rhyes and fall EUROPE

little tiger

Feb 10, 2005
I dont get these beta things. I tried the new mod and it doesnt work it only gives the option of spanish and byzantie and then says Ive been defeated straight away as the spanish.

When is the actual proper scenario gonna be finished???

Please email: kevintenuta@hotmail.com

Also... get the makers to sort out the stability thing. Although the original rhyes and fall is brilliant much better than the original game in many ways... the stability thing is far too delicate, and EVERY SINGLE DAMN GAME I play I end up collapsing and I never get to finish one game,.. it gets so irritating and boring. Why cant we lessen the affect or turn it off? Unless you want to play a boring civ with only 5 cities its beyond irritating. Even when you do exactly what the civ did historically and no more you still collapse. It can go from solid to collapsing in 3 turns without no major problems happening... even when I have lots of money, no captured cities, no revoultion etc etc
Actually there is a thread for this kinds of postings. Its called "RFC Europe playtesting feedback thread" and there is no need to create a new thread for every feedback.

And about the Stabilty, don't forget its still in Beta phase. Some information about what empire you played, what cities you conquered, what your political situations was would be interesting. Otherwise its not very helpful, its like saying "My Computer is broken" and now we should find the problem and solve it out of nowhere.
When is the actual proper scenario gonna be finished???

Well... You shouldn't have those problems. The mod works very well and has all the civs, so if you only have spain and Byzancium it means that there is a problem with your version of RFCE. Did you download it well ?
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