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[Religion and Revolution]: Mod Development

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Well, we (the team) have goods news :) 2.7 has been finalized and is being tested as we speak :goodjob:

Awesome! Hopefully it'll fix whatever weird bug has ruined 2.6 for me.

When playing 2.6, typically on the Huge-America-Random placement map, there always comes a point where the game just suddenly, inexplicably "hangs up" at the start of a turn. It's really heart breaking. I spend hours in World Builder building a beautiful map, with all the Native tribes placed in their original 1994 "Colonization" locations (Aztecs in Mexico, Incas along the mountains down in south america, Apaches in the western USA desert etc), and then I start the game and everything goes smoothly for awhile. The gameplay is fast, turns are quick, the AI seems to be having no problems "thinking." But then suddenly, anywhere from 1507-1540 or so, i end my turn and a new turn starts and the game just "hangs up"; a new turn never begins, the Wait icon just keeps spinning and spinning endlessly.

I'd give anything to have a working version of R&R at this point. :/
Awesome! Hopefully it'll fix whatever weird bug has ruined 2.6 for me.

When playing 2.6, typically on the Huge-America-Random placement map, there always comes a point where the game just suddenly, inexplicably "hangs up" at the start of a turn. It's really heart breaking. I spend hours in World Builder building a beautiful map, with all the Native tribes placed in their original 1994 "Colonization" locations (Aztecs in Mexico, Incas along the mountains down in south america, Apaches in the western USA desert etc), and then I start the game and everything goes smoothly for awhile. The gameplay is fast, turns are quick, the AI seems to be having no problems "thinking." But then suddenly, anywhere from 1507-1540 or so, i end my turn and a new turn starts and the game just "hangs up"; a new turn never begins, the Wait icon just keeps spinning and spinning endlessly.

I'd give anything to have a working version of R&R at this point. :/

In the future, if this happens, please send us a savegame (as long as the problem is reproducible). Then we can have a look at what's going on in the debugger. Generally, as long the problem persists after loading a save, we can fix it. Feel free to attach the savegame and we'll determine if this particular issue has been solved in 2.7
In the future, if this happens, please send us a savegame (as long as the problem is reproducible). Then we can have a look at what's going on in the debugger. Generally, as long the problem persists after loading a save, we can fix it. Feel free to attach the savegame and we'll determine if this particular issue has been solved in 2.7
Sure thing. Here's the most recent example; made it only to September 1515 this time. When you hit End Turn, the next turn never starts; the Wait icon just spins endlessly (note: this was a 2-tier city game, but 1-tier city games I've played do the exact same thing).

Mind you, I changed various Text files in the XML. But I see nothing I changed that would cause random "hang ups."


"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow..."
2.7 under the tree would be nice :)
In the future, if this happens, please send us a savegame (as long as the problem is reproducible). Then we can have a look at what's going on in the debugger. Generally, as long the problem persists after loading a save, we can fix it. Feel free to attach the savegame and we'll determine if this particular issue has been solved in 2.7
Can I get that sort of help/examination in the Bugs thread?
I just had a look at the savefile, after completing the current turn, I get a bunch of strange errors triggering in the debugger. The most serious one is that for som reason, the political points have gotten negative and the patfinding reports large negative numbers. I have never encountered these issues before, I think I'll need to see your XML changes to figure this out. I suppose you used the worldbuilder ? I have to caution you, it is possible to create a game state that is not possible without WB and this could confuse the game logic and lead to weird behaviour.

Update: I had another look, I really need everything in your Assets/XML directory to proceed. Zip up the directory and attach it.
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I'm really glad to see mod development starting again for RAR mod! I can't wait do discover what new stuff will be brought in the 2.7 version. :)

Just as a side note, the past versions had the "RAR Americas Gigantic" by default on Marathon speed. It turns out marathon speed doesn't bring much to the game which is actually a lot more enjoyable on normal speed. Could you edit fastly the XML files of the map and bring back the default speed to "normal"?

I'm not sure my version is the same as your latest version. Apparently, there's been a bug that needed to be corrected for version 2.6. Anyway the change is really easy, on line 4 of the file, we just need to replace "Speed=GAMESPEED_TAC_MARATHON" with "Speed=GAMESPEED_TAC_NORMAL".

I'd be really grateful if you would do that minor change for me. Thanks in advance. :)
I just had a look at the savefile, after completing the current turn, I get a bunch of strange errors triggering in the debugger. The most serious one is that for som reason, the political points have gotten negative and the patfinding reports large negative numbers. I have never encountered these issues before, I think I'll need to see your XML changes to figure this out. I suppose you used the worldbuilder ? I have to caution you, it is possible to create a game state that is not possible without WB and this could confuse the game logic and lead to weird behaviour.

Update: I had another look, I really need everything in your Assets/XML directory to proceed. Zip up the directory and attach it.

It's okay Dev, now that 2.7 is here and none of the 2.6-older saves are compatible, I'm abandoning these games and starting over, so to speak.

You said enough for me to go "Oops" anyway. Forgot I recently tried a few new changes in the XML to allow for a "sandbox" mode, where I could basically just ignore the European civs and concentrate solely on building a huge empire based on trading with the Natives.

I know what I did to the Euros to mess up their political points (cough); pathfinding, though, is another matter. Not sure how it works in civ4col, or how i could have altered it. Moot point. Won't be using any of the existing XML files now, will be starting over with whatever you provide us with in 2.7.

Thanks for your time, and here's hoping for smooth sailing in the waters of 2.7 (and beyond!)

Now In 2.7 the King always offers me to buy a Colonist for 3000 gold, whenever I ask him to sell me some army for protection in the diplomatic dialog. Must be a bug, or am I doing something wrong? Cheers, happy new year!
Hi Schmiddie!

Before you leave perhaps you can help me to set up the development environment to compile rar.

I am using the todays holiday in austria to set up the development environment for rar. i am on win 10 and i installed the visual studio 2017 community edition. the makefile needs executables from the Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and the platform sdk 7.0A (lines 37,38 and 48 to 51). But i can not find or isntall them. I am googling for 3 hours now and I can feel my hair turning grey. Do you have any clues on how to handle or update these requirements?

I found out that I can get the platform SDK 7.1A onto the system by installing the component "Windows XP support for C++" via the Visual Studio 2017 installer. 7.1A is not 7.0A, but I hope the resource compiler (rc.exe) from 7.1A will serve as replacement for the 7.0A rc.exe without compatibility issues.
The 2003 SDK remains a questionmark though. Do I really need this specific SDK or do I just need any compiler, preprocessor and linker from any SDK?

Update 2 (2018-05-10, 20:34):
I discovered the Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 ( http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools ). These provided me a compiler and a linker. Now I can provide everything the makefile needs. But I am getting code errors when compiling the solution that was included with the 2.7.1.beta2. My guess as of now is, that this is because I am using a different compiler.
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