Religions: Unfun Restrictions

I was playing the Norse tonite and I thought about this: how about if the player got a choice of being chaotic or not? Granted the fluff has mentioned for a long time that Norse are wild and chaotic however not all Norsemen are chaos worshippers. How about having two leaders? One that is Chaotic and one that is Neutral (Lawful seems whack).

Of course, if flavourful historically interesting leaders that fit that role were found, i would be more than happy to agree to this.
Of course, if flavourful historically interesting leaders that fit that role were found, i would be more than happy to agree to this.

While its possible to do this in the long run, the potential issues are:
a) We would have to create a ton of extra non-chaotic Norsca units to replace their access to demons and such in order for non-chaos to be a sensible strategic decision.
b) If we keep doing this with lots of factions, we risk not having enough Chaos. We don't want a world where all the nasty factions can just choose to embrace neutrality, and have the world of happyfunHammer.
c) The core design of the mod has each faction designed a particular way. I don't mind having a couple of important factions able to go 2 different ways, but we need to keep this limited to only a few key factions.
Before Chaos Thugs were replaced by Chaos Marauders an edition or two ago (same idea, updated look), the Norse had been available for quite some time as optional allied troops. This was also true for Man O' War iirc. I am sure I can pull some names for the other leader, I think from the Slaan army books, or the High Elf ones.

If you ever get around to doing this, perhaps you could include Norse dwarves as one of their non-chaotic units.
Ahriman raises some excelent points. i think if we were to ever do such a thing as this it would be as a last optional addition (minimod) once the main mod is complete. (i plan to release a minor civs minimod eventually with halflings as a playable civ as well as some others that are mentioned.
a) sure, but that is fun.
b) Chaos has to be a huge temptation to those civs that are neutral, but can be turned, otherwise it would indeed be more realistic for civ-leaders to play happyhammer.
But if choatic/neutral nations have no choice over the matter the intro text needs to be rewritten to exclude the suggestion of having that free choice.
c) yes. agreed on that. the neutrals only. (and only those that would be tempted.)

Me likes deadliver's suggestion of norsedwarves for Norse (and berserkers!).
They could be usefull flavour units. A potentially chaotic civ such as Norsca, should have a hard time fighting rebellions and incursions from chaotic cults, more so than the more southern oldworld civs. Turning to chaos should turn these extra assaults to a strength adding free units. maybe a choice can be offered each time one such extra incursion occurs.
"Our rebelling coutrymen have grown powerfull with their new gods! shall we join them and share in this power?"
-Never! We cannot betray our friends the dwarfs. To arms, together we crush this evil!
-Yes! Come dark brothers, let us pillage the South! (all dwarf units disbanded, chaos marauders added.)

Werewolves and -bears are also very Norsca UU.
Yeah I just figured I'd throw that idea out there. Not like I am asking for it immediately anyhow. The same thing really stands for Cathay (and I think Nippon), both of which are influenced by Tzeentch, he is a major god in their pantheon iirc.

edit: basically mod mod fodder:eek:
the mod makers are trying their best to make this game look exactly like warhammer, so the restrictions are basically there for that. the Empire Worship Sigmar, the Dark Elves Worship Khaine, The Lord of Murder, Chaos worship the Raven God... so basically every race almost got their certain belief.
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