Rhye's and Fall of Europe: Starting Information


Jul 27, 2009
Szeged, Hungary

New opening post under construction!

Note: The original starting post of the thread by sedna17 can be found a couple posts below.
It was last updated on February 28, 2012.

Moderator Action: New Opening Post inserted into thread
Last edited:

Welcome to Rhye's and Fall of Europe

Welcome to Rhye's and Fall of Europe, a mod based on the incredibly popular original Rhye's and Fall of Civilizations (RFC). If you've played RFC before, all the familiar elements are here: stability, plagues, dynamic rises, barbarian uprisings, Unique Powers, Unique Historical Victories, and uniquely customized parameters designed to simulate history while allowing you the freedom to change it. In order to simulate a time period (500 - 1800 AD) and region in greater depth we've created a new huge map of Europe with new resources and new terrain. We've also added new civilizations, a new tech tree, new units, new civics, new corporations, new buildings and wonders. Religion, so critical in this period, has been made much more important. Faith points, a new concept, provide unique benefits for each religion based on how pious your civilization is.

Latest Version:

We have released version 1.0 on Feb 27, 2012. The mod can be downloaded from our sourceforge page. Just go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/rfceurope/ and click on the green button.

The best place to post feedback is the RFCEurope 1.0 feedback thread where you can also see a list of changes.

An (outdated) copy of the manual is also available at http://rfceurope.sourceforge.net

Historical Record of Changes:
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Changes for Beta 9:
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General changes:
New civic system
Workshops can now be build on Moorland (makes English UP more powerful)
Added favourite religion to some of the leaders
Added new Colony: Vinland
Colonies become obsolete after some date
Atlantic Access is revealed by Astroable (see Balance for how this changes the game)
Changed Norse UHV 1: now you have to build the Vinland colony
Cathedrals now really need state religion
Some Hints are added (when you load a game)
Player number 4 (Cordoba) respawns as Hafsid Caliphate, effectively adding a new player in North Africa (need to work on the spread of Islam in NA)
Trading over ocean is possible with Astrolable (to help the Norse with their UHV)
Added Reformation event, after all players hae made a choice on Reformation, the remaining Catholics can choose between free Prosecutros or free Stability boost (diplomacy and faith points adjustments to come later)

Map and province changes:
A few small fixes to the map after the updates of Beta 8
Added salt to Anatolia, removed deers
Germany get Lorraine as a "Solid" Province
Spain gets the Canaries as "OK" stability
Genoa gets Malta
Wheat added to Dijon
Changed the map area and the provinces near Cyprus and southern Greece
Byzantium now gets Cyprus, Rhodes and Crete as solid provinces
Cordoba gets Oran as OK Province
Removed sheep from northern Transylvania (Hungary)
Moved olives near Knossos
Placed a few walruses in the northern regions (for testing)

XML updates:
XML cleanup (unused lines of code are removed, many typos fixed)
Python cleanup (unused lines of code are removed)
New XML entries for Units Production boost and Building + Civic combo (with text and AI awareness, text could probably be improved)
Some objects are translated, a part of the Province names are translated
Updated the code for city names, now we can ask for the condition "conquers a number of provinces of given type" and "has conquered specific province"
For the "Empire" condition DCNConditionConqNumOfProvincesOfTypeType should be 2 for None, Desired and Outer, DCNConditionConqNumOfProvincesOfTypeNum should be 1 or 2
For Austria-Hungary, for Austria, DCNConditionConqASpecificProvince should hold the number for province Hungary (see XMLConsts.py for a list)
Updated the text for the Expansion civics
The English UP is now correctly listed as +2 hammer from Workshop
Added text showing info for the Civic combo Stability boost/penalty
Added condition for the Dynamic Names for the case when the player has respawned (note XML value of 0 passes regardless whether the player has respawned)
Many small XML updates regarding religious buildings
Walrus (ivory) gives 1 food without a camp and an additional 1 food, 1 production and 1 commerce with a camp

Art updates:
Byzantine Lancer, Byzantine Knight and Hungarian Pikeman have proper button
Some wonder "movies" (read pictures) have a much smaller size
In the Financial Screen, the Foreign Stability section shows the "hidden" fifth stablity cathegory: Swing, that always resets rapidly to zero
Ethnic unit art for Russian Great Merchant
Walrus art for Ivory

Added direct stability bonus for Golden Age, before it was only implicid via the boost of Economy
Atlantic Access start on the map only in Iceland, then it disapears completely after 1050AD
Atlantic Access is then added dynamically as different nations discover Astronomy (Gibraltar AA is added when any nation discovers Astronomy)
Culture output depends on the province type, lower culture for Unstable and higher culture for Solid
Adjusted Merchant Republic number of cities penalty, it should help the AI
Serfdom becomes available with Vassalage and Feudal Monarchy with Feudalism
Apprenticeship becomes available with Education
Added Literature, Classical Knowledge, Monument Building, Philosophy, Education as Austrian starting techs
Many of the Indy cities got a religion on start
Increased the strength of the Seljuks to 13 (they are Heavy Cavalry and many units get bonuses vs Heavy Cavalry)
Ottomans get 20 faith points on start, this should prevernt the AI from converting away from Islam (still not working)
Moved Militarism to Farriers (Vassalage was the only early expansion civic and it is not that good)
Moved Mercantilism to Paper (Banking is too early)
Increased Free Peasantry cottage growth bonus to 100%, otherwise the Improvements don't have enough time to grow inbetween Plagues
Portuguese Fetoria now replaces Harbor, gives +1 commerce from water tiles
Removed Horse Archer barbarians from Iberia, overall the Barbs were a bit OP
Turkey more likely to start at war with Bulgaria
On lower then Monarch difficulty, the human gets +8 stability points
Update Portugal Wars Map to include Cordoba with very low priority, thus they can benefit from a Defensive Crusade
Defensive Crusades now "cost" less Faith Points, strength is also adjusted for the new buildings/saints giving more faith (this should have been done some time ago)
Small boost for the defensive Crusade when you have less than 6 cities (i.e. you need a bit more help)
Added more starting techs to Lithuania
Judaism now also adds culture like all the other religions
Added Missionaries for many "historic" nations, sometimes one has to wait way too long for a religion (like England)
Cities with population 1 have only 40 percent chance to autoraze
Poland no longer builds Prosecutors
Islam now spreads through North Africa
Longbowmans require Chivalry (instead of Military tradition), Tomb of Al Khalid requires Military Tradition (instead of Chivalry), Maceman recieve a bonus vs. Polearm (instead of Heavy Cavalry)
Adjusted Longbowman and Maceman and the bonuses that they provide
Small tech boost to Portugal
Lowered German tech rate, they had it at a level for a later civ
Moved the Ottoman start date so that they flip Adrianopolis at a historically accurate date
Spanish agression increased, Isabella is less pious and more violent

Fixed: Norse no longer lose stability when capturing cities
Fixed: Players no longer get double-hits from razing cities
Fixed: Austrian spawn had tiles that were double-counted resulting in crashing when cities had to flip twice
Fixed: An autorun bug that deviated from Rhye's code, now we do exactly what he does, but I still don't understand everything about it
Fixed: A Firaxis bug, upon capturing an enemy city, units from the defending player can enter the city after the city has been captured
added an extra call to CvPlot::verifyUnitValidPlot() at the end of CvUnit::setXY(), the new code is marked by //3MiroBugfix
Fixed: Jerusalem was missing from 2nd Arab UHV
Fixed: Crusade gets canceled if a Catholic captures Jerusalem during the voting
Fixed: Crusaders "return" properly from a canceled Crusade (you can change religion again)
Fixed: Jerusalem is added to the Arabian UHV territory
Fixed: French UP now works
Fixed: Third Dutch UHV works now
Fixed: Seljuks were broken, they were not spread out geographically (there were some issues with the code)
Fixed: the starting techs for Portugal skipped Lateen Sails and went to Carthography directly, now there is no break
Fixed: Portugal settlers map did not include West Africa and the Atlantic Islands
Fixed: The Defensive Crusades were totally broken, they should work now (needed to add Defensive Provinces for the traditionally non-Catholic Players)
Fixed: Spanish 3d UHV should work now
Fixed: if Protestantism has not been founded by the time the Dutch spawn, then the Dutch properly found Protestantism
Fixed: Portugal UP now applies to both Trading Companies as opposed to one company and the Encyclopedia project
Switched hungarian order and select sounds

Changes for earlier versions:
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Beta 8

General changes:
revised map of Balkans, Greece, Carpathian-basin, Lithuania

XML updates:
Updated unique UHV names
"Build Vineyard" instead of "Build Winery" when you build the Vineyard improvement
German territory UHV has proper description
Proper date for Cordoban 2nd UHV in the pedia

Art updates:
Gold icon instead of text in the pedia of Manor House
"Remove Mud" worker action shows proper button
New LHs: Ivan Asen II for Bulgaria, Karl XII for Sweden
LH update: Barbarossa, Mindaugas, Vytautas
Return of the UHV Counters, they should be working again
Upgrade to the Victory screen, now players can see won/lost provinces

Nerfed Byzantine Stability
Germany UHV no longer requires conquest of Bohemia (we should probably redo the entire thing)
Cities in outer and none provinces are more likely to declare independence (whether a city declares independence has the same odds, the change is in which city)
Independent players now have no state religion, making the AI hate them more and losing the "fighting brothers in faith" penalty
Islamic Madrassa has equal features to the Christian Monasteries
Boost of stability for small Empires (they canno build many buildings)
Norse no longer get stability penalty for razing cities
Norse get 2 more Galleys at the start (go explore early)
Norse now need to raze only 6 cities (10 is a lot, since Independents don't count)
Merged provinces in England, otherwise they have to build too many cities to cover them all
Moved Horses around Preslav, the AI sees that the plot is close to Byzantine territory and doesn't connect them
Added a roads around the Russian rivers to let units move faster (better River Trade)
Buffed Portugal and Dutch colony production speed
Portugal UP now covers Trading Companies as well as colonies
Increased the cost for Guisarmier, it is very cheap and the AI makes tons of them. Also, since the mounted units got nerfed, we don't need so many of those.
Tech cannot be traded for 20 turns after its historic date
Tech cost would be lowered less after the histroic date
Lithuanian AI is now aware of the Pagan UP and will not instantly flip to a religion
Added more starting techs and units to Austria to balance their leter start
Adjusted Poland War and Settler maps

TEXT_KEY_AGE_MEDIEVAL bug in the religion and corporation infoscreen
Fixed the Venetian UHV (no longer requires conquest of Morea)
Fixed a Venetian Stability Bug, they no longer start with Feudal Law (which is incompatible with Merchant Republic)
Fixed a bug allowing Crusaders to spawn for dead players
Fixed a bug preventing the Human from getting production/research benefits/penalties
Fixed a bug allowing Venetian units to enter Venice even when it is conquered by other players
Fixed a bug pushing Crusades outside of spawn location due to slip of the target city, Crusaders now declare war to the new owner of the city
Fixed techs turns left would often be one turn off

Beta 7

The map is now divided into Provinces. Those play major factor for both Stability and UHV conditions. Remember to hold Ctr when hovering over a Province to see all the tiles that belong to it.

New Stability Scheme
Stability now works different than before. Every point counts (big time). Most things that you would normally do, lower your stability. The main source of positive Stability would be the four buildings: Manor House, Courthouse, Castle and Night Watch. Here is some stability advice:

- Expand slowly, make sure you have positive Stability and wait to build Stability boost buildings before you expand. Don't go spamming cities into Unstable (or even Stable) territory right away.
- Purge foreign religion from your cities (doesn't count for Poland).
- Keep your cities happy and healthy, protected and don't warmonger too much.
- Your citizens should work tiles with improvements prioritizing resources. Don't let your cities grow without commerce and production boosting buildings.
- Don't over-expand too quickly and don't let enemy cities in your core territory.

New Tech Rate
It is now very hard to get too far ahead in technology. Tech cost adjusts dynamically, depending on the historic time of each tech. You cannot get too far ahead and it is also harder to fall behind (although you can fall behind). Overall, you will not see any Knight in the 11th century and colonies do not get founded before the 16th century.

New Victory Interface
Now we can actually read what the victory conditions are. The entire Victory module was rewritten so that the interface can become even better in the future. Eventually, we will be showing counters for each UHV as well as dynamically the progress of each province Conquered or Lost.

Timeline of Europe
We are moving closer and closer to a historically accurate Timeline of Europe. Most of the UHV conditions and techs are already tied to one major event or another. Overall the mod should be more historical than before.

New Civilization: Lithuania
In the view of all the other changes, this looks like a small one. There a lot more to be done in terms of balancing Lithuania, but we do have a playable civilization now.

New Bugs for Your Enjoyment
Thanks to Opera and other testers, we have cleaned a ton of bugs already, but there are more lurking around. Overall this Beta will be somewhat unstable, but we hope to have everything fixed by next week when we want to release Beta 8.

Beta 6

- merijn_v1 updates some text on the new Manor House/Civic
- art and text changes by merijn_v1
- fixed Hungarian spawn units (2 Axes, 3 Horse Archers)
- fixed Hungarian UU, now it accurately replaces the Heavy Lancer
- removed the Congress.py file, it wasn't used at all
- removed the first strikes from the Konnik
- moved the Heavy Lancer Icon to Blast Furnace
- Blast Furnace now requires Feudalism
- The Pope no longer collapses due to bad stability
- Changes Burgundian UB to Winery (extra culture, extra health from Wine), art has not been changed
- Various Religious wonders now give Faith points
- Increaded the FP bonus form Cathedrals to 3
- Increased the requirement for Bulgarian UHV to 60 points
- Faith points are capped at 60, can be adjusted for every individual religion
- Pope AI now avoids the Printing Press
- Added AI cheat code, now some players get bonus for AI to AI battles. We can use that to boost some Ai players and get more historic game (like Ottomans vs Byzantium and Bulgaria)
- Dutch gets a "hidden" buff on the Faith Points, with only couple of cities, they can never accumulate enough
- lots of leaderhead and XML text changes from AbsintheRed
- merijn_v1 updates pedia (and Barb leader no longer shows)
- merijn_v1 updates art for Burgundian Winery
- Free Religion now allows construction of Cathedrals and Wonders from all religions
- The Brothers at War property only affects Orthodox players (or playes associated with the Round Church's State Religion tag)
- FP capped at 100, bonuses reduces, saints give 10FP, wonders and cathedrals give 4 and 6 FP respectively
- Changed Kiev UHV, Religious buildings have to be build by 1250AD and instead of the Grain, one has to produce 20,000 food by 1300AD
- Changes France second UHV, instead of wonders, they have to conquer Jerusalem. Otherwise, you get the same 2nd and 3d UHV, just build like crazy.
- Changes Burgundy UHV, they have to produce 10,000 culture, culture-bombs don't count (probably needs balancing)
- Added feedback on the UHV progress for Arabia, Burgundy, Norse and Kiev (will add more later)
- Merged some code in the C++ to speed things up (thanks to Sephi and Edead)
- Bugfix - Manor House used to not give Stability
- Bugfix - Spanish UP now gives Espionage points
- Bugfix - Genoa Bank and Corp UHV
- Bugfix - Human now gets only +1 Faith from prosecuting (the AI gets +1, Human used to get +2)
- Bugfix - Norse get Manorialism as a starting tech
- Bugfix - French leaders now follow correctly Charlemagne, Joan, Jouis
- Bugfix - Updated the starting years on the autorun Popup screen (Bulgaria, Hungary, Kiev and Cordoba were off)
- Bugfix - it was that Burgundy loses an UHV if they lose a city to France or Germany, this was leftover from an older UHV
- Bugfix - Norse city razing UHV works now

Beta 5

- added merijn_v1 XML modifications, some unit abilities and removing old and unused XML entries
- Fixed the Papal Culture Bug
- Fixed Venetian UHV
- Moved Hungarian and Kievan starting turns, with no conflict with Cordoba, we can use more historical dates (note on the bug of one extra autoturn)
- Added info for Stability, Faith, GP and GG
- Removed the exile mechanics
- Nerf to the Barbarians around Frankia, to many to allow you to grow
- Changed the Bulgarian Konnik to more appropriate early Lancer, Bulgaria now gets fewer Konniks on spawn (looks balanced)
- Cordoba and Turkey now start Muslim, the Dutch start Protestant
- Moved the Autorun constants to Python (now we don't have to worry about strange bugs like fighting barbs or meeting other nations before you spawn, if we change the unit XML files, just keep Python in sync)
- Updated small region on the map in the middle of the desert, has to do with the Autorun so "don't touch"
- Get a speedup the hack on the semi-random bugfix from Beta 4 (look below)
- Move University to Philosophy, Education gives a free GS
- National University goes to Paper
- Brewery: +1 Happy, Happyness with berley, (removed one person scientist, I didn't realize we had that with the Monasteries), lowered cost
- Change the Smokeshouse to give health from meat, changed the cost of building it
- Guild hall gives an engineer, an engeneer slot and a merchant slot
- Removed Stability bonus from the Dungeon
- Cordoba, Turkey and the Dutch start with their religions already set
- Updated main menu music (much better quality)
- Market gives only one Merchant slot
- Inn gives +2 esp, 10% gold with wine, -10 war worry and 1 spy slot
- Many wonders now require a specific state religion (as opposed to a religion being in the city)
- Changed the Manor House to give money early on
- Manor house gives +2 gold only with Manorialism (the AI is "aware" of that)
- Early Lancers and Heavy Lancers are somewhat OP, rased the cost of tech and construction
- Mounted Sergeants and Horse Archers come with Stirrup
- Lancers reuire Farriers, Heavy Lancers require Blast Furnace
- The cost of early mounted units has increased
- Hungarian Huszars are not lighter version of Heavy Cavalry, they don't require Iron, they are a bit cheaper, strength reduced to 9 (very few units have bonus vs light-cavalry)
- Hungary starts with 3 Horse Archers (in place of a Swordsman and an Axeman)
- Ghazi are the same as before (didn't want to mess up Arabia)
- Druzjina and Cataphrac also require Blast Furnace and have their cost increased
- The strength of Pistoler increased to 12
- Chateau moved as Frankia's UB, Salon moved to Burgundy (we probably need something completely different for Burgundy, I think Brewery -> Winery for Burgundian wine)
- Chateau bonus changed to +2 hammers (Frankia can really use the boost early on)
- Brothers in Faith bonus (i.e. Round Church) gives you penalty to diplomacy with people form the same faith (keep Orthodox fighting each other, as they were historically)
- Civs without state religion (i.e. Pagans) suffee diplomatic penalty from players with State Religion
- Turkey should finally be getting Constantinople
- Changed the AI flags for the Mediterranean pirates to act more like the Vikings

The big things are:
- the Ottoman AI that should capture Constantinople (even if you play another civ, please use the WorldBuilder to keep an eye on whether or not this is working).
- Early Frank Empire, the synergy between Manorialism and Manor House/Chateau
- Changes to buildings and early cavalry units

Changes for Beta 4:
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many bugs have been fixed (including Reformation)
many Civilopedia entries have been edited
Changed the timing of the Bulgarian UHV
Changes the Norse UHV, now we don't count razing independent cities
Reduced the Barbarians near Hungary
Added Protestant Missionary to the Dutch start
Theodosian walls now disappear with the invention of the Gunpowder
England now takes Dublin around 1300AD

Changes for Beta 3:
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Major XML cleanup
More Germanification
Many typo fixes
More translations
Heavy update of the Balkan city name maps
Spanish colony UHV is edited
Cordoban UHV's are changed
Flanking attacks now activated for light cavalry
Indies split in 2 groups (more cultured - more warlike)
New UHV's for Venice
Changes to buildings (1) Reducing the number of individual buildings (2) Increasing the number of buildings that require other buildings. Some highlights -- castles, not courthouses, now give stability and are required for dungeons and archery ranges. Scriptorium is merged into Monastery. Toll house, grocer, herbalist are cut. Market becomes more about trade than money, the point is to make it more useful/common on its own.
Improved Barb spawning, needs testing, might be a bit over tuned
Bug in Frankia UHV fixed and Frankia UHV area increased
Crusade text now has additional information about which empires is the leader and which empire is the target.
Added one AI mode for maceman
New diplo texts for some leaders
New texts for some leaders
Moved map to PrivateMaps
Turned on aggressive AI (not sure if this will do much)


New Screenshots illustrating some of the big changes in Beta 7/8/9

Stability, Spawns and UHVs are now controlled by provinces. Simply press control and hover over the map to see the province definitions.

The victory screen now shows lots of useful information about your UHVs.

A new civilization, Lithuania, has been added.
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The starting screen. Chose your civ and the game will auto-play until the appropriate time for your civ to rise. Each civ has unique victory goals and a unique power.
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Here is just the first screen of the redesigned tech tree, which blends familiar techs with new ones.
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The mod also has a mix of familiar and new units.
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Faith points, a new concept, makes each religion distinct. Faith points are (mainly) produced by building religious buildings and generating Great Prophets.
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Stability, the crown jewel of Rhye's and Fall, has been brought over. Keep your empire happy, or face rebellion.
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A random screenshot from a game as Genoa, trying to take over all the Mediterranean islands.
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Awesome. What are the changes between the Alpha 12 and the Beta?

*EDIT* Okay nevermind. I'm looking at the sourceforge change log. I'm guessing from what I see there that the Germany stillborn bug is still in the Beta?
*EDIT* Okay nevermind. I'm looking at the sourceforge change log. I'm guessing from what I see there that the Germany stillborn bug is still in the Beta?

The generic problem -- that the AI moves their starting units out of their capitol on the first turn still exists. There are a couple different ways to fix it, I just haven't settled on the best one yet.
The generic problem -- that the AI moves their starting units out of their capitol on the first turn still exists. There are a couple different ways to fix it, I just haven't settled on the best one yet.

Hmm, what do you think is the easiest way? I would think that taking out a couple military units from the initial spawn and then making them appear on the subsequent turn would be the best way. What are the other options you've been playing around with (in your head)?
Anyone else thinking this should be a sticky?
Just wondering, why is 'Civilizations' written in American spelling? Is this irony?

Maybe because the game is American. But I could be wrong.;)
Just wondering, why is 'Civilizations' written in American spelling? Is this irony?

Well i'm not american, but i've got absolutely no problem with that. Way too insignificant for a text fix i would say
Hi. Sorry if I'm being thick or anything, but I downloaded this and have no idea how to install it. Can someopne please tell me how to install this?
Hi. Sorry if I'm being thick or anything, but I downloaded this and have no idea how to install it. Can someopne please tell me how to install this?

Inside the .zip file there is a folder RFCEurope. Extract that into:
Program Files\Firaxis\CivIV\Beyond the Sword\Mods (this will depend on where you have installed the game, usually it is in Program Files\Something). Then double-click on the RFCEurope file in Beyond the Sword\Mods\Public Maps.
Inside the .zip file there is a folder RFCEurope. Extract that into:
Program Files\Firaxis\CivIV\Beyond the Sword\Mods (this will depend on where you have installed the game, usually it is in Program Files\Something). Then double-click on the RFCEurope file in Beyond the Sword\Mods\Public Maps.

I have done this, but whenever I try to load the mod, it just CTDs.
Have you updated your BTS to 3.19?
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to say sorry that I've been MIA again. I haven't been able to keep up with the forum threads let alone had time to mod -- so I don't think I'm going to make the "end-of-June" date I suggested for Beta 2. Unless I invent a time machine...
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