• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .



Dec 14, 2013
I need you help, folks!
I'm on emperor difficulty, I have always had a hard time assembling enough cities to be competitive throughout the entire game. So what I did so far was eliminating one close AI and build my cities around my and their capital. But still I only get to seven or eight cities. I thought I should maybe consider REXing...

All my tries have been horrible, expanding to five or six cities and winding up with a destroyed economy. Can anyone suggest a strategy to
1. expand to a higher number of cities
2. to keep my economy up at the same time (which works better in this case: CE or SE)
Guide about economics will go online during the next 7 days probably. Don't use terms like CE or SE, both are outdated, the guide will explain that also.

If you play on standard map size, 7-8 cities btw. aren't bad at all. I once won a Deity round where I got boxed in after 3 cities, of which 1 had no food, so you probably should morely learn something about city-management than about REXing.
"Finished" the text-part of the article about hybrid-economy just a few minutes ago. Will probably publish it in 2 to a max. of 4 days, still waiting for feedback on it from the CIV Illustrated usergroup, and I think about working screenshots in again. If you write here, that you want to read the article now, I can post it and write that it's still work in progress.
What do you mean with "destroyed economy"? It is perfectly normal that you cannot always run 100% science. The key tech usually is currency, unless you have a) a lucky map with lots of gold/gems etc. or b) a watery map and build the Great Lighthouse which gives more trade routes even before currency. But even in those cases, currency is helpful because it allows you to "build wealth"
Currency , Courthouses and Cottages. The three c's. Perhaps more importantly the right tech or improvement at the right time; which depends on the particular map & game or goal. For example building a cottage only helps if you can actually work it and have a good spot to put it.
Oh no, you don't have to upload it now, I guess I can wait until the proper versions is released. But where will you post it though?
Well key to economy is a mix of cottages, commerce resource, court houses, currency for an additional trade routes and maybe sailing for foreign trade routes. If you have a decent bureau capital building a second city close by to share cottages is not a bad idea.

Of course if you space all your cities more than 4 tiles apart then you will only increase costs. On emperor you should be able to rex to 3 cities by 2000bc safely. Or at least 4 cities by 1000bc. Sometimes delaying the 3rd city can help you reach key techs quicker. Pends on map.

As long as you have writing before economy crashes you can still use specialists to push the economy while you work cottages.

Having 6-7 cities by 500bc is more than manageable. Have a look at some of the games posted for Noble club to get some good ideas on how to improve your game.

If you really want more advice post a save.
Having the economy "destroyed" with only 5-6 cities sounds odd. Post a save where you feel this has happened, then people can have a look and give better advice.
If you are financial with cottages or at least organized, than you should be just fine at 7-8 cities without too much effort unless they are spread across a huge distance. Without those traits, you could still be fine, but it takes a little more care.

I usually avoid financial leaders, (nothing wrong with them. Just personal preference :) ) but I'll admit I very much favor organized; probably too much. Zara in particular is my favorite. I don't think he makes many top civ lists, but he fits my playstyle. On emperor he lets me expand aggressively, build cheap libraries, pay less maintenance, and then dominate with Drill IV Oromos and siege.

In other words, if you are getting frustrated try an organized leader next time. It would definitely help you REX which I assume is something you enjoy doing. Granted, if you only play organized you'll develop bad habits like I most certainly have, but still it might be worth it for the confidence boost while you are acclimating to the difficulty level.
It depends on many factors (mostly the map) but I think that Emperor might be the first level when maintenance costs can be really impede one's game if one has some bad timing during expansion. Same goes for the power of organized leaders which shines on those higher levels.

Unless one is really in danger of losing important spots/resources it can be better not to expand too quickly. E.g. if one wants to get the Oracle researching those techs (especially writing) can become really slow if one founded already 3 cities and they are not connected (all this is moot if you have two gold/gems or so). So skip the oracle or put the 3rd or 4th city "on hold" and build it once you have it (or the techs you want). Currency is really the key, especially if one gets foreign trade routes and even if not, building wealth gives more flexibility.
Oh no, you don't have to upload it now, I guess I can wait until the proper versions is released. But where will you post it though?

You'll find it either in my signature, or in the strategy-guides subsection.
Absolute Zero and TMIT's videos got me from prince to deity in about 6 weeks. If you havent checked them out I would consider watching them.
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