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Realistic Starting Nations Scenario v1.1

I've been playing on this map a few times since I downloaded and it's been great. But I didn't like how Russia was not moving fast enough to the east and Japan was not colonizing enough, esp. on the Asian mainland. I finally got a game that works really well by downgrading the UU's for China and India and upgrading the UU's for Russia and Japan.

Btw, is anyone going to make a large size map with realistic starting locations and lots of European and Asian civs instead of the Iroquois, Zulu, etc?
I just tried starting a new game w/version 1.21 and saved as instructed. When I tried to reload after running the batch program, I was told that it was an invalid save file.

i also have a prob with this scen.

when i tried to use the rsn.bat file it came up with a message as follows:

Cannot find the file 'C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.com'
Make sure that the file exists on your system and that the path and filename are correct.
sry pressed submit too soon

is this just my comp or did i do sumthin wrong

plz help i really like ur idea and would like to play
Been playing RSN for a while now, since i first got it a few months. i LOVE the way its turned out, definately my favorite way to play civilization now, except for a few problems. Like another person, its going incredibly slow on my computer now, i'm playing with about 9-10 nations, with all graphics/animations off -and yet it will take me 10(!!!!) to 15(!!!!!@#$!@$!@$) minutes per turn, though most of the waiting time has came in post Medieval era. I'm playing as the romans, and just for grins decided to recreate the roman empire (conquering what was Carthage, Briton, and most of Gaul - later removing the Germans Completely) everything has squared out quite nicely, I'm tied with India for the highest score. I conquered America as early as possible, controlling almost all of North America (which is now my national powerhouse, producing much more than my European countries) and sharing it with the celts, russians, and japanese (controlling Seattle up) Its now in the modern era, researching Fission but its gotten to the point where i can't play the game anymore because of the obscene lag. I too would like to vote for a smaller version, if possible, or a new computer =) i'm only running a P500 w/ 280 ram. I'm only using 1.07 however, sine the newer patches seem somewhat pointless to me, but if anyone has pointers aside from the graphic disabling (some way of handicapping the AI's redundant movements or something like that?) Anything would be greatly appreciated.

Kudos for the incredible map, though =) Made civ3 much more enjoyable.
Originally posted by PimperC
Been playing RSN for a while now, since i first got it a few months. i LOVE the way its turned out, definately my favorite way to play civilization now, except for a few problems. Like another person, its going incredibly slow on my computer now, i'm playing with about 9-10 nations, with all graphics/animations off -and yet it will take me 10(!!!!) to 15(!!!!!@#$!@$!@$) minutes per turn, though most of the waiting time has came in post Medieval era. Its now in the modern era, researching Fission but its gotten to the point where i can't play the game anymore because of the obscene lag. I too would like to vote for a smaller version, if possible, or a new computer =) i'm only running a P500 w/ 280 ram.

I've nearly done a modpack of this kind which will have the following features:

-Both for Civ3 and PTW
-Reduces loading times up to 90%!!!! :cool: Yes, I'm not joking, I've done many tests, and consider to wait one minute or so instead of 15 even in modern times
-Changed rules made in collaboration with Paul Saunders which are adapted to work to a smaller world map
-Inca civ, with animated leaderhead (from Sween32) and UU (from JimmyH)

I'll release it uhh I think at beginning of February (now I've too much to study :cry: )
Hi Rhye,

how did you manage to reduce the load times for these kind of maps? Can you please describe it?
The knowledge of doing this would be very interesting for all of us, who are annoyed of having to wait that long between each turn.
everything goes fine in your instructions up until step 7 at the end."to save you have to do it manually" do what? when I close the dos window and go back to the game, rsn2.sav is a choice, but if i choose it, the game says it is not a valid file. I tried playing rsn1, and it is really cool, but for the fact that the egyptians keep spawning right next to me, as german in germany, as celt in britain, etc.
I don't know if anyone's mentioned this, But I saw on a television Program, where some Celtic tribes left messages in a runic writing in the Rio Grande area around 800 Ad, I believe. The River was redirected so the writing refers to the old river line. It talks about meeting dangerous tribes. For anyone interested, is was on Shepard's chapel. They had video.
Originally posted by FatherOfGod
how did you manage to reduce the load times for these kind of maps? Can you please describe it?
The knowledge of doing this would be very interesting for all of us, who are annoyed of having to wait that long between each turn.

Here you'll find the readme. It explains everything about it. And loading time cut reached a nice 96% :crazyeye:
That link is "bad".
I would suggest making the incans (with PTW) and aztecs/mayas all be included in the standard game. They should be crippled somehow, but they DID create some nice monuments in their time so they should not be disregarded.
I think Egypt grows too strong on any world map, they manage to spread to north and central africa too quickly. Hopefully; the zulus and carthaginians of PTW will help that.
I think Japan and Britain should have boosted UUs and extra good tiles on their islands. Otherwise these powers simply have no chance.
I just downloaded your map, looks great. But I've got some questions. When I opened your map with civ3Edit (the one that comes with the game) the locations were not assigned to a certain civilization. For example: When I look at the starting spot for Germany, there was a starting location there but it wasn't assigned to Germany. So everytime I try to play that map.....If I pick Germany or who ever, I start some where else. So if the map is supposed to be like that, can you tell me what civilizations go where. Some are obvious but some aren't.
Secondly: You didn't put Egyp. Why?
Third: How did you put barriers? Did you use another program?

This is a request. Can you make a large or standard map of this, but with no barriers. I want it to go faster. I want to play the game with all the civilizations or most of them including the "New World." So what I want is that I can play with most or all civilizations in their proper spot from 4000 b.c to the end.
Hello all,

I haven't played your mod yet but i can help you with all the settling in tundra and desert. To get rid of it: in the editor go to the terrain tab, select desert and tundra and uncheck 'allow cities' for both, that should do the trick.

Guagle said:
Hello all,

I haven't played your mod yet but i can help you with all the settling in tundra and desert. To get rid of it: in the editor go to the terrain tab, select desert and tundra and uncheck 'allow cities' for both, that should do the trick.


Lol, I've been reading this thread for about ten mins (multi-taskin) and I was wondering when someone would point that out. :crazyeye:
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