[Religion and Revolution]: Bugs and Todos

Hi All,

A friend and I are wanting to play this mod together online, however we can't see each other's games.
We are running the steam version, but also tried the steam 'beta' version and direct ip join.
We can find each others games in the steam lobby without the mod.

Can anyone please help?

Hi All,

I've played couple games with RaR with no issues. In my current game I'm experiencing weird crash when I press "end turn" on year 1552. The only change I've made was switching Washington to Penn in the "RAR Americas Gigantic" map. I've tried enabling logs and attached whatever was in the /Logs folder - not sure how to read it. Save game also attached. I've tried going back couple turns but it made no difference - still getting crash after "end turn" on 1552. Any ideas?

EDIT: Nevermind, the file from /page-122#post-15128542 has fixed the issue.


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Hi @kijciwoko , I'll have a look in the debugger to figure out what the issue is. Could you specify the version ?

It was 2.7.0 I think. After update to 2.7.1-beta-2 the problem still occured, but as I said in the "edit", the problem went away when I replaced CvGameCoreDLL file with the one you provided on the previous page. So it's all good now. :-)
Hi, I have a problem, for some reason, the game is crashing, but I don't really know why,
I have restarting the game and everything, but I still don't what would be exactly the problem, of if it's a random crash and it would have sometime.
Another thing it's that it's the first time the game have crashed for me, so I don´t know what I'm doing wrong.
If there is another file you needed, please, let me know. And thank you for your help.


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I had something strange happen yesterday that happened once before. I took a city from another AI and when I got the message that I had captured the city, I also got one saying I had captured that AI's cap, which was a about 5 squares away. It showed it was now mine and all the enemy troops that had defending the cap were now in the square next to the city which was now empty except for a coastal boat. I had a galleon nearby so I could move troops into hold it.
Has something like this ever happened to anybody else. 2.7.0
I had something strange happen yesterday that happened once before. I took a city from another AI and when I got the message that I had captured the city, I also got one saying I had captured that AI's cap, which was a about 5 squares away. It showed it was now mine and all the enemy troops that had defending the cap were now in the square next to the city which was now empty except for a coastal boat. I had a galleon nearby so I could move troops into hold it.
Has something like this ever happened to anybody else. 2.7.0
This is a known bug it is fixxed already in 2.7.1 beta2 i think.
thanks, good to know. It was even funnier because it triggered multiple pay for the land from different chiefs, multiple declarations of wars, and then back to peace on one of them. I was wondering if I had clicked on something by mistake or discovered some type of killer strategy.
I think I found a bug/exploit when trading with the natives: Using R&R 2.7
When you haggle for better prices, you can change the goods, and then click on the "i accept this fair agreement". This way, for the price of one cargo, you take two or three...



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I'm not sure there is a bug. The AI calculates the value of each player and if you give more than the AI gives, it will accept. However the prices are not as obvious as looking it up in Europe. It depends on how much the AI needs the yield in question, how much it has stockpiled in all settlements combined etc. It then applies some multipliers to the value of your stuff, which adjust for power, relationship, past events etc. How much the AI wants to be at peace with you also affects the price.

You also has to be aware that there are two kinds of trades. What they propose and what they are willing to accept. It's like going to a flea market. You find a book for $10, say you only want to pay $7 and if you are lucky, you get it for $7 even though they requested $10. In other words you can demand more for your gold and they might give it to you happily and they might find the price too steep and be offended. Negotiating with natives to maximize your profits is kind of like gambling.

However I have to say that it's the kind of code, which is nearly impossible to be sure is 100% bug free because it takes so much into account. It's impossible to test anywhere near all combinations. I really hope I don't have to dig deeper into this because it looks like it could quickly become time consuming.
I can confirm that it is a bug.

Sequence of events:
Player haggles for one goods
AI gives lower price
Player adds another type of goods into trade
AI does not recalculate the trade or give new offer when player does that or agrees to the deal, getting the second goods for free.

You can see it very easily on this save. AI won't even give offer on food since I have too low funds, but will give you furs dirt cheap...but you can use this to get food from them too.


I would like to complement with more information:

1) It also seems that trading will not also check whether I can or not hold the goods I'm trading in my cargo hold: For example, My carrack can only hold two more cargo types, and the diplomacy dialog is accepting that I ask for 3 different goods...

BTW: I haven't found the code for this screen... could someone point me where is it?

UPDATE: regarding the location, I'm making progress: CvDiplomacy.py is the one that uses USER_DIPLOCOMMENT_BARGAIN_BUY at Civ4DiplomacyInfos.xml , that contains the text "We accept this fair bargain". CIV4GameText_Colonization_DiplomacyText.xml USER_DIPLO_BARGAIN_ACCEPT and this points to Python\EntryPoints\CvDiplomacyInterface.py ... And here we go deep down the rabbit hole... CvDiplomacy refers an infamous CyDiplomacy... that is the entry point for CvDiplomacy.cpp... Oh my... :D And where the heck is CyDiplomacy? Searched all .cpp, .h and .py for it...

Well... yep... I surrender... at least for now...
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BTW: I haven't found the code for this screen... could someone point me where is it?
It's one of the major pains in civ4 modding (any version, not just Colonization). The diplomacy screen is inside the exe and is not possible to mod. If we want to mod the screen itself (we do!), then we would have to write one from scratch. While it has been mentioned, nobody ever actually started on such a task :sad:
I have been playing Dawn of a New Era, and their trading screen handles bartering goods remarkably well. It never lets you exceed your cargo holds, and totally avoids the cheap trick of giving the natives huge amounts of gold to start - in fact, they don't even trade in gold.
I think I found a bug/exploit when trading with the natives: Using R&R 2.7
When you haggle for better prices, you can change the goods, and then click on the "i accept this fair agreement". This way, for the price of one cargo, you take two or three...

Holy cow! This is the mother of all exploits! You can even get all their gold which will completely break the early game economy. It's puzzling to me why nobody has reported this before, but I think I know why... :lol: We are working on a fix though and the status can be tracked here:
Holy cow! This is the mother of all exploits! You can even get all their gold which will completely break the early game economy. It's puzzling to me why nobody has reported this before, but I think I know why... :lol: We are working on a fix though and the status can be tracked here:
Update. We are rebaptizing the site: Religions And Revolutions will become "We the People" : a Community driven effort to make a mod where all feedback is welcome. More news soon... the new link to the issue is https://github.com/We-the-People-civ4col-mod/Mod/issues/2
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