Resource depletion

However, not the way great farmers work now. Mineral resources aren't plants and animals. You can't go out and choose to discover oil in this particular plot of land. The Orbis modmod for Fall from Heaven had a prospector type unit, which is what I'm thinking about. He could be sent out and randomly discover new resources. However, he had a chance of failing, or digging up an ancient demon or something (like Moria in LoTR). Probably not something for C2C, but he could instead trigger an earthquake or volcano, or cause a chemical spill that produces fallout or damages the land itself (lush>grassland>plains etc). Also, he could only use his ability when the square he was in and all surrounding squares were absent of resources of any sort. This prevented the map being literally covered in resources. I think the whole thing was done in python and utilised FFH's spell system.
We don't use FFH's spell system or have any structure in play anywhere like it. But I've proposed such a Great Prospector concept before (makes me wonder if those folks over there at FFH were reading my earlier suggestion actually ;) ) though there's further thought put into that one. I don't think it'd be necessary in c2c to enforce no surrounding resources to the tile, but all in all, otherwise, I think everything about that proposal is SPOT ON!

The damages the land portion will have to wait for a previously mentioned project AIAndy had in mind that would set up tiles on a linear improvement-depletion hierarchy he was going to use for an improvement to Global Warming mechanics.

I actually think that it should probably make the nearby mineral resources MORE likely to be found (things travel in veins like that in the Earth) but I can also dig having the lesser discovered resources get some additional weight potential.

Eventually, I was thinking of adapting the Great Farmer, Great Prospector, and a couple others yet to come to design such as a Great Fisherman, Great Forester, etc... into the Great Person generation system (plot improvements would add GP pts too... the goal would be to make every possible allocation of a population earn GP pts - the plan includes most buildings having GP pts as well.) But all that is a bit off from development yet. That plan also includes a prerequisite that we find a way around the current limitation on the amount of specialist types we can use in the mod.

When I proposed the Prospector before, I got a response that suggested that it cannot be done in python right now because the method being employed by the farmer only allows one use for that method (and of course its already being taken up by the farmer.) This WOULD be something I could enable in the dll though so when I get closer to that project it will be on the list of to-do's.

Considering the negative outcome possibilities mentioned there, I may like to see this concept divided into a Great Prospector who doesn't have a chance to fail, and a simple Prospector unit that can be built rather than must be birthed, that has a much greater chance to fail and some chance of failing horribly.

Anyhow, we think alike it seems, as this is the second post from you today that has helped me to consider new details in future plans ;) Well done!
When I proposed the Prospector before, I got a response that suggested that it cannot be done in python right now because the method being employed by the farmer only allows one use for that method (and of course its already being taken up by the farmer.) This WOULD be something I could enable in the dll though so when I get closer to that project it will be on the list of to-do's.

Considering the negative outcome possibilities mentioned there, I may like to see this concept divided into a Great Prospector who doesn't have a chance to fail, and a simple Prospector unit that can be built rather than must be birthed, that has a much greater chance to fail and some chance of failing horribly.!
Sounds like a case for an outcome mission in combination with event triggering (you can link an outcome to an event trigger).
Maybe certain techs should reveal more depleting resources. For example with iron it is possible to dig deeper and separate iron from less and less abundant ore with increasing technology level. Also maybe there could be added buildings to recycle scrap metal and cans etc that would slow down the depletion rates of metals.
^ That'd be very realistic indeed (we have become better and better with both finding and extracting ores, and there's still ways to go, ie. deep sea mining), wonder if it's really doable tho?
With nanotechnology it would be possible to assemble objects atom by atom. In the distant future it may be possible to make any conventional resource from other chemical elements or subatomic particles. In large scale production that would make many of the resources obsolete.
With nanotechnology it would be possible to assemble objects atom by atom. In the distant future it may be possible to make any conventional resource from other chemical elements or subatomic particles. In large scale production that would make many of the resources obsolete.

That kind of technology is already included on the tech tree.
Probably not the perfect place to put this buts it's about resources so what the heck.
I don't get why you know of theirs some jews and metals in your lands and your opponents with mining for them first

Sorry for my messed up previous post. What I meant to say was that I don't get how you know if their is gold on a tile without mining for it first.
Sorry for my messed up previous post. What I meant to say was that I don't get how you know if their is gold on a tile without mining for it first.

You pick it up off the ground, or see it in the exposed rock. Gold is easier than copper, tin or iron as it looks like its processed self.
Copper in the ground gives rocks and stones a greenish hue due to oxidation. Iron gives it a reddish hue for the same reason. Tin I don't know though nor about other metals but that all can be found in the soil or in rivers or on the ground is a given. The amounts should increase with mines though, which it does via hammers and commerce.

i have a ideal about depleted mine they can be remined like in real life ( i don't know if it feasible) but have different level of depletion with there age/technological limit example mine form the classical age stop working or become depleted can be put back to work with new mining tech to dig depper
mine-»depleted mine -»shaft mine -» depleted shaft mine-»modern mine -» depleted modern mine -» core mine -» depleted core mine
i have a ideal about depleted mine they can be remined like in real life ( i don't know if it feasible) but have different level of depletion with there age/technological limit example mine form the classical age stop working or become depleted can be put back to work with new mining tech to dig depper
mine-»depleted mine -»shaft mine -» depleted shaft mine-»modern mine -» depleted modern mine -» core mine -» depleted core mine

I'd think we'd want to wait for a more volumetric resource mechanism before developing depletion any further. Not a bad patch concept though.
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