Respawn AI civ on destruction


Nov 25, 2008
Western or Eastern Hemisphere
Would it be possible to add a "respawn AI civ on destruction" option to FFH, similar to the one in CIV 3, except only in the first 100 turns?

Maybe that would increase early survivability rate for early civs?
Increasing the number of warriors it builds at the beginning (and stopping it from spamming all those scouts) would do a lot to help. There's no reason that an AI civ should have a higher chance than a human player of being eliminated in the early game. (In fact, it should be lower at high difficulty levels.)
Increasing the number of warriors it builds at the beginning (and stopping it from spamming all those scouts) would do a lot to help. There's no reason that an AI civ should have a higher chance than a human player of being eliminated in the early game. (In fact, it should be lower at high difficulty levels.)

I changed started units from 2scouts + 2warriors to 4 warriors and survivability rate grow up.
Civs die, that's the nature of things. Are they dying early in great numbers? I haven't seen that and those that do are usually victims of other early civs. Sure, occasionally Orthus will knock some unfortunate out (that's his job description) - though he's just as likely or more to end up with his head on a pole.

Respawned civs, wouldn't they be at a disadvantage against a civ that's been around for 30, 40. 50 turns?
Are they dying early in great numbers?

Sometimes, they do. See the beginning of that SG, although in that case some blame should be laid on the mapscript.
I changed started units from 2scouts + 2warriors to 4 warriors and survivability rate grow up.
If you want to help it more, add things like UNITAI_ATTACK, UNITAI_CITY_DEFENSE, etc. (basically anything except UNITAI_EXPLORE) to the 'NotUnitAIs' section in the XML for Scouts. That should cut down the numbers they build and stop it from using them for things it shouldn't be (like trying to defend its cities from Orthus).

It still builds quite a few for exploration, however. Basically, any time a scout gets killed it seems to build another one. I think this is more a symptom of scouts being a bit crap in FfH, though. Even with the bonus vs. animals, they're just not strong enough to be very useful and tend to die very quickly once the first animal/barb spawns start.
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