Removing goody huts


Oct 28, 2008
Hello, and thank you for the great map. I had been playing on the earth18civs before I found GEM, and I love the extra space each civ gets now. Huge improvement!

Recently I wanted to play a GEM map without goody huts, only to discover the option when starting the game doesn't remove them (and I think I know why, not that it helps me. It only works on newly generated maps, not saved scenarios).

So I figured I had two options:
* Manually remove the huts via WB - blech.
* Edit something like a text file or the save - much preferred.

I did a little poking around (I've never modded anything in civ before, but I've modded other games, so I had some idea of what to look for) and found the
/mods/gem/assets/xml/terrain/civ4improvmentinfos file, glanced through it and found the goody huts entry, and commented it out (<!--/-->).

I'm I in danger of breaking anything if I do this?
i think that might not work. Changing the xml structure is a bit more complicated than that.

The better option is to edit the WBS file of GEM. Find out the entry of a goodie hut and then do a search and replace to remove these lines.

As usual, backup and trial and error is required. Good luck :)
If you comment out the goody huts in the xml files, you'll still have them in the scenario. Thus Civ 4 will not know what to do with those lines -> error -> crash.

You have to do it the way Kai suggested.
Hello again.

First of all, I had another look around the mod folder, looking for the WBS file (Which I now know means WorldBuilderSave) and finally found it after it had been staring me in the face for half an hour. I just want to say: wow. Lots of text :eek:

I found the goody hut line, and I will be trying it out shortly.

Second, I went ahead and commented out the goody hut entry in the xml file, and played several turns, moving my warrior to goody hut locations I had noted down. Their where no goody huts, and the game didn't crash, but in the interests of keeping it that way, I reverted it.

Happy civving! and thanks for the help.

Edit: Is it possible to save it as a different scenario? Such as GEM blah blah nohuts v5.3? I'm gonna try it as soon as I load up bts, but in the event that it doesn't work like that, what do I have to do, and is it even possible?

Edit2: Ahha! Very tricky. So instead of saving it as a [blahblah.CIVBEYONDSWORDWBSAVE] file, it saved it as a [blahblah.3] file. Everything works now, and my game is devoid of huts in so far as I can tell. Thanks again everyone.
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