Hi Schmiddie!
Before you leave perhaps you can help me to set up the development environment to compile rar.
I am using the todays holiday in austria to set up the development environment for rar. i am on win 10 and i installed the visual studio 2017 community edition. the makefile needs executables from the Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and the platform sdk 7.0A (lines 37,38 and 48 to 51). But i can not find or isntall them. I am googling for 3 hours now and I can feel my hair turning grey. Do you have any clues on how to handle or update these requirements?
I found out that I can get the platform SDK 7.1A onto the system by installing the component "Windows XP support for C++" via the Visual Studio 2017 installer. 7.1A is not 7.0A, but I hope the resource compiler (rc.exe) from 7.1A will serve as replacement for the 7.0A rc.exe without compatibility issues.
The 2003 SDK remains a questionmark though. Do I really need this specific SDK or do I just need any compiler, preprocessor and linker from any SDK?
Update 2 (2018-05-10, 20:34):
I discovered the Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 (
http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools ). These provided me a compiler and a linker. Now I can provide everything the makefile needs. But I am getting code errors when compiling the solution that was included with the 2.7.1.beta2. My guess as of now is, that this is because I am using a different compiler.