Second / All European Immigration Pool
By the way:
I will describe the implementation the way it would be if "Catholics and Protestants" is implemented.
The basic idea:
There are immigrants from all over Europe (e.g. Russia, Poland, Greece, ...) wanting to go to the New World
European Colonies should be competing for those immigrants !
In Europe Screen there is a Second Immigration Pool which symbols the immigrant from all other European Nations.
All European Nations share that pool !
If one European Nations takes out an immigrant from that pool, it is lost for the others.
Immigrants acquired from that pool will also arrive at the dock.
2. I thought about 2 possible
design solutions:
A) There is a Button which will simply open a Pop-Up-Window displaying the pool
B) There are arrows on the rigth side of the screen where you can have it slide in and out of the Europe screens.
But actually I am open to any ideas concerning the graphical design of that screen.
(I am very bad at screen.

3. The "National Immigration Pool" and the "All European Immigration Pool" are totally independent of each other.
There are no side-effects between them.
The "National Immigration Pool" will continue to work as it does right now.
Immigration from that pool
Part 1: When will immigrant be willing to immigrate at all ?
In General this part works
similar to normal immigration,
meaning by collecting crosses and with an increasing threshold for every immigrant.
Protestant crosses for Protestant Immigrants, with its own threshold.
Catholic crosses for Catholic Immigrants, with its own threshold.
The big
difference is that not one single player collects the crosses for that pool but all European Nations together !
So basically the amounts of crosses the single players create in one round are summed up and added to the account of the "All European Pool" and once there are more crosses than the threshold the immigration is triggered.
By that also the threshold is increased.
Part 2: To which European Nation will they immigrate ?
(Meaning at which European dock will they appear ?)
This is the interesting part !
They will basically decide by
Attractivity of the Colonies which is used as base for a
random !
(So it is calculated
chances. No determinism !)
I will try to explain with
an example and some basic formulas:
We have 2 European Nations and a Protestant Immigrant was triggered from that pool:
Nation A:
Output of Protestant Crosses by Round: 100
Satisfaction / Happiness of Colonists: 80%
Number of Cities: 3
Average Attitude of other European Nations toward A: +2
Nation B:
Output of Protestant Crosses by Round: 50
Satisfaction / Happiness of Colonists: 100%
Number of Cities: 2
Average Attitude of other European Nations toward B: +3
This will give Attractivities:
Att_A = (x* 100 + y* 3 + z* 2) * 80
Att_B = (x* 50 + y* 2 + z* 3) * 100
Att_Total = Att_A + Att_B
x, y, z are XML-Variables in the GlobalDefines_Alt.xml to do the
Balancing for that Feature !
So ok the Chances of the Nations to get that settler:
Nation A getting the settler: P_A = Att_A / Att_Total
Nation B getting the settler: P_B = Att_B / Att_Total
With these Chances a
Random will decide which Nation will get the Immigrant !
(I really like Randoms, I have implemented a lot of them.

Bribing settler from the "All European Immigration Pool" to come to you !
In the "All European Immigration Pool" there is
no hurrying of immigration !
The only thing you can do is bribe certain immigrants in order to
increase the chances to come to you instead of another Nation.
It does not give you certainty for success !
This is how the chances would change:
Att_A = (x* 100 + y* 3 + z* 2) * 80
* w
Att_B = (x* 50 + y* 2 + z* 3) * 100
Att_Total = Att_A + Att_B
Nation A getting the settler: P_A = Att_A / Att_Total
Nation B getting the settler: P_B = Att_B / Att_Total
Again w is a XML-Variable in the GlobalDefines_Alt.xml to do the
Once you click an immigrant in the "All European Immigration Pool" there will be another small Pop-Up that will ask you if you want to bribe that immigrant and tell you the price for it.
If you agree, then the gold for the bribe is substracted from your account.
(You never get it back. It is a risk !)
Every active bribe (in the pool) will increase the cost of the next bribe in the pool.
You can not bribe the same immigrant more than once.
However you can try to bribe several immigrants in the pool.
(Every immigant that is still in the pool and you have a bribe on is an "active" bribe.)
The base-price and the price increase for each
active bribe would also be XML-Variables in the GlobalDefines_Alt.xml to do the
So ok, when bribing an immigrant you simply increase the chance that he will decide for you, you do not hurry the decision to immigrate.
If both Nations A and B should bribe that immigrant, then the chances are basically the same as if none of them had tried to bribe.
I am
very sorry if there are so many formulas and balancing-values in there.
But I did not know how to describe it in
details otherwise.
AI will of course use this feature (including bribing) !
(However AI will try to bribe only very moderate, meaning maximum 2 at a time and only if it has a certain amount of money.
More valuable immigrants, like Statesmen or Scous, will be bribed first.)
In the "All European Immigration Pool" all Europeans compete for the same Immigrants.
The rate of Immigration is influence by the ammount of crosses all nations together produce.
The chances for the decision to which Nation the Immigrant will go depens on
Attractivity of the Nations.
You can try to influence the chances by bribing.
However, every active bribe will become more expensive, so you should choose wisely.
So ok, that is this concept.
What do you think about it ?