereafter be known as Admiral Sir Texan, Admiral of the Blue.

Sounds like we have subtlety made a strategy shift. While half of our treasure VP will come from Spanish treasure, it sounds like we are adding some conquest points as well. So here's the question. Should we sack treasure producing Spanish colonies? or just non-producers like Greenland?

BTW, I got it. Expect dispatches by late evening Pacific time.
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