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Rise of Mankind 2.9 feedback and bug reports

I'm getting the wrong icons for happiness, health, etc. Makes it near impossible to figure out what is going on in my cities.

I got it too
And strength icon is messed up with delighted icon:lol:

Looks like the game fonts are messed up.:(

Have you guys added any extra resources?

I noticed that, when trying to get my guilds working again, there is a max # of resources that can be added, and right now its RoM +1. If two resources are being added, the gamefonts will break.

Dont know how to fix this though, but I'm almost sure the problem dosnt lie within the gamefonts.

But I do have a couple of issues/suggestions :
Instead of this :
Do like this :
The effect will be the same, but the slavemarket will be shown in the slavery tech, which is more fitting than Trade IMO (as Trade already has a lot of icons in the tech tree, while Slavery only has 1.)

Then it will look like this :

which also illustrates a problem with the shadows on the techtree.
I really liked the way it was before, showing clearly which era the techs where indexed in.

Another thing is the Trireme vs Siege Quinquereme. They now has the same reqs and same strenght, but the SQ has bombardment, which kind of obsoletes triremes the second you get them. Maybe make triremes a little bit better in strenght and/or make them able to carry 1 unit (would fit on the longboat replacement as well)

Lastly (for now) I dont understand these three resources : Biofuel, Fertilisers and Smart Medicine. As they come with National Wonders that only gives 1 each, is would be smarter just to give the national wonder the boni. As there is a limit on how many resources can be fitted into the game, these three just take up unnecesary space IMO.

That all for now folks ;)
Have you guys added any extra resources?

I noticed that, when trying to get my guilds working again, there is a max # of resources that can be added, and right now its RoM +1. If two resources are being added, the gamefonts will break.

Dont know how to fix this though, but I'm almost sure the problem dosnt lie within the gamefonts.

Afforess said it is in .exe. Firaxis, in its eternal wisdom, chose not to let out code for exe so Afforess, and other modders for that matter, can not mod in extra # of resources.
Another suggestion from the V (V for Vincentz, not victory or 5 ;))

The lighthouse always seemed wrong IMO. Since the fishermen's huts are a part of the game, why not :
1. Reduce standard water (coast and deep) with 1 Commerce
2. Add +1 Food for Sea with fishermans hut (instead of lighthouse).
3. Add +1 Commerce for Sea and remove the food bonus from Lighthouse.
fishing event problem. Ie get event but no fishing boats produced anywhere on my part of the map.
Thanks, I'll have to track this one down.

Have you guys added any extra resources?

I noticed that, when trying to get my guilds working again, there is a max # of resources that can be added, and right now its RoM +1. If two resources are being added, the gamefonts will break.

Dont know how to fix this though, but I'm almost sure the problem dosnt lie within the gamefonts.

But I do have a couple of issues/suggestions :
Instead of this :
Do like this :
The effect will be the same, but the slavemarket will be shown in the slavery tech, which is more fitting than Trade IMO (as Trade already has a lot of icons in the tech tree, while Slavery only has 1.)

Then it will look like this :

which also illustrates a problem with the shadows on the techtree.
I really liked the way it was before, showing clearly which era the techs where indexed in.

Another thing is the Trireme vs Siege Quinquereme. They now has the same reqs and same strenght, but the SQ has bombardment, which kind of obsoletes triremes the second you get them. Maybe make triremes a little bit better in strenght and/or make them able to carry 1 unit (would fit on the longboat replacement as well)

Lastly (for now) I dont understand these three resources : Biofuel, Fertilisers and Smart Medicine. As they come with National Wonders that only gives 1 each, is would be smarter just to give the national wonder the boni. As there is a limit on how many resources can be fitted into the game, these three just take up unnecesary space IMO.

That all for now folks ;)
Yeah, the shadows thing... I'm going to add the original RoM style back by making new option to BUG options but this involves some heavy python modifications to the file and will take some time to complete. I guess you could try the file from RoM 2.8 but I don't know if it breaks anything else... at least some BUG options for tech screen won't work afterwards.

Thanks for the slavery building tip. :)

Those National Wonder resources are dynamic ie. the amount of resource they give depends on your empire's size (world size probably too) so they can give 1-10 of each resource. And I'm not removing them. ;)

Afforess said it is in .exe. Firaxis, in its eternal wisdom, chose not to let out code for exe so Afforess, and other modders for that matter, can not mod in extra # of resources.
There's a new modifier in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml:


Which can be used to bypass the font limit but don't ask me what values it requires because those values can be found only with SDK modding - so ask Afforess about it as he explained this in the RevDCM forum.

The other option which I intend to take for v3.0 is to remove one full line of icons from both religion and from corporations to give more room for resource icons. This operation gives room for 46 resources but reduces the max amount of religions/corporations from 138 to 92.

These values are set in GameFont_GlobalDefines.xml in 'Rise of mankind\assets\res' -folder:

<Civ4Defines xmlns="x-schema:CIV4GlobalDefinesSchema.xml">	
So if you want to make my life easier and if you want to edit gamefonts you could change the number in those defines to 92 and then remove the last religion icon row and last corporation icon row from the gamefonts and move everything else up (can't leave empty spaces there). After this we wouldn't need to use WOC_GAMEFONT_RESOURCE_FIX define.

Edit: Checked Afforess posts and seems the issue is with symbol + resource icon amounts. If the combined amount exceeds 100 the fonts will break. In RoM this value should be now 99 so there shouldn't be any problems with fonts...

Another suggestion from the V (V for Vincentz, not victory or 5 ;))

The lighthouse always seemed wrong IMO. Since the fishermen's huts are a part of the game, why not :
1. Reduce standard water (coast and deep) with 1 Commerce
2. Add +1 Food for Sea with fishermans hut (instead of lighthouse).
3. Add +1 Commerce for Sea and remove the food bonus from Lighthouse.
That's good suggestion. I too thought always that Lighthouse modifiers aren't suitable for it. :)
Have you guys added any extra resources?

I noticed that, when trying to get my guilds working again, there is a max # of resources that can be added, and right now its RoM +1. If two resources are being added, the gamefonts will break.

Thanks. I had added the extra resources that were in the unloaded mods folder. I'll try it without those.
Another suggestion from the V (V for Vincentz, not victory or 5 ;))

The lighthouse always seemed wrong IMO. Since the fishermen's huts are a part of the game, why not :
1. Reduce standard water (coast and deep) with 1 Commerce
2. Add +1 Food for Sea with fishermans hut (instead of lighthouse).
3. Add +1 Commerce for Sea and remove the food bonus from Lighthouse.
That is a good idea.:goodjob:

Thanks, I'll have to track this one down.

There's a new modifier in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml:


Which can be used to bypass the font limit but don't ask me what values it requires because those values can be found only with SDK modding - so ask Afforess about it as he explained this in the RevDCM forum.

The other option which I intend to take for v3.0 is to remove one full line of icons from both religion and from corporations to give more room for resource icons. This operation gives room for 46 resources but reduces the max amount of religions/corporations from 138 to 92.

These values are set in GameFont_GlobalDefines.xml in 'Rise of mankind\assets\res' -folder:

<Civ4Defines xmlns="x-schema:CIV4GlobalDefinesSchema.xml">	
So if you want to make my life easier and if you want to edit gamefonts you could change the number in those defines to 92 and then remove the last religion icon row and last corporation icon row from the gamefonts and move everything else up (can't leave empty spaces there). After this we wouldn't need to use WOC_GAMEFONT_RESOURCE_FIX define.

Edit: Checked Afforess posts and seems the issue is with symbol + resource icon amounts. If the combined amount exceeds 100 the fonts will break. In RoM this value should be now 99 so there shouldn't be any problems with fonts...
I thought Afforess said this did not work?
i have several things
1 the fishing problem that Dancing Hoskuld had
2 war started between be and the aztecs and it stated I declared war on them. i never actually did it and considering that it was about turn 30 i don't think the aztecs would start a war yet.
3 i got this message EventSigns.addSign() was passed an invalid plot: <CvPythonExtensions.CyPlot object at 0x3CB6A8B8>
4 everytime i try and build an Aluminum Factory i get about 90% done building and then i get told i can't continue building it.
Darken - did you start as everyone being a minor civ? If not, could it have been an event?

I've got a slight problem - not 100% sure it's down to this version of the mod as I haven't tried it for a while, but for some reason, I can't start a gigantic game on the Islands maptype. Giant works OK, Gigantic works on other maps, but that combination doesn't want to play nice. Choosing the "flat" maptype returns an in-game crash error of a bad memory allocation, Toroidial & Cylindrical returns an external error saying that "the application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way". Other options don't seem to have an effect.
Could be a memory thing (windows XP 32bit) but seems strange that it only seems to affect the game on that map type. Clean install of Civ 4 Complete, updated to 3.19, RoM2.9 fresh install, everything in the right place.
Has the Usable Mountains Mod been added to RoM2.9 yet?

Still playing RoM2.9beta at the moment. Havn't opened 2.9 yet so thought I'd ask.

If it's not a part of RoM 2.9 I ask please consider adding it in.

Has the Usable Mountains Mod been added to RoM2.9 yet?

Still playing RoM2.9beta at the moment. Havn't opened 2.9 yet so thought I'd ask.

If it's not a part of RoM 2.9 I ask please consider adding it in.


It is a SDK based modmod so...

#1 Zappara won't do anything with SDK

#2 RevDCM team won't add it in because it is more for mods that build off RevDCM decision, not the base RevDCM (please don't argue about it being the spine, it is a truth, OK :))

So you need AND to have that feature.
Possible UI Bug.

First game of 2.9 now that I've torrented it. What happens is that after contacting a nation, I have no drop down options to discuss.

A picture is worth a thousand words,

I was offered trades in these cases.

This was my own attempt to contact the Romans.

At first I supposed it to be a revision to the fact that perhaps writing or trade were required to contact properly, but the fact that I was offered trades without the ability to accept, negotiate, or even leave the negotiations made no sense.

Using Beyond the Sword as an expantion pack to Civ4, English Version, Running Windows 7 64 bit.

Also, I've been playing this since 2.8 and haven't had a problem previously.

EDIT: No image resizing, oops.
Built Treasury and I checked if I checked "No Movies" (Don't want it checked anyway but had to check so I can say the next sentence without fear). It is NOT checked.
So here is a bug: no Treasury movie.
Built Treasury and I checked if I checked "No Movies" (Don't want it checked anyway but had to check so I can say the next sentence without fear). It is NOT checked.
So here is a bug: no Treasury movie.

Interesting, 'cause I get the movie fine, and it's not one of my extras either.
Interesting, 'cause I get the movie fine, and it's not one of my extras either.


My religion, Confucian, foundation movie start up just fine. So it was just Treasury for now. Waiting for other Wonders that have movies to show up later in game now...

Probably a temporary thing. If it still doesn't show the movie next time, I won't report it here but to Afforess. (Alpha testing his 1.70beta, atm).
Event with missing text. RoM 2.9
Seems that Antilogic's event mod was missing quite a few text entries or had typos which prevents the correct text to appear on screen - I'll have to fix this event too.

Yesterday fixed the reported fishing boat event - the logic in that event was bit flawed as it didn't have any terrain check. This one was also from Antilogic's event pack.

Possible UI Bug.

First game of 2.9 now that I've torrented it. What happens is that after contacting a nation, I have no drop down options to discuss.

At first I supposed it to be a revision to the fact that perhaps writing or trade were required to contact properly, but the fact that I was offered trades without the ability to accept, negotiate, or even leave the negotiations made no sense.

Using Beyond the Sword as an expantion pack to Civ4, English Version, Running Windows 7 64 bit.

Also, I've been playing this since 2.8 and haven't had a problem previously.

EDIT: No image resizing, oops.
This same issue was reported with RoM 2.9beta and I thought I had fixed it for v2.9 release - for me the diplomacy screens do work correctly so I'm puzzled now why you didn't see any options on those screens. By any chance did you install the v2.9 over the previous RoM version? If you did, you must delete the mod and install it again because just overwriting the old files causes problems because many files were actually removed from the new version and if the old version's files are still there, those will cause all kinds of problems. So clean install is the way with v2.9.
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