Question is - is the team still on track for that release before christmas?
My fingers and bones are crossed to the max
My fingers and bones are crossed to the max

Well, we (the team) have goods news2.7 has been finalized and is being tested as we speak
Awesome! Hopefully it'll fix whatever weird bug has ruined 2.6 for me.
When playing 2.6, typically on the Huge-America-Random placement map, there always comes a point where the game just suddenly, inexplicably "hangs up" at the start of a turn. It's really heart breaking. I spend hours in World Builder building a beautiful map, with all the Native tribes placed in their original 1994 "Colonization" locations (Aztecs in Mexico, Incas along the mountains down in south america, Apaches in the western USA desert etc), and then I start the game and everything goes smoothly for awhile. The gameplay is fast, turns are quick, the AI seems to be having no problems "thinking." But then suddenly, anywhere from 1507-1540 or so, i end my turn and a new turn starts and the game just "hangs up"; a new turn never begins, the Wait icon just keeps spinning and spinning endlessly.
I'd give anything to have a working version of R&R at this point. :/
Well, we (the team) have goods news2.7 has been finalized and is being tested as we speak
Sure thing. Here's the most recent example; made it only to September 1515 this time. When you hit End Turn, the next turn never starts; the Wait icon just spins endlessly (note: this was a 2-tier city game, but 1-tier city games I've played do the exact same thing).In the future, if this happens, please send us a savegame (as long as the problem is reproducible). Then we can have a look at what's going on in the debugger. Generally, as long the problem persists after loading a save, we can fix it. Feel free to attach the savegame and we'll determine if this particular issue has been solved in 2.7
Can I get that sort of help/examination in the Bugs thread?In the future, if this happens, please send us a savegame (as long as the problem is reproducible). Then we can have a look at what's going on in the debugger. Generally, as long the problem persists after loading a save, we can fix it. Feel free to attach the savegame and we'll determine if this particular issue has been solved in 2.7
I just had a look at the savefile, after completing the current turn, I get a bunch of strange errors triggering in the debugger. The most serious one is that for som reason, the political points have gotten negative and the patfinding reports large negative numbers. I have never encountered these issues before, I think I'll need to see your XML changes to figure this out. I suppose you used the worldbuilder ? I have to caution you, it is possible to create a game state that is not possible without WB and this could confuse the game logic and lead to weird behaviour.
Update: I had another look, I really need everything in your Assets/XML directory to proceed. Zip up the directory and attach it.