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Revolution: with BarbarianCiv, Rebellion, AIAutoPlay

The AI does have that script for # of units per city, which probably makes it such a stack builder. You would think that there would be scripts for all those improvements to ease that overload.
I let the AI manage my cities from the start and it allocates population decently, but it still has all archers by 1000AD and now is working on horseback riding without any horses. Axemen...they don't have any city bonuses, pfft.

The autoplay is not good at all on high difficulty unless you are far ahead of everyone.
jdog5000 said:
Watching the AI is really an eye opening experience ... you quickly understand why giving the computer players all those bonuses on higher levels isn't really cheating ... they're not really intelligent! The AI disbands a lot of units because of financial problems ... waste waste waste! Financial issues and planning are the biggest problem IMO, followed by an inability to defend against barb units. These are related, as the barb units walk in and destroy cottage after cottage. They AI doesn't set up a perimeter or even attack them most of the time (seems to only attack with charriots or horse archers).

I've also once watched an AI completely bankrupt itself with new cities ... not just had to turn research to zero, but even with research at zero it was still losing money. It disbanded all units but 1 defender per city, including all its workers (so it had no hope!). Then, in the top left corner, next to the empty treasury, was the word (STRIKE) and none of its cities could produce anything. Needless to say, it was cannon fodder pretty quick ...

This is very interesting stuff you've come across here. I wonder then if it would be possible for new functions and restrictions to be placed on the AI to prevent it from sending itself rocketing to the poorhouse.

I think one way to accomplish this would be to make the AI much more willing to unload cities... I mean, they will not trade cities for anything as it stands. It's ridiculous.

I realize of course that artificial intelligence for a game can only go so far, but it seems like even some basic emergency braking would do them a world of good here.
Dom Pedro II said:
This is very interesting stuff you've come across here. I wonder then if it would be possible for new functions and restrictions to be placed on the AI to prevent it from sending itself rocketing to the poorhouse.

I think one way to accomplish this would be to make the AI much more willing to unload cities... I mean, they will not trade cities for anything as it stands. It's ridiculous.

I realize of course that artificial intelligence for a game can only go so far, but it seems like even some basic emergency braking would do them a world of good here.
Yeah, I've seen two instances when it really should just offer the city to the other player:

1) A small city they captured but have no culture in that is heavily influenced by your culture. It won't flip to you, but it does them no good. Just revolts over and over ...

2) Small cities on the fringe of their empire that are costing them money when they're in serious financial trouble. They should really be willing to give those up, or trade for some help.

That being said, I can understand how this would be very difficult to balance and make exploit proof, so I don't fault Firaxis for leaving this out ...
Blazer6 said:
The autoplay is not good at all on high difficulty unless you are far ahead of everyone.
I've been wondering whether when you give control to the AI, it is forced to play at your difficulty or if it gets to play on Noble. I'll report my findings ...

As I thought, while you're in autoplay, the AI who takes over your civ is treated like any other AI player. If you start a game on Diety, you can watch the AI pump out units like there's no tomorrow.
There is something about financial trouble in the PlayerAI code that I never really quite got... even has to do with city trading. If that IS what it's for, it's broken... but if an AI willing to get rid of cities is potentially unbalancing, I think it'd be worth an investigation to try to find a balance for it.
Dom Pedro II said:
There is something about financial trouble in the PlayerAI code that I never really quite got... even has to do with city trading. If that IS what it's for, it's broken... but if an AI willing to get rid of cities is potentially unbalancing, I think it'd be worth an investigation to try to find a balance for it.
I think what you're referring to is this in CvPlayerAI::AI_cityTrade:
        if (!(GET_PLAYER(ePlayer).isHuman()))
		if (GET_PLAYER(ePlayer).getTeam() != getTeam())
			if ((pCity->plot()->calculateCulturePercent(ePlayer) == 0) && !(pCity->isEverOwned(ePlayer)) && (GET_PLAYER(ePlayer).getNumCities() > 3))
				[B]if (GET_PLAYER(ePlayer).AI_isFinancialTrouble())[/B]
					return DENIAL_UNKNOWN;

Which, I believe, keeps the AI from trading a city to an AI who is in financial trouble ... doesn't depend on current status of the city owner. You'd think the other player would know not to accept it ... I think what keeps the AI from ever trading a city except in cases of war is:

        if (GET_PLAYER(ePlayer).getTeam() != getTeam())
		return DENIAL_NEVER;
I noticed that the AI-Player has gained about +10 mutual military struggle and -0 how dare you say no to joining our war.
I guess the AI-Player cannot say no to war assistance, or it declares war on the same civ as everyone (portraits of leaders don't open) else who gives out mutual military struggle points. I noticed after having the AI-Player declare war on the one city civ for the fifth time. It also tends to keep relations with a larger group than necessary. I assume it wants to keep as many civs pleased as it can at the cost of working towards solidifying relations with a few friendly civs.
I noticed that all the civs who give out the mutual military struggle are squeezing my borders and all could destroy me in a few turns if they wanted. Could that mere diplomacy bonus hold a much greater weight of respect among the AI than the others?

Don't use autoplay if you want to avoid war.
Please can someone help me ? I want to make a fusion of Revolution mod and Assassin mod !!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :scan: :goodjob:
The AI-Player has a habit of disbanding units when it is running in the green and has hundreds of gold. It has disbanded over 60 units and the game still has 300 turns left. It seems scripted to declare war when its close allies are attacking that same civ. This will go on repeatedly and the civs are awarding nearly +10 mutual struggle points by now.
One of my cities (of 6) revolted for some unknown reason and joined a civ that had no cities and no access to that civ. I have yet to get a civ to split no matter how many cities they have, the same for barbarian units. One civ supposedly split but all its cities disappeared when I noticed.
I would think of it as...don't look behind the curtain, because he himself is also being controlled by his puppet outside his turn.
I looked through your code and discovered, that you made the possibility to spread a new civ with the SDK, but in/with your Barbs in Civ Mod you still use the "old fashioned" way to kill a randomly selected AI player.
Will there be a version in future, where all mod parts use the civ apreading by SDK?
If I play with 18 civs will it be impossible for a new civ to spawn? Is it possible with the sdk to increase the number of max civs?
Jeppson said:
If I play with 18 civs will it be impossible for a new civ to spawn? Is it possible with the sdk to increase the number of max civs?

It is currently not possible to have civilizations spawning if all 18 civs are alive and well. And no, it's not possible to change this in the SDK since it's hard coded into the exe file.

However, word is that this restriction is being either raised or eliminated in Warlords.
Please release the AIautoplay as a mod component. It will be easier to incorporate it in other mods for play-testing.

I tried to add revolution to another mod, and disable all other functions, but it was beyond me. Just copied "revolution" files to the other mods folder (no files were replaced in the new mod), copied revolution.ini into the other mods .ini, and made false all the other mod components in the combined ini. AIplay worked, but the other mod components still weren't disabled - it was creating barb civs.
Caesium said:
I looked through your code and discovered, that you made the possibility to spread a new civ with the SDK, but in/with your Barbs in Civ Mod you still use the "old fashioned" way to kill a randomly selected AI player.
Will there be a version in future, where all mod parts use the civ apreading by SDK?
You're correct, the civ killing off code remains in the BarbarianCiv python code. However, it is not called unless the DoGameStartKill setting is enabled in Revolution.ini ... so, by default, the mod does exactly what you request: all civ spreading/spawning is done through the SDK.

The killing off on game start code was left in to make it easier for me to create a Python only version which will be easier for other modders to include in their mods.

Blazer6 said:
If jdog did not answer your private/instant message, then jdog is taking a break.
Yup ... I had been pretty good about answering questions/issues, but finals and then a little vacation hit.
Dom Pedro II said:
It is currently not possible to have civilizations spawning if all 18 civs are alive and well. And no, it's not possible to change this in the SDK since it's hard coded into the exe file.

However, word is that this restriction is being either raised or eliminated in Warlords.
Good to know Firaxis is doing something about that ... for me, it's not much of an issue because my computer isn't fast enough to run a map where much more than 18 civs make sense, but computers keep getting better :)
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