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Rhye's Catapult

Mmm, I hope we hit 300 again! Just spent an hour looking over the old threads. Good times, people, good times. :)

From [c3c] v1.22 to [civ4] v1.61, from Feb. 2004 to May 2006, making Civ more fun. I love it.

I'm wrapping up my Roman game (going to get a space victory in three turns). I control All of continental Europe, Scandinavia, North Africa, and the Roman States of America (basically original colonies, Canada and Louisiana Purchase).

Mongolia is #2 after a long and successful war beating down the Chinese. Arabia is #3 in score and #2 in tech behind me. Peter is doing very well while Germany has been scrappy. As a test I left them with one landlocked city near St Petersburg to see what they would do. They settled a city in north Finland built some galleons and scattered their settlers around the globe. They settled in South America, South Africa, and Australia (which I found interesting).

The American civs really have no chance at all in this game. Although by 1800, as I was building the Apollo program the Aztecs were starting to build Riflemen at least.

I wish there was something to speed up the game at the end. It just gets so boring "waiting for other civilizations" when all I really need to do on my next turn is hit enter.
Barak said:
I'm wrapping up my Roman game (going to get a space victory in three turns). I control All of continental Europe, Scandinavia, North Africa, and the Roman States of America (basically original colonies, Canada and Louisiana Purchase).

Mongolia is #2 after a long and successful war beating down the Chinese. Arabia is #3 in score and #2 in tech behind me. Peter is doing very well while Germany has been scrappy. As a test I left them with one landlocked city near St Petersburg to see what they would do. They settled a city in north Finland built some galleons and scattered their settlers around the globe. They settled in South America, South Africa, and Australia (which I found interesting).

The American civs really have no chance at all in this game. Although by 1800, as I was building the Apollo program the Aztecs were starting to build Riflemen at least.

I wish there was something to speed up the game at the end. It just gets so boring "waiting for other civilizations" when all I really need to do on my next turn is hit enter.

Yes, I also propose - not for the first time - a faster end-game...

In my opinion, the Apollo should be built in the 20th century in a "normal" game, in perhaps 10-20 turns. The whole Spaceship could be a swift and ferociuos rush of say, another 30-40 years around 2000, making it ca. 10 turns for each SS part for an average big city.

I imagine that SS is a culmination of technology advance, it shouldn't be based on VERY big industry.

What should be important though is the presence of resources.
Perhaps resources could make more than 50% to fasten the production...

So, I would welcome a longer time for industrial age and early modern age,
perhaps we shouldn't let Rocketry be reachable that early
- all civs tend to go for it before, say, Industrialism...

I would like to see a period of infantry+tank BEFORE SS-rush...
and this should be a 20-30 turns sometime in the 20th century (average game)
Mongolia did well?!

Easiest way I see to make it all come chronologically every time is to, well, get rid of research and just give techs based on the date :p

You could really mess with stuff then!
I have seen rocketry go beofre industrialism as well. We could make rocketry have more pre-requisites. I would also be in favor of having the SS parts take less time or require certian materials or a combination of them.
Aeon221 said:
Mongolia did well?!

Easiest way I see to make it all come chronologically every time is to, well, get rid of research and just give techs based on the date :p

You could really mess with stuff then!

Mongolia was in the bottom third for much of the game, built up their military then invaded northern China. After Beijing and a few other cities fell to them, their score rose quickly.

I also had a great cold war of sorts with both Arabia and Russia. Luckily they were not allies, but we all staked troops on our borders and made threats and demands. I kept expecting them to invade me, especially when I sent many troops to North America.

India was everyone's enemy. They were peaceful, had tons of resources, but no one liked them. And for the first time, Islam was the #1 religion. Most of the Christian countries fell beneath my sword and in the end game the Asian civs sent missionaries to my cites bolstering my happiness (i was playing with free religion.
I just want to avoid boredom in the end-game, as much as I love this mod,
it is not the modern age that is the best as now, IMO...
as Barak also had this experience, me too...
V. Soma said:
I just want to avoid boredom in the end-game, as much as I love this mod,
it is not the modern age that is the best as now, IMO...
as Barak also had this experience, me too...

The worst part is knowing that you will win the game, but having to endure tedium and boredom in the endgame to get there.

Some of my most enjoyable games of civ have surrounded cultural victories, something that is all but impossible in Catapult in its current format. Since conquest and domination are also almost impossible, this means games going into the modern era and long endgames.
I think that a modern war for NECESSARY resources (for SS) would be great.

That is, first have time to build up some tanks+infantry+arty, then have a look around if I have all the resources needed for SS, if not, then do some "action"...

...and then it would be great that IF I have the resources, then no big industry is needed for SS win... So a small country could also win SS.

Perhaps the AI could also follow this tactic :)
Well, I finally won my game as Rome with a Space Race Victory, although I would have had a CULTURAL victory in about 7-8 more turns!

I did notice one thing though. Nothing appeared in the Hall of Fame after my victory. With Rhye's Catapult loaded, there was no listing of my victory :(
Eh, I don't want a war forced in just because there's little action in late game. Catapult is about realism and gameplay, so what seems real; what seems fun?

IRL, modern day "civ-events" have involved things like V. Soma said, securing resources (American involvement in Middle East), making and breaking alliances (NATO, Warsaw Pact, Arab League), and getting other nations to accept certain forms of government (Iraqi democracy, Nepalese Maoism, etc.). Military action, at least from an American standpoint, is FAR more strategic than simply "take over the country," as that's harder to do nowadays. Rather, they are small forces spread out over the globe with specific, unspoken objectives, like "Protect South Korea," or "Deter Chinese hostility towards Taiwan," or "Hunt down rebels, insurgents, and terrorists in these countries." The game at this point should be less about world conquest (impossible for one single nation now), and more about achieving world stability. Peacekeeping operations (Sudan, Chad, Darfur region), invasions to force a government change (Iraq), global power standoffs (Cold War, American-Iranian nuclear issue), and research cooperation.

While World Wars have broken out, it was mainly a mission of conquest by a few. Without Defensive Pacts, it would have been Germany against France and a few other countries both times, and Germany could have swallowed them all up one by one. Had Japan not attacked America, they might have gained a larger advantage in the Pacific and been unstoppable later. So... have the AI sign Defensive Pacts more frequently?

Global powers and superpowers spend their time and resources, not colonizing, but gaining control politically, militarily, and economically. So a modern Civ would want to have friendly neighbors, be friends with other global powers, and try to have a healthy economy, trading for resources/GPT, etc.

This is from a future political analyst in America, but what is the European/non-American perspective on this?

Any ideas, comments?

Well, I tried my next game as China. Haven't tried them yet, so I thought I'd give 'em a try.

All I can say is if these barbarians are toned down, I do NOT want to see them at full strength!!!

In 100 BC or there abouts Beijing was attacked ab wave after wave of horse archers (12 in all) followed by 3 swordsmen coming from the west and another 6 Horse coming from the north. Considering that the only copper is way to the south and I have not researched iron working, I think my young civilization will die soon :(

The Greek have already been destroyed (yet again) and I noticed that early Wonders now only earn 1 GPP even though they claim to earn 2.
Hello there Rhye, it's been a while. I came back over here because I heard you were on to a Civ4 mod.

It will take me a little while to get back up to speed, but I'll help out however I can over the summer. I'm not very familiar with Civ4 modding yet but I can playtest, write strategy guides, all that stuff I did last time.

I'll skim the thread, play a game, and post some longer commentary in a little bit. In the meanwhile, maybe something could be done about this poor guy. ;)


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lol, well my chinese empire is still under seige form barbarians :(

The year is 500 AD every turn 3 Horse archers come down from the north and 3 swordsmen come out of the west to attack Beijing. I have no infustructure left in the north and 6 units in my capital with 17 XP (3 Archers, 2 Spear and an Axe).

I know that this is keeping the game on an even keel, but it seems a tad overdone since Greece ended up loosing 5 cities beofre it was destroyed and Persia lost 3 cities in their east (they have been reduced to Mesopotamian cities).

Playing in my last game as Rome i could at least set up defensive positions to defend my lands, but as the Chinese this is impossible :( I am actually looking forward to the founding of the Mongolian empire :)
Yeah, I got the crap kicked outta me as China too. I'm busy as hell this week (summer session started, working overtime, AND my girlfriend is here for two weeks) or I would take a second shot at it.

I love working with computers.

I think the best strategy is capital, next city on copper, research spears and start pumping them, add in a few axes for the sword hordes of the south, then worry about placing your third city.

I'm thinking the GWoC that Warlords has will be handy as a mofo.

It would also be nice if players could destroy their own cities without recourse to the world builder. I've made annoying misplaces with cities that have had to stand because of this lack.

About the Greeks falling, what usually happens (I watched through pre-placed mountain scouts) is that the barbs pillage them hard, then they collapse after a couple of cities go down. Barbs are not _that_ ridiculous, they just push the ai into collapse. Persia either owns the Arabs, or gets raped by the 400AD smackfest.
Aeon221 said:
About the Greeks falling, what usually happens (I watched through pre-placed mountain scouts) is that the barbs pillage them hard, then they collapse after a couple of cities go down. Barbs are not _that_ ridiculous, they just push the ai into collapse. Persia either owns the Arabs, or gets raped by the 400AD smackfest.

Do the AI civs collapse too easily then? When the Greeks and potentially Persians collapse it makes Arabia and Rome synthetically strong.

Of course I have also seen the Romans lose a city or two because of the AI defenders not defending the right squares.
V. Soma said:
...or both Arabia and Persia stay alive and well, as in my present USA-game :)

Eastern Persia often gets beaten down. Its just an issue of not being able to create defenders as fast as the game creates attackers.
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