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Revolution: with BarbarianCiv, Rebellion, AIAutoPlay

Version 0.5 has been posted on the front page. There are quite a few important changes to Rebellion and BarbarianCiv, although the majority of the work went into writing the thousands of lines for Revolution :eek: As noted, Revolution is in beta ... the AI parts work and the human popup handling 'should' all work ;)

Enjoy, and as always please post your comments, suggestions, ideas, etc ... that's how it gets better!


And a big thanks to all of those who contributed ideas to this new version ... it wouldn't have worked out this well without you! [pimp]
i'll DL it and give her a shot later today. :) looking very forward to it.

are revolutions still locked by default? if so, could you walk me through changing that (i'm a bit code illiterate).

thanks again, jdog
Cincinnatus3 said:
i'll DL it and give her a shot later today. :) looking very forward to it.

are revolutions still locked by default? if so, could you walk me through changing that (i'm a bit code illiterate).

thanks again, jdog
No code needed to enable the Revolution part ... just open Revolution.ini in any old text editor (Notepad). It has several sections denoted by words in [], so at the top is [CONFIG], then [BarbarianCiv], etc. Each section holds the configurable settings for that component. The [Revolution] component is towards the bottom. The first option is Enable, so change it to:

Enable = True

I'm a little apprehensive about the ridiculous ad reference, but after that change you're "good to go." :cringe:
this is what i mean about code illiterate :cry:

any time i try to mess with something like this, it always saves the file as a notepad document and i can't seem to play it at all. is there a secret that i blow past?

BTW in the first playing of the new version, the only major thing i've noticed (and i might not have played long enough to see otherwise) is that the two Barb civs that popped up near me were both more peaceful, though i do know there was another that came up aggressive (monte) and wiped out the Russians. other than that, looks good so far (around 1200 AD). if i can figure out how to enable revolutions, i may start a new game. otherwise, i'll continue with my current til the end and see what to do then.
Cincinnatus3 said:
this is what i mean about code illiterate :cry:

any time i try to mess with something like this, it always saves the file as a notepad document and i can't seem to play it at all. is there a secret that i blow past?

BTW in the first playing of the new version, the only major thing i've noticed (and i might not have played long enough to see otherwise) is that the two Barb civs that popped up near me were both more peaceful, though i do know there was another that came up aggressive (monte) and wiped out the Russians. other than that, looks good so far (around 1200 AD). if i can figure out how to enable revolutions, i may start a new game. otherwise, i'll continue with my current til the end and see what to do then.
So you open Revolution.ini in notepad, and when you click save it saves it as ... Revolution.txt? You might try doing Save-As and then, near the bottom of the Save-As popup, making sure the file name is Revolution.ini and changing the type to All Files. ANSI encoding is good. Any better? I've got one more idea if that's still ailing.
Dom Pedro II said:
FYI, the limits of civs has been removed in Warlords as expected :)

Looking forward to how you incorporate that tidbit :D
I read a few threads yesterday saying it wasn't fixed, but I'm glad on further inspection it is! That'll be fun :) Have to get more memory ...

In the same vain, I've been thinking about adding in some assimilation logic ... basically, there are often a bunch of little civlets around by the end of the game that don't amount to anything. They're hopelessly technologically backwards and underpowered (one or two cities on a large map), but when with Agressive AI, no one wipes them up.

The Vassal State option will help, in that they're prime contenders to become Vassals, and also when they get forced into war because of their motherland, someone will mop them up. So maybe that, combined with making the civ they rebel against dislike them for a while, is enough ...

The other option is to come up with a way for single city, mid-late game civs to assimilate with each other or with a bigger civ. Not just ally, but turn over all their units and cities to the other player. In Galactic Civ, when you've got another Civ on the ropes they sometimes decide to merge with a third civ instead of let you run them over. The same could be done here ...

I'm still contemplating the options, please give your opinions ... would having really small civs give up and join a bigger player be worth while? Or should they have to be mopped up by somebody?
jdog5000 said:
The Vassal State option will help, in that they're prime contenders to become Vassals, and also when they get forced into war because of their motherland, someone will mop them up. So maybe that, combined with making the civ they rebel against dislike them for a while, is enough ...

Well, if you feel like tackling the Vassal State.... :) There's some issues already being realized about them. The main problem seems to be that diplomatic stance of the master and not the vassal... having it both ways seems to have produced some... odd... things.

The other option is to come up with a way for single city, mid-late game civs to assimilate with each other or with a bigger civ. Not just ally, but turn over all their units and cities to the other player. In Galactic Civ, when you've got another Civ on the ropes they sometimes decide to merge with a third civ instead of let you run them over. The same could be done here ...

I'm still contemplating the options, please give your opinions ... would having really small civs give up and join a bigger player be worth while? Or should they have to be mopped up by somebody?

Maybe you could add a new diplomatic option? Annexation.... That would help you and satisfy one of the features of my mod :)
thanks jdog for the info. i ended up figuring out how to turn it on (have the ini file open up as notepad but save as a BAK).

i've tried playing a couple of games, but had 3 of the 4 crash with an illegal operation message. all 3 crashes came in around 600 BC or so - a couple of turns or so after two barb civs popped up one shortly after the other. i don't know quite what's happening since i don't have all the debug tools on.

the one game i did have that went without any problems lasted until the 1600's. didn't see any revolutions (probably wasn't late enough for them anyway), but did have a couple of rebellions (1 successful) and 3 barb civs emerge.

just wanted to update game progress. i'll be trying again right now.
I don't know if you've worked this out yet or not but the popup messages that tend to get in the way when using AI Autoplay are handled in the main event manager file, and are quite easy to disable, should you wish to.
The Great Apple said:
I don't know if you've worked this out yet or not but the popup messages that tend to get in the way when using AI Autoplay are handled in the main event manager file, and are quite easy to disable, should you wish to.
Could you post, how to do this?
I'm enjoying this very much so far. I always found it one of the most baffling design decisions in Civ4 to completely remove internal conflict - at last happiness actually means something again! I have just bought Warlords though, is this mod compatible with it at present?

A couple of thoughts - should rebellions/revolutions produce great generals once Warlords-compatible? It would seem the perfect place to see a Lenin or Marat emerge, really adding to flavour. On the subject of flavour, I wonder if there is some way to give any civs produced by revolutions a name based on the civ they revolted from - not new artwork or anything, just text. This would be a way of including certain minor civs that can't make the game otherwise, but have historically been a thorn in bigger civilizations sides. For instance an American revolution could produce a Cuban civ, or a Spanish revolution could produce a Basque civ.
If I just want to at the rebellion as barbs to a mod to I just put the rebellion python and the revolution.ini in it?
Oh yea, Jdog500 I actually enjoy having the small civs of 2 cities left in the game. They can create global conflicts. They could perhaps be merged with a civ that they are friendly with, though.
Colin said:
I'm enjoying this very much so far. I always found it one of the most baffling design decisions in Civ4 to completely remove internal conflict - at last happiness actually means something again!

The reason for this is essentially that Firaxis is trying to appeal to a wider gaming base with more civ vs. civ action rather than simply competing essentially against yourself to be the most competent leader you can be.

My own mod, which borrows extensively from jdog's masterpiece here, will essentially be about your leader's survival from enemies from within as well as from without.

I'm trying to mod the code to allow for what I call "subnational leaders and organizations" that you'll have to compete against for control of the civilization.
Caesium said:
Could you post, how to do this?
In CvEventManager.py
	def onCityBuilt(self, argsList):
		'City Built'
		city = argsList[0]
		if (city.getOwner() == CyGame().getActivePlayer()) and CyGame().getAIAutoPlay() == 0:
			self.__eventEditCityNameBegin(city, False)	
		CvUtil.pyPrint('City Built Event: %s' %(city.getName()))
	def onBeginGameTurn(self, argsList):
		'Called at the beginning of the end of each turn'
		iGameTurn = argsList[0]
		if CyGame().getAIAutoPlay() == 0:
I've slightly tweaked some other parts as well, but I think this should work fine.
Dom Pedro II said:
The reason for this is essentially that Firaxis is trying to appeal to a wider gaming base with more civ vs. civ action rather than simply competing essentially against yourself to be the most competent leader you can be.

My own mod, which borrows extensively from jdog's masterpiece here, will essentially be about your leader's survival from enemies from within as well as from without.

I'm trying to mod the code to allow for what I call "subnational leaders and organizations" that you'll have to compete against for control of the civilization.

This sounds really exciting. 4x games always seem to gloss over the power dynamics and machinations within a society, as if all nations were perfectly harmonious bodies. It's a shame (and historically ridiculous), as the strategic possibilites are enormous, and largely untapped.
The Great Apple said:
In CvEventManager.py
	def onCityBuilt(self, argsList):
		'City Built'
		city = argsList[0]
		if (city.getOwner() == CyGame().getActivePlayer()) and CyGame().getAIAutoPlay() == 0:
			self.__eventEditCityNameBegin(city, False)	
		CvUtil.pyPrint('City Built Event: %s' %(city.getName()))
	def onBeginGameTurn(self, argsList):
		'Called at the beginning of the end of each turn'
		iGameTurn = argsList[0]
		if CyGame().getAIAutoPlay() == 0
I've slightly tweaked some other parts as well, but I think this should work fine.
In my Modcompilation I use Dr. Elmar Jiggles ini parser and his CvCustomEventManager, ist there any possibility to combine your changes with his CEM? Because I don't want to change the EventManager if I can solve it another way.
No. IIRC that custom event manager automatically imports the events from the default event manager. As you want to change the default events, you need to change the default event manager. If you just move it to your mod folder and do the changes above it should work fine.
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