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Realistic Starting Nations Scenario v1.1

I'll have to try turning the animations off the other nations. I'd really like to finish the game. I am playing the Romans and really got squeezed in Europe. I'm just as advanced as everybody else (more so in most cases), but am ranked above only the Africans and Japanese. I just started colonizing the Americas (Egypt and I are the only ones there at this point), but I really underestimated the barbarian presense.

As for the map size for a future version, the 180x180 is probably required to keep the detail. Don't know how my computer would handle it though.

In the meantime, I broke open the editor tonight for the first time and created my own 100x100 map w/ 5 civ.'s. I tried to set up similar situation where all the civ.'s start on one side of the map and have to cross ocean to get to the other half of the map. Haven't messed with the civ. settings yet, i'm going to try it with default rules first.

Has no historical significance which takes some of the fun out, but I'll give it a go:)

Happy New Year!
For he who asked, Greenland WAS much greener and more fertile when it was first colonized. That was proven by archaeological digs on the former Viking sites.


I think it is stupid that hills are just hills no matter where they are in the middle of: jungles, deserts, forests, etc. A hill in the Sahara desert, for example, does NOT produce food the same way a hill does in the middle of Europe.
Erm.....this may be just a stupid newbie question, but i downloaded the map and read the read-me file attached and it says to copy the saves and scenarios folders to the Civ 3 folder. Wont this copy over the existing saves/scenarios folders? And can you rename the folders so they dont? Sorry for being so dumb.:confused:
just copy the files from the folders to the existing folders.

that's how i did it and it works fine

Just a very quick and minor question please - what was your thinking regarding the removal of aluminium from New Zealand? It happens to be quite a major product of the country...:confused:
Enough to supply an entire civilisation in the modern era? COMEON!

Australia is by far the largest supplier about 2.5 times larger than its main competitors in northern South America...I'm pretty sure that Jamaica is more significant by far than New Zealand in terms of aluminium production.

My information may not be very recent but I am sure I am right in playing down the significance -if any- of New Zealand's aluminium deposits.
Just a word about balance. . .

Japan has NO chance to do anything on that island, especially if China is in the game.

I suggest you give Japan FOUR free tech advances in the Editor, and one of them should be map making. Thus, Japan MAY have a chance to be more than a minor island country.
May I confirm that people are talking bollox when they say that New Zealand has any substantive aluminium ore deposits e.g BAUXITE.

Why posters in apolyton AND civfanatics have this notion I can't imagine...

Kitten is correct in New Zealand we dont have much (if any) bauxite deposits from which aluminium is produced.

However, the nor east coast of Australia is very rich in bauxite and they ship it here to a production plant (Comalco) which churns out alot of aluminium (like BigDog said). I think the plant was set up here in the 1980's when we were booming and had cheap labour costs (bound to other cost factors... im a geologist not an economist :) )

Anyway, the point is do you have the aluminium where the ore deposits are (NE Aussie) or where it is produced (top of NZ)?

hope that is of some help
some ideas about the "AI settles on every damn tundra/desert tile"-problem. what about increasing the foodrequirements per citizen up to 3 instead of two. than reduce food in the desert to zero. not allowing to irrigate. increase food on plains and normal terrain to 2/3 adding a higher bonus for irrigation. this also prevents AI from building cities on forest/tundra combinations.
so the standard 2 food per city tile wont be enough for a city.

ill try this later on. i just had this idea while reading the entire thread .-)


Please post the results of your experiment. I would be very interested in knowing how well your idea works. I'm not sure if it's possible to change the food requirements of a citizen, but if it is, this sounds pretty good.

I suspect the AI will still be able to build cities on tundra and deserts, but the cities will not be able to grow past size one...

I just tried something like what hanZ suggested. It works, sort of. The only changes I did was: Make sure tundra had 0 food, and then upped all the other terrain that currently produces food up by one (grasslands 3, plains 2, etc.). And you can change the food consumption per citizen (under the general settings), changed it to 3. You still start with just 2 in your starting square, though. This sucked under despositism (until you irrigate some tiles), even on grassland the city was limited to 2. So definetly need to either add even more food or give irrigation bonuses, like he said. However, planting on all tundra starves the one citizen! So if your capital is there, you lose at 3950 B.C.
Paul, you scenario is truly a work of art. I love it! :D.

I'd just like to suggest 'handicapping' Babylon too. They never developed to much more than a city state, let alone an empire reaching from Saudi Arabia to Finland.

Other than that, terrific. I really enjoy this one.
hi everyone:

just noticed this "bug" if you will - after I ran rsn.bat and created rsn2.sav and entered the game. I can no longer change my current researching technology in the tech advisor. Also, right click on the technology in the technology tree will not bring up the civpedia entry.

anyone has a similar problem? Should I be using a particular version of patch for this? My CDROM drive does not support the safedisc so I had to crack it, could that have anything to do with it?


just noticed this "bug" if you will - after I ran rsn.bat and created rsn2.sav and entered the game. I can no longer change my current researching technology in the tech advisor. Also, right click on the technology in the technology tree will not bring up the civpedia entry.

This is a well known problem with v1.07f, anytime you use the editor to change the rules this happens. It's been fixed with v1.16f which you can find in the General Forum.
Paul, I just wanted to thank you for the great map! It reminds me of playing Civ 2, which is great.

However, I wanted to say that you CAN play a great game with France on this map. I'm currently playing France and it is going just fine. You can also have Britain (Celts) and others, too and have quite an enjoyable game. In fact, I'm playing with 14 civs and it is going great. My scenario reflects the struggle between colonial powers versus ancient civilizations and tribal peoples.

Here is the list of civs I'm using:

China (never build "happiness")
India (never build "science")
Egypt (never build "workers")
Greece (never build "settlers")
Iran (never build "settlers")
Ethiopia (never build "settlers")
Iroquois (never build "settlers")
Aztecs (never build "settlers")

I keep all of the handicapped civs (except China and India) from building most kinds of city improvements that are not related to their civ characteristics. The civs that never build settlers end up with only one city each. However, Ethiopia often gets two or three cities because it is "expansionist" and more likely to get settlers from goody huts. I've seen Greece get an extra city this way, too.

Even so, they seem to generally keep up in techs and play an important role in the game despite their limitations. In fact, I haven't had any civs destroyed yet (I'm only at about 1 AD though). Keeping these smaller civs in the game is quite fun and allows for other civs to grow big.

The one annoying thing is when Britain, Germany, and Italy start colonizing tundra near Russia. I've tried to stop this by limiting food production in tundra and desert areas, but it doesn't seem to do much.

Also, China and India ALWAYS emerge as the largest and most powerful civs even with their handicaps. I think their power will be tapered eventually and I try to team up the Europeans against them anyhow.

In addition, Japan needs a lot of help with getting going in Southeast Asia, but Britain seems to colonize Africa readily.

Regardless, I'm having A LOT of fun with this map. Thanks, again.
The reason one would ship bauxite to NZ would be for Electricity as it takes a ****load to turn it into aluminium.I live in Quebec were there is a huge smelting plant.The bauxite either comes from jamacia or saskatewan,neither produce aluminium as they don't have cheap electricity like here.
So it follows that the person who said NZ is not a significant producer of aluminium is wrong.Area's that produce bauxite do not produce aluminium as there is usually no cheap source of Electricity.I assume Australia has no significant electricity plants.
if you've got the electricity they'll ship the bauxite to YOU...
I really thought it was a good idea to give Japan and Celts Galleys when they started, but the whole Colossus thing was unfair. So I cooked up a quick solution to the problem.

First, you use the CopyTool or the hacked editor and add a copy of the Galley. If using the Copytool, just make an exact copy. For the Hacked editor, add a new unit, rename it to Galley, and make sure everything is the exact same as the old Galley. Now , in the editor, set it so that the Original Galley cannot be built by the Celts or Japan. In the new Galley, set it so that it can only be built by Japan and the Celts. Now, set the New Galley's advancement requirement to "None", and Voila! Celts and Jpan have a Galley but can't build Colossus until they discover map-making.
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