[Religion and Revolution]: Mod Development

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I have created the new button.

I could not find the file where the button is defined.

Please could you load up a corrected version. The name of the button is "button_teaching.dds".


A very big "thank you" to the team and all other modder who have supported the development of this mod and especially the current version 1.4.

It is probably the last official version of this mod (certainly for a long time and maybe forever).
It is probably the last official version of this mod (certainly for a long time and maybe forever).
That sounds horrible, specially considering I just got started. The last release forever? Sounds a bit silly as SVN already contains new code. If all coders stalls, then it would make sense to release whatever is in there even if it isn't as major as the other releases. However I'm not stalled ;)

As for how long. Well that depends on how big a changelog you want for a new release.
Since we have made a release just a few days ago, I think there will be no further release with only a few changes...but who knows. Maybe after a while we change our mind...

The background is, that ray and I decided to retire from official modding of RaR after the version 1.4 already a little before the new release. Again...maybe after a while we will change our mind, but who knows...

Personally I decided that the mod now has reached a good status and I think it is enough after such a long time.

But every modder is free and welcome to create his own mod mod of RaR.
:( That's a sad news...

I would like to use correction for bug with Wild Animals as common enemy as well as new Education pop-up by Nightinggale. Is this possible to access SVN by outsider given that there will be no new version?
However I'm not stalled ;)

No reason why it can't be updated with further features from other modders like Schmiddie said
I for one will continue work on the Wiki for several weeks to come.

Is this possible to access SVN by outsider given that there will be no new version?

I believe a small patch may reach the public, right, Schmiddie and Ray?
Now I greatly challange the the claim about no future releases. I found a bug where fixing that one alone would justify a new release (at least if I read the code right. I have a hard time testing it)

In CvDLLButtonPopup::OnOkClicked() case BUTTONPOPUP_CUSTOM_HOUSE:
This line is the bug:
pCity->setCustomHouseSellThreshold(eYield, iLevel);

It should have been:
gDLL->sendDoTask(info.getData1(), TASK_(new enum value), eYield, iLevel, false, false, false, false);
Then CvCity::doTask() should have
case TASK_(new enum value):
  setCustomHouseSellThreshold((YieldTypes)iData1, iData2);
  // iData1+2 are arguments containing eYield and iLevel

The difference is that calling setCustomHouseSellThreshold() executes that function on the computer where the ok button is clicked while sendDoTask() orders a doTask() on all computers on the network.

I recall reading that TAC is supposed to work correctly in multiplayer. Naturally RaR should do the same ;)

Is this possible to access SVN by outsider given that there will be no new version?
No, at least not at the moment.
What are the consequences? I'm only experienced in graphic modding.

Ray must evaluate (at the weekend) what has to be done and if a fix is necessary.

RaR has not been created for MP and I think it is only playable in SP (but Ray must confirm this).
Schmiddie - any chance of editing the Conestoga model?
It would be a simple fix, just elongate the tops of the carriage to mimic the typical traits of the real version.

BTW: Would have been great to get the mod working for MP. :)
Since we use the Conestoga as troop carrier it is not necessary to change the model.

Furthermore if you really would have such a wagon ingame a lot more changes would be necessary to get a realistic model of a Conestoga. Otherwise to my opinion such small and simple changes are not worth the trouble with blender.

Sorry, but If you really want to have this ingame, please try it with blender or 3ds Max.
I created an addon to the teacher list. The player can now tell how many he/she wants of each unit and the colony will deliver those without showing the popup window, which lets the player decide.

Whenever a student gratuates, the colony will pick a random ordered unit and deliver that one as well as decreasing the counter. The randomness is based on the number of units requested, meaning if it is set to 3 farmers and 1 fisherman, then there will be 75% chance that the first is a farmer.

Units are ignored if the player can't afford them. The setting of the expensive unit is preserved and will trigger later if the player gets more gold.

The popup window will appear if the player can't train any of the ordered units (like no gold or no ordered units)

I came up with the idea of having "repeatable" units while writing this. Basically speaking when a unit is trained an no more units are set to be trained, then it will order a unit of each of those set to repeat. This should ensure an equal number of units of each of those set to repeat as just fixing it at 1 could randomly ignore one of them and there is no memory of what was picked last time.
Being a brand new idea I haven't coded anything on repeat yet except for the non-functioning checkbox.

I have a problem with the layout though. The window is too small for all the stuff I want to write :(
This is why I'm asking for feedback on the screenshots. Are they readable? Is it possible to understand what is attempted to be told the player?

Also any other feedback is welcome.

What are the consequences? I'm only experienced in graphic modding.
Say we have player A and B.
A sets his full custom house to sell everything. His computer will sell at next new turn while B will not. A will have more gold than he appears to have on B.
A uses the money to buy a new ship. B rejects it because he just bought something he couldn't afford. The number of units is no longer the same in both games.

I'm not sure when it will detect a desync, but it will. Potiential triggers would be different goods in colony, different gold and different units. Most likely it will desync before even buying the ship.

EDIT: forgot to tell what happens when using sendDoTask()
A sets his full custom house to sell everything
sendDoTask sends that info to B and B will know what A wants to sell
Next turn both A and B sells from the custom house and the two computers agree on gold and stored goods

RaR has not been created for MP and I think it is only playable in SP (but Ray must confirm this).
That's silly. Getting it to work in multiplayer doesn't appear to be much work. Sure there will likely be other desyncs, but it's only around 360 revisions to check and we can discard a whole lot of them quickly as being unrelated to potiential desyncs.

Generally speaking data should be transmitted if it exist on one computer only and that data is something which affects savegames. This is only user input or (in rare cases) some code which only executes if player is the local human player (I think I have only seen such checks in vanilla code).


  • A.JPG
    178.9 KB · Views: 107
  • B.JPG
    176.5 KB · Views: 78
  • repeat.JPG
    174.8 KB · Views: 58
Are they readable? Is it possible to understand what is attempted to be told the player?

I think it looks great, to me it is understandable - how it is for a player that plays for the first time remains to be seen.
The repeat is great.

We can have an explanation of all these features on the wiki for fresh players.

Love the work you are doing, keep it up! :goodjob:

Sorry, but If you really want to have this ingame, please try it with blender or 3ds Max.

Been a year since Blendering, but it is like cycling.
Will have a go when I get the time.
Really? I did't know that... :eek:
I remember having an absolutely bug-free MP-session some weeks ago (with RaR 1.3) :crazyeye:
The custom house is the only issue I found and I found it by chance. Assuming it's the only issue it should work just fine in MP as long as nobody builds a custom house. Having different settings for a custom house shouldn't matter as long as the custom house doesn't sell anything.
It's good to know that it is at least close to being MP safe. That should make the task of fixing it easier.

We can have an explanation of all these features on the wiki for fresh players.
Not a bad idea. Do you feel like some wiki editing? :p
Err... where is the wiki for RaR?

I might also experiment with a mouseover help window.
I have a problem with the layout though. The window is too small for all the stuff I want to write
This is why I'm asking for feedback on the screenshots. Are they readable? Is it possible to understand what is attempted to be told the player?

Also any other feedback is welcome.
I think it's a cool feature, thanks! :king:
If it's possible to decrease the font size a point or two, or move the gold column rightward and text leftward slightly, then all the text could become visible. (or maybe just increase the window width to more of the overall screen, since there are some long names). To help understanding you might add a heading at the top saying something like "Students to Educate:", but if not a brief note in the pedia should be sufficient. Good job :goodjob:
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