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RevolutionDCM for BTS

@Phungus and Infantryman
Thanks for the beta testing. Yes there is still ant's that have escaped from the nest and are through all the cupboards. Will try to squash them one by one. There is no ant-rid for software bugs unfortunately. Release is pushed back by a day at least and is a pity, because I want to actually play this mod and not mod this mod.

@MAMBA special request
It appears that you are one of the last remaining clued up people on WoC that is regularly around the shop. EmperorFool and I are discussing ways to make python plug and play in the modules folder, but he has a question that I cannot answer at the moment. Do you have one? The forum is:

@MAMBA special request
It appears that you are one of the last remaining clued up people on WoC that is regularly around the shop. EmperorFool and I are discussing ways to make python plug and play in the modules folder, but he has a question that I cannot answer at the moment. Do you have one? The forum is:


I am not even sure I understand the question (and therefore I answer rather generically in hopes of actually providing the answer in the reply) :)

In WoC (note, in RvDCM 2.52 this is different), there can be an MLF file (MLF_CIV4ModularLoadingControls.xml) in each subdir of Assets/Modules (including Assets/Modules). The MLF file controls which subdirs of a dir get loaded and in which order (if there are dependencies).

If no MLF file is found, all subdirs get loaded in 'random' order. If a subdir is not loaded due to being excluded from the MLF of its parent dir, all its subdirs will not be loaded either, no matter what its own MLF says.

So you do not need any MLF file unless you want to exclude subdirs or influence the load order of subdirs. If you have no MLF files at all, every subdir of Assets/Modules will be loaded.

In RevDCM 2.51, the MLF file is needed in Assets/Modules. As in WoC, it controls what dirs are being loaded and in which order. The difference is that if no MLF file is found, NO subdir is being loaded. So not having any MLF files now means that nothing (instead of everything) is being loaded.

It also (to my knowledge) only influences xml loading order whereas EmperorFool is talking about loading Python. I have no idea if this is influenced by MLF files too (but doubt it).
Why not separate the inquisitions XML into a sub mod as I did in Grand Inquisitions? WoC Sub mods tend to make troubleshooting easier. You add one unit, building or wonder at a time and if something goes wrong, you know exactly where the problem is going to be -- the lastest sub mod folder just added or changed. Plug and Play for most of the XML becomes a reality.

Glider: Don't let anyone pressure you into releasing your latest changes too soon. If you need another week to fix known issues, take the extra time needed do it right. I 'd rather have a bug free mod than be bugged with multiple unresolved issues.

Lastly, I was hoping that someday you would include the Mountains Back in Service mod as an option.


Orion Veteran :cool:
Yeah you are correct OrionVeteran. Hang in their another day or two and you will see how Inquistions has been combined with Bug 4.0 in the RevDCM 2.6 release. Thanks to EmperorFool's openness of thought, we are discussing the possibility of merging WoC-Lite concepts with BUG's concepts at http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=337840.

Thank you for your patience on RevDCM 2.6. You do know about the SVN sourceforge downloading system so that you can help beta test it?
Personally I'm not in a hurry on this, I just want it bug free (or as reasonably bug free as can be given the "staff" we have available to work on debugging and play testing). I do however really want to be able to build a debug dll promptly. This is because the inability to do so has put the art on hold, which is a major component of building the mod. Without a debug dll, achilleszero (the guy that does the art in LoR) can't isolate crashes from typos and such, and thus every model and art change has to be done individually, and any problem that occurs can take hours to diagnose and fix, rather then the 5 minutes it takes with a debug dll, plus a debug dll allows you to add mass ammounts of new art, and accept the typos and bugs you're going to create because the debug dll will sort it out. So yeah, please prioritize this one thing, but don't rush the 2.6 release itself.
Hmm bit confused, unravel me would you. RevDCM 2.51 should be "debuggable" using the old makefile system (is for me). It is only the RevDCM 2.6 beta that is buggered for debuggering :) In any case, I will try to fix 2.6beta debuggering soon. Does this help, or does it buggerize you around?
glider, jdog5000

Are you still planning to integrate the JCultureControl Mod for this distribution? If you are, I have already done it with ver 192 from the SVN and it seems to work. I can send you my work if you would like.

glider, phungus420
Just to clarify, I'm not a dev for RevDCM. LoR uses a RevDCM core, so it's an important mod for my purposes and I test it and give feedback, but this is glider and jdog's baby.
Sorry phungus,

Just got my screennames mixed up.

Also glider, Jdog

When I download the RevolutionsDCM directory from SVN, it seems to only have the Assets and Autolog folder in the tar, no maps, user settings, or docs folder; i had to download them separately. Am i doing something wrong?

The JCultureControl Mod seems to work well, but the only way I know of turning it off is by using the xml methods Jeckel built into the mod. I don't know how to use python to allow an on/off control in game.

Also Jdog, any chance of integrating your EraLimit mod found here into the new RevDCM? I would really appreciate it as I don't know how to integrate it with the new BUG system.

If Era limit can be set using the custom game interface, in the same manner as start era, I too would like to see this incorporated.
phungus420 & Infantryman06 said:
Bugs found:

  • [*]Rising Seas game option is missing it's text entry, so it says GAME_OPTION_TEXT_RISING_SEAS when starting a custom game
    [*]Inquisitors can be built under all civics, including pasifism
    [*]All units except settlers have an "assassinate" option; selecting this option causes a CTD. This occurs with SS on and assassination off, haven't checked other options.
    [*] I couldn't seem to get the "Go to and Sentry" feature to work. When I order a unit to "Go to and Sentry," it dose not move. Regular "go to" works however.
    [*]The "Naval Sentry" option appears for land units and not naval units
    [*]The "Sentry Until Healed" appears for sea units and not land units
  • Python exceptions at game start up when "Start as Minors" selected, see here for more details:
  • Modmakers cannot use Refar's guide to build a debug dll, and thus can't make debug dlls. It is imperative for modmakers to have this ability, it takes about 10 times as much work to build a large mod without the ability to build one.
  • The Options under the Domestic Advisors section in the BUG Mod Options window are missing.

As of revision 192, doing a good job on the bug squashing, only a few left.
The Options under the Domestic Advisors section in the BUG Mod Options window are missing.
Isn't this a known bug in BUG 4.1 and EmperorFool's reply to it... The fix is quite easy, you'll just need to adjust CDA's xml defines which are in the config folder and change the missing options to match the new settings. The fix might be already in BUG's SVN version (haven't checked yet).
Thanks, will pay close attention when I merge in latest bug, bull versions and congratulations on your 2000th post on civfanatics may there be 2000 more. :goodjob:

I will treat your "list" as gospel because it contains stuff I did not know. Continue to resubmit your list but subtract items as well because this will give me the impression that I am achieving something which would be nice. I think rising seas, inquisitor and assassinate bugs are dead now but you may not think so? Have taken on board your "era limit" suggestion and it looks simple enough, but simplicity is only ever relative to complexity. Continue to monitor the RevDCM TODO list which is the central reference point for items still to do in beta. The beta build is in a very fortunate situation that all the ant's that are running around in the cupboard causing trouble are not cooperating with each other but working independently. If they decide to cooperate, the beta build would have been dead long ago.

Yes Jculturemod is way way down on priority right now. Yes please merge it in by all means and last thing I will check it out. As for your SVN downloading, it appears you may not be using the correct technique. You use TortoiseSVN to check out a build, and tortoise will download the build to the checkout location, only downloading what is required to build a complete RevDCM version that can literally be played from that download straight away without unzipping nothing. The most beautiful thing about tortoise is that it actually does do compression on the fly, compressing the SVN build and delivering them uncompressed to your checkout point.

Will show hidden attitudes be in the next release?

I don't think it's on the list, but I think it should be included. It's a rather easy merge, I've already done it for my modmod. Just 2 files, with 3 different blocks needing added. And a text file.
glider everything on that list that's been struck crossed out are bugs that have been squashed. The only bugs I currently know are left are these:
  • Python exceptions at game start up when "Start as Minors" selected, see here for more details:
  • Modmakers cannot use Refar's guide to build a debug dll, and thus can't make debug dlls. It is imperative for modmakers to have this ability, it takes about 10 times as much work to build a large mod without the ability to build one.
  • The Options under the Domestic Advisors section in the BUG Mod Options window are missing.
Thanks. Hidden attitudes is off the main priority but like infantryman, if you merge it and post here, I'll check it out (in?) last thing.

Here you are. The necessary text files are included too. Just drop it into the XML/Text folder. The only source files that were changed were CvPlayerAI.cpp, GameTextMgr.cpp and CvPlayerAI.h. I didn't test compile, but I'm not at my usual computer. It should work though.

View attachment 230427

Now, about the Debug build, and Makefile. If it's the mapfinder code from BULL that's causing the issues, I would just take that part out (don't remove all of BULL, just that section), as it's pretty useless to RevDCM players, as I believe it's only used for HOF games anyways.
Yeah about to get onto that. My thoughts exactly if the debug changes jdog have supplied do not work. Thanks for the hidden attitude upload. Do you consider hidden attitude as a cheat for humans? If at the end of this merge it does go in, should I bother making it turn offable? From first look last week it doesn't seem to reveal anything that makes human play against the AI too advantageous to the human. We have to remember that revdcm in single player mode is about enhancing the AI and not enhancing the human against the AI. For humans revdcm should only add interface and game enhancements.

Release of RevDCM will not happen today and possibly not even tomorrow. Hopefully before the weekend though!

TMIT has a good rant about why the hidden modifiers are terrible, and it would convince you that keeping them hidden is a bad idea, but I can't find his rant. Basically the hidden diplo modifiers were poor design. Please just add that modcomp and let it be that, there are already too many game options as it is, things are starting to look messy, no need to make this an option, and it is a good gameplay improvement adding the modcomp.
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