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Revolution: with BarbarianCiv, Rebellion, AIAutoPlay

Caesium said:
OK, I'm sitting, waiting, wishing :D

Version 0.55 will be great. What about support for multilanguage?
By now, I had to translate it every time, because I'm german and though I wanted to play it in german ;)
I can speak a little German, but not nearly enough ... my family spent a year in Germany when I was young. But certainly post it and I'll put a link to it on the front page :cool:
Version 0.55 will be posted later this evening ...

Images of Revolution in action:

Two cities vow to to take up arms if I don't let them return to the Aztec Empire.

I accept their terms, and the cities become Montezuma's again.

Revolution in the air warning in cities captured from the Egyptian empire.

The Revolution Watch popup ... Four cities from the Egyptians, two colonies that have little to draw them into my empire, and one city with happiness problems.
Update to version 0.55 in progress.

Change Log

Version 0.55

- Improved tech and unit distribution for militaristic barb civs, now with 4 coherent flavors: Viking, Chariot, Horse, and Balanced. Each style now get different techs to complement their chosen units.
- Added option to turn off barb settle popups while in automation

- Further decreased revolution odds when cities situation is quickly improving but still bad
- Fixed bug where player A's city could want to join Player B, with A and B at peace. If the city had tried to revolt to player B before and now if A didn't let them go, they would revolt (and declare war) as player B instead of forming new civ
- Fixed bug where giving revolting cities independence reincarnates dead player, who doesn't forget you were at war when they died. Since you've given them new life, they now (somewhat) forgive you.
- Fixed bug when revolutionaries wanted to join a dead player for cultural reasons.
- Fixed city name display bug in multicity revolution popups.
- Cities will no longer rebel for a window after being given independence
- When spawning a new player, will now search around revolting cities for culture from a dead player
- New holy cities get an initial rev index boost when founder already has state religion
- Fixed bug where city pointer would disappear when city was given to revolutionaries
- Revolutionaries will now initially like civs that grant them independence
- Violent revolutionaries and homeland now have a passing hatred
- Turning down revolutionaries who want to join another civ will now cause that civ to dislike you
- Old, tiny states with very little land who don't even have majority culture in their capital will now join non-human players (config disableable)
- Revolutionaries now given a little cash
- Rev index accumulation now scales with game speed
- Added (with enabling config option) a Revolution Watch popup telling which of your cities might start or join a revolt
- Human player now given option to accept cities that revolted trying to rejoin them, or rebuff the rebels
- Made extra happiness a little better at keeping empires together.

- Fixed bug in use of Cymap::isWrapX()
- Rebels and motherland now have a passing hatred
- Changed the RebelsAsBarbs from a boolean to an integer percent. Rebels will appear as barbs at the percent you dictate even when empty slots are available.

- Fixed bug in use of Cymap::isWrapX()
- Now guaranteed a few turns of immunity to rebellion after acquiring a city in all situations
- Fixed bug when human civ leader changes while player is in automation causing there to be no human player and game to stall indefinitely "waiting for other civs"

- Added config option to turn off city naming and list of most ___ civ popups while in automation (thanks TGA for idea)
ocedius said:
Of all the 1.61 modpacks out there, this is my favorite by far. Very beautiul work indeed with 0.5 so I can't wait to try 0.55 out. Err, maybe I'll wait until morining, but still. BRAVO!!
Thanks, glad you enjoy it. This version is far enough along, I think I'm going to finally pause and smell the roses a little ... with autoplay, I haven't played more than a handful of turns at a time in months! :lol:

amazing addition to civ/ a must have for all other mods and vanilla games

i always wanted something like this:D
Excellent, I'm excited to try out the Revolutions features (been on vacation). Also hoping you can get vassal states and whatnot working for compatability Warlords sometime in the future. Warlords' ability to have more than 18 civs is also a feature that would benefit this mod IMO.
suspendinlight said:
Excellent, I'm excited to try out the Revolutions features (been on vacation). Also hoping you can get vassal states and whatnot working for compatability Warlords sometime in the future. Warlords' ability to have more than 18 civs is also a feature that would benefit this mod IMO.
I put a little outline of the path to Warlords in the OP ... not being constrained to 18 civs is probably a plus, but at some point it just gets crazy. I'm sure someone will make some mods for the contact list and foreign advisor screen so they don't become horribly convoluted. Hopefully the more agressive AI in Warlords will also lead to some more consolidation of the small, backward civs.
I am having a couple of problems with version .55 right now. For one thing if I set the
Display popup on initialization indicating what components are active
ActivePopup = True

none of the components of the mod work and the initial screen when you start a new game ("Your people have knowledge of fishing and mining", etc) does not appear.

Also, I seem to have to set
Turn on Debug output
DebugMode = True

for each component in order to activate it, except for AIAutoPlay, which seems to be activated regardless of whether its debug mode is set. I would expect the switch should be the "Enable" but something got mixed up.

I recall the latter problem happening in the earlier version but I forgot to mention it. I think all components are working now but I also have all debug modes on so I am getting a lot of annoying popups.
suspendinlight said:
I am having a couple of problems with version .55 right now. For one thing if I set the
Display popup on initialization indicating what components are active
ActivePopup = True

none of the components of the mod work and the initial screen when you start a new game ("Your people have knowledge of fishing and mining", etc) does not appear.
With the default settings, but ActivePopup = True I get:
Does it come up empty, or not come up at all?

suspendinlight said:
Also, I seem to have to set
Turn on Debug output
DebugMode = True

for each component in order to activate it, except for AIAutoPlay, which seems to be activated regardless of whether its debug mode is set. I would expect the switch should be the "Enable" but something got mixed up.
BarbCiv, Reb and Rev all work for me with DebugMode off, but you're right that ChangePlayer only works with DebugMode on ... simple fix, I must have decided to only bind the keyboard arguments during debug mode for some reason that no longer makes sense. So that's fixed for the next version. My bad ... Are you sure the others weren't working, or could it maybe be you just didn't see them yet?
:eek: so, that's how revolutions are going to work. wow!

played .55 last night. amazing. saw both the aggressive and peaceful revolutions - in fact, one revolution caught fire completely. the japanese rebelled from a fringe city of the mongolians (first barb civ, highest score and everything) and ended up splitting their empire into an eastern half and a western half - one christian and one buddhist. pretty cool.

in the middle of an assault on the chinese in the 1800's, i pillaged a couple of luxuries and then they started fragmenting into a couple of pocket civs. i didn't finish it out, but after china and i made peace they had started to 'reclaim' their cities.

one potential bug i found - not quite sure how it happened. the french and russian leaderheads somehow got distorted. i had met louie early on, but after he had a revolution he put down, his leaderhead and personality changed to napolean even though his name stayed as Louie. the same thing happened with Catherine 'becoming' Peter.

looking forward to playing it again - cheers, jdog :goodjob:
As soon as you found a second religion there are rumors.
Isn't that a bit hard?
Can I set a variable to raise the number of religions you can have?
jdog5000 said:
Does it come up empty, or not come up at all?
When I play, it doesn't come up at all and all the mod components (or at least all keyboard shortcuts) are deactivated. This is only when starting a new game, I haven't tried it when loading a game as you show in your picture.

BarbCiv, Reb and Rev all work for me with DebugMode off, but you're right that ChangePlayer only works with DebugMode on ... simple fix, I must have decided to only bind the keyboard arguments during debug mode for some reason that no longer makes sense. So that's fixed for the next version. My bad ... Are you sure the others weren't working, or could it maybe be you just didn't see them yet?
Well as I noted above, I have no ability to verify whether the Rebellion and Revolution components are active other than seeing events happen as I play. However, I placed a barb city at game start and did CTRL-SHFT-B several times and nothing happened. Also the CTRL-SHFT-H and CTRL-SHFT-P don't work without debug mode activated.
suspendinlight said:
When I play, it doesn't come up at all and all the mod components (or at least all keyboard shortcuts) are deactivated. This is only when starting a new game, I haven't tried it when loading a game as you show in your picture.

Well as I noted above, I have no ability to verify whether the Rebellion and Revolution components are active other than seeing events happen as I play. However, I placed a barb city at game start and did CTRL-SHFT-B several times and nothing happened. Also the CTRL-SHFT-H and CTRL-SHFT-P don't work without debug mode activated.
Alright, I found one problem ... I have the didn't find .ini file and active components popups in the initialization function of CvCustomEventManager. This gets called while the game is starting up, and there's no where to display a popup at that point :hammer2: Worked fine in my tests where I'd already have the game running, and then the init function would fire when the Python modules are reloaded. Doh!

A fix for this (which probably causes most of the issues you're having) plus the ChangePlayer only working in DebugMode issue will be posted soon. Sorry.
Caesium said:
As soon as you found a second religion there are rumors.
Isn't that a bit hard?
Can I set a variable to raise the number of religions you can have?
If you're running a Theocracy for extended periods of time, you will find it very hard to hold on to a second holy city, especially if it doesn't even have your state religion in it. Is this perhaps what happened to you?

I think this is realistic ... Theocracies should have substantial downsides. However, it also has an upside. If all your cities have just your state religion or state plus one other, and you're running a Theocracy, you will probably never see a Revolution.

The effects of religion on the revolutionary spirit of your citizens decreases in later eras, while the importance of culture increases after you discover Nationalism.
That sounds fair to me.

But in my Modification I enhanced the religion's spread up to three religions via trade routes, so there are maily many religions in my cities, is there a trigger or counter I could change?
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