Rogue States

does anyone else get an error when trying to open the scenario?
I got the "illegal Operation" message after I played my turn in single player to try out the game.
my game won't even load it says there's a graphic error
I think Choke is updating the files of the game on apolyton. Maybe he will come here and see that there is interest in playing the game.
Voltar, yes I am.

As for the bugs...I'm working on it. Also the crash in single player doesn't happen in multiplayer, I think.
Very well then I withdraw from this and will never play with Choke. I refuse to play with anti-semites.
In that case I am gone as well, Choke.
I dont want to start a political discussion here, but is being against israel the same as being anti-semite?

Btw, Dont interpret this as me being against Israel. I just suspect Choke didnt mean it that way.... :( ... i hope
I don't care what the hell he meant.

anti-semite or anti-zionist either way he is racist and closed minded.
He is not racist, since Judaism is not a race. He is simply against a country, which I do not beleive he knows all the facts about.
well of course Jews are a race. It is afterall an ethnic group. Somepeople disagree, but in my opinion Jew is not just a religion its also an ethnic group and the two don't neccessarily go together.
I am not against Jews and I am not against Jews having their own country. However I think the way they have gone about getting one in Israel is wrong. Voltar you are a Canadian, I ask you to answer this question with a yes or a no: if a native came to your house and said "This land is mine, leave now and never come back" would you leave and never come back?

The reason I ask that question is this: the Jews in Palestine have done that to the Arabs that lived there and they continue to enforce such unjust policies.

Emugod and I have had some discussions on this topic, so he knows my general feeling on the subject.

I find people being FOR Israel to be offensive, and my signature is there to call attention to the injustice being done to Palestinians every day. BUT there is no reason that political differences should stop us from enjoying a game of Civ together.
BUT there is no reason that political differences should stop us from enjoying a game of Civ together.

Different political opinions are not a reason, but racism is. I don't want to play with anyone racist, and I have the feeling that your post is balancing between the allowable and racism.

This is because you're not saying in your post that you're FOR the palestinians, but that you're AGAINST Israël. That's pretty offensive in my opinion.
I'm for goodness and justice. I'm against the unjust slaughter of innocent people happening on both sides of the conflict. The instigator of hostilities was Israel and without the Israeli state there would be no conflict. Therefore I am against Israel. I am also against the Palestinians who kill innocent Jews, I am against a Palestinian state that would remove all the Jews and I am against a Palestinian puppet state of Israel as well.

I think the solution would be no Israel and no Palestine, no self-government allowed to such people that have proved they cannot handle it and don't deserve it. A large, foreign, peacekeeping force and martial law is the solution IMO.
I don't see how you can blame Israel for the problems simply for existing. You need to go and realize that the Arabs are the ones starting problems. Israel is just trying to defend itself, and in my opinion is going way to say eays on the Arabs. After hearing the crap that goes on over there if I was in charge i'd have expelled every single Arab out of the country rather then take the risk of further terrorism.
Then we can agree to disagree.
Hohoho... The Jews began moving in Palestina around 1900 (no idea about the exactly right point), and took over arab land and took over their houses... A very big part of the fault is the arabs fault, i just mean that they have been living there for 2000 years... It's like the Indians kicked out all white americans out of america. Funny, ain't it? Or if the russians began moving into canada, and after a time became bigger than the original population and began kicking you out of your houses... BTW, wasn't this supposed to be a PBEM?
For Sid Meier's sake, put away all the differenses and get this game going. I am also pro-Palestine, not anti-Israel though...But your argument of Choke beeing a racist I think is unfair. He just disagrees with the Israeli policies against the Palestinians, and so do I. He might take it a bit far when beeing anti-Israel in general, but still he is entiteled to think so. That doesn't make him anti-semit!

Please, let us play and live in harmony :) And I claimed USA, so I will pursue the war on terrorism as soon as we get going :D
His quote says praise allah who cursed Israel. That's not the kinda quote a person for simply disagrees with Israeli policies would be using.
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