[BTS] Road To War - Historical - 1.06

Reasons for the long build up is as follows;

1) The A.I. has a different random seed each time and therefore does different actions and random events are different
2) You can try different build up strategies and see what forces you want where and then even better invasion plans

Most importantly the game is based on the Major Powers (German, Italy, France, Britain, U.S.A. and Russia) and Minor Powers play a limited role.

However, the core of the game is the historical angle, as that makes the mod what it is - RTW - Historical

I will now do one more play thru of the AXIS and ALLIES powers Russia and see how it develops. Most coding is now done.
Released now - https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/road-to-war-historical.13097/history

Included in the file are the following under Public Maps

The base Scenario to start the game in single player mode
- 1936 - Europe (Historical - 106)

Five Scenario files to start the game in Hot Seat Mode.

- The Road to War - ALLIES Team - Historical - Hot Seat - 1936-January
- The Road to War - AXIS Team - Historical - Hot Seat - 1936-January
- The Road to War - AXIS Team - Open, Random or Historical Events - You decide !!!
- The Road to War - SOVIET Team - Historical Hot Seat - 1936-January

and for those who want to get into the action sooner after my play-thru until 1939

- The Year of War - AXIS Team - Historical - Hot Seat - 1939-January

I have decided to include only one advanced scenario as I feel the majority of the players will want to play the Germans.

I have played thru the scenario as Germans and Soviet single player campaigns in the play testing, and have determined that a skilled player can defeat the enemy, so long as they plan their attacking or defensive plans well.
Most of my changes were map based.

I have come to the conclusion I will probably never be finished with this mod. Every couple of years I will likely release an update.

I looked briefly at a Global Scenario recently, but that is not where my interest lies. It would take at least 2 years to develop to my level of detail in this mod. Then trying to set balance.
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Some bugs are like that. If you save often you could go back a few turns and play thru again and different random events may happen.

I have played thru to 1942 after the last historical event December - Forghtnight 2 - USA joins allies against Germany and AXIS.

I save every turn after every player as a matter of course. This is a very complex mod, made more so with the additions I made.
Will be a releasing a slightly updated scenario file. I will be placing Canada and USA on the French Coast near Normandy - of course :D

I will try to lock a Canada landing beach with USA around it.

I will also update the Government in Exile cities to ensure they have all that is required to continue the fight after their mainlands get taken over. e.g. good factory, vehicle factory, etc. and appropriate resources. e.g. Oil, Aluminum, Iron, etc.
1.07 - In testing - added Operation Overload and Operation Husky landing zones for the Allies
How will you avoid early D-day invasions? Or is the idea that Germany will capture these cities early and compel US and Canada to recapture them?
TBH: it is mostly to keep part of the German massive forces in Western Europe
I have re-evaluated the make up of the hot seat teams.

Germany should play on its own as their AXIS allies were pretty much 'hit and miss' in their support. This also includes Italy, who collapsed during the war.
The Allies, should be just the UK, Canada and USA, as they were under the same Central command structure. France, Belgium, Holland, Poland, Greece, Norway effectively did their own thing during WW2 and in the case of France, to their significant detriment. So while these other teams will be allies you should not have control over their actions.
Russia too should also be on its own too, as expected.

I will create 3 January 1939 - start files based on this setup.

In addition, I have re-evaluated the situation in Iraq, which included much research, I feel making Iraq an AXIS ally was too much. Iraqi generals who did a short-lived coup, were mainly from the northern area after fighting with Turkey, so I have only placed Mozul and Yerevan under AXIS control (Hungarian). The remainder of Iraq has been given to Greece, which entered the war on the side of the Allies in 1941, which is also the time when Iraq joined the allies.

A look at the D-Day landings, I needed to make some more small changes, as the British landing beach had gained access through the US beaches, so that has been closed off.
Still playtesting and have found a problem I may choose not to fix ... Vichy France does not appear. While not really historical per se, it may make the match a bit harder for Germany in the long run.

Got to 1 November 1940 and France finally coverted
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Will play a couple of other nations now to see
I am pausing the development of 1.08, while I consider the impact of the decision to make the core unit, divisions. This means there will no longer be Mega-Units for Corps, Armies and Army Groups/Fronts. These later units will just be like Super-Strength divisions, indicating the support fire they provide. So a Corps maybe only 10 points stronger and Army 20 and Army Group 30.
Wow, you'll be on track to beating out the unit count record in GEM Modern Earth if you go through with it.
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