[BTS] Roleplay Challenge: Washington's Conquest of Tenochtitlan


Feb 11, 2011
Seattle, WA

George Washington, aided by his close friend, Sitting Bull, were in negotiation with the local barbarian tribes in uniting their forces against the evil Monty and his Aztec empire. Sitting Bull sent his Dog Soldiers to escort Washington, and decided to stay behind in his village. However, the negotiations went sour and the barbarians turned completely hostile against Washington. Escorted only by a few Dog Soldiers from Sitting Bull, his small force of Warriors and his trusted general Samuel Adams, George Washington must escape from the hostile barbarians, make a settlement, and quell the barbarian threat, before wiping out the Aztec menace for good on this land.

The situation at hand:

Spoiler :

The first envoy of American and Native American escorts were ambushed. Their hopes of survival is close to zero, as they are too far deep inside enemy territory now.


Meanwhile, George Washington, his trusted General Samuel Adams, and the Dog Soldier escort are also trapped in an ambush. Their situation is far from hopeless though, and with any luck, they may be able to escape to safety.


Washington's rear guard Warriors has heard the news and has sent a request for aid to Sitting Bull. But their safety is also in danger:


Meanwhile, Sitting Bull's small village is also under surprise attack by the barbarians! Will Sitting Bull be able to come to Washington's aid?


In the meantime, Washington's scout has found a great spot for our settlement. However, George Washington himself must come to this spot in order to make the settlement, and we only get ONE chance at this. If he does not survive, all hope is lost!



No Culture Flipping
No Huts
No Events
No Tech Trading
No Vassal States
Raging Barbarians
Aggressive AI
Permanent War/Peace
Require Complete Kills
One City Challenge

This map was generated using Duel size "flat" map type with "Fantasy" settings applied. This means that there will be tiles and combinations as well as resources that may not make sense. Hence, you may see a jungle right next to a tundra, for example.


1. Our "George Washington" unit MUST survive the ambush and be used to build our one and only city on the site designated by our scout.
2. Destroy the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan.
3. Bonus: Destroy ALL Aztec cities and their units.
4. Double Bonus: Destroy ALL Barbarian cities and their units.

Active Participants:

The Player (Americans)
Monty (Aztecs)
Sitting Bull (Native Americans)


We are in permanent peace with Sitting Bull. Both we and Sitting Bull are in permanent war with Monty. Barbarians are hostile to all forces, but they are not able to attack Monty's land because the Aztecs already possess the Great Wall, prohibiting the barbarians from crossing into Aztec lands.

Our "George Washington" unit is our starting settler. Because this unit is the only available settler unit in a OCC game, this unit MUST survive the barbarian ambush and be used to make the settlement where our scout has designated as the desired site. The city MUST be constructed on the coast, because reaching Tenochtitlan requires mass number of ships, sailors, and troops!

"George Washington" is being escorted by an archer unit which can be instantly promoted with a Great General unit named "Samuel Adams." Use the promotion as you see fit. This unit does NOT have to survive the ambush and can be sacrificed to ensure "George Washington" escape safely. However, if you DO manage to keep this unit alive, you may use it until the end of the game.

To make it possible to escape and to speed things up so that the settlement can be started as early as possible, both the "George Washington" unit and the archer unit has been given Morale and Mobility promotions. Use this to your advantage!

"Sitting Bull" unit is Native American hero unit that is extremely powerful with a lot of combat promotions. This unit and other Native American units may assist you in your escape from the barbarian ambush. Their survivability is NOT a requirement. However, take note that they do NOT have a city or a settler. The fort that they reside in is their main settlement. Be sure to take advantage of this fort against the possible stream of barbarians approaching from the east.

Although Raging Barbarians setting is turned ON, you will have a bit more extra time to prepare than the usual turn-15 wave of attacks. Also, be ware of Aztec settlements and troops as they have already established a foothold in the region where you will start your settlement.

Tenochtitlan is a city that will be very difficult to reach. It will require a LOT of naval transporting units accompanied by a LOT of soldiers. Hint: You need a LOT of City Raider promoted soldiers! Will you have the patience for it?

Let me know if you run into any problems or issues.

EDIT 07/26/2022: There were some problematic tiles forbidding the players to advance further. This required some major changes from the initial vision, but it was necessary to make it work. I will explain in due time. Also took advice from @Kaitzilla to relieve players from annoying barbarian ships.


  • To Tenochtitlan BC-4000.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Long time no post, Lord Croissant, hall hail Fippy's taunt !
No such thing as bad luck, here, I think it is just the scenario.
I loaded the save today (due to Fippy's taunt) and died 3 times in a row trying to cross the mountains pass...

Now, you've just gotta retry and do better. I won't guarantee Gwaja did a playability check.
This is really a scenario, so, hum... not many options. Gotta figure it out and find the right line. It has limitations. Like, options ? Not really.
My first attempt (where I managed to settle) stranded ± 1000-1100AD. I got to knights/trebs and thought I had a window to strike back, but when I invaded Monty replied with rifles and I gave up.
I thought I could afford to get Hindu, Go to CoL for some GP generation and stuff like that while I defend my city territory and develop towards a proper siege stack. As it turns out Monty will run ahead of you all the time with this approach.

I did some small test starts next and now I've started a 2nd more serious attempt where I will head for HBR asap and try to mess with Monty as much as I can and hopefully gradually kick him out of our region. I trust when he is kicked in the corner we can surpass him while we deal with the barbs next, who are no joke either.

So far I've only done the initial setup and switched to BOTM games for now but will pick this up again.
This is a pretty hard challenge. Prepare for a long game of continuous fighting I can only hope it's winnable.

Funny thing, sometimes the barb stack and Monty stack arrive the same time and eat each other instead of me. Also glad those stacks tend to move on unimproved tiles and go for the city, rather than destroy my tile improvements.
That big early barb stack never came to my city right away in all of my trials by the way.

One little advice where to settle the city:
Spoiler :

You have more production on the western PH, and you will need that. On the eastern PH more food, I settled there my first game, but you won't be using it like ever (as mentioned there will be no time for GP). The seafood is plenty.
One little advice where to settle the city:
Yes, the mapmaker did strongly imply to settle 1N1W of fish now that I look. :thumbsup:

Because this unit is the only available settler unit in a OCC game, this unit MUST survive the barbarian ambush and be used to make the settlement where our scout has designated as the desired site.

I'll try again. :)
This will be one of those games where you just get frustrated. A very well thought out map but maybe 1-2 too many resources for Aztecs?

Spoiler The big issue :

Settling city not an issue. Defending initally should be fine. No idea where the large barb stack vanishes to.

Containing Aztecs 2nd city not an issue.

Barbs will be annoying but probably not the issue with axes.

The question is by time you reach the Aztecs what techs will they have? Not tried any wonder gambits but probably unlikely.

I wonder if a great spy strategy could be useful here to catch up on techs?
I won't guarantee Gwaja did a playability check.
I strongly suspect that Gwaja did not do a playability check, because ships can't move through neutral forts :lmao:
I did manage to get a pretty quick victory though because *checks rules* locked modified assets isn't required :deal:
I'm a bit stuck trying to reach Monty's capital.

Spoiler :

Can a fort be used if it is not inside your own cultural borders?
I don't think it can. :hmm:
Since it is one-city challenge, no settler to get past the island either.

The battles were nice and intense for sure.
My Samuel Adams Archer died gloriously.

ships can't move through neutral forts :lmao:

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Spoiler Game broken! :

Can't even use paratroopers. I wonder if the island forts are even needed? You would need a massive army to take down his uber capital anyway? 20-30+ units? Plus 5-6 ships? Unless Monty suicides stack. Monty science wise come 500ad is churning 3x beakers i was. I guess bombers might work but you can't take the city.

Nukes possible? Of course you can't reach the city. He can't win science so you just wait till you can use nukes.
I strongly suspect that Gwaja did not do a playability check, because ships can't move through neutral forts :lmao:
I did manage to get a pretty quick victory though because *checks rules* locked modified assets isn't required :deal:

This is what happens when you rush through things before going out on vacation. Those forts were meant to be a placeholder for barbarian cities that will never have a chance to be within Aztec cultural influence, and I forgot to convert them to barbarian cities.

@Kaitzilla @Gumbolt @Powerfaker and any others who have played already:

If you submit your save to me, I can convert the problematic tiles for you so you won't be spoiled for the rest of the map, for whatever little is left.

As for the starting save, I will make a correction now so that any future attempts won't run into this issue.

My apologies for all who put in so much time playing this "broken" map. :(

EDIT: Never mind about fixing the map yourself. I will have to fix it for you.
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Gwaja is in the process of realizing that Barbarian cities replacing forts do not allow movement accross 1 tile islands.
We will come back to you later, thank you for your patience.

My apologies for all who put in so much time playing this "broken" map.
You're good, don't worry. This is an OCC scenario. Nobody spent hours. Providing maps makes up for all of it :hug:
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Gwaja is in the process of realizing that Barbarian cities replacing forts do not allow movement accross 1 tile islands.
We will come back to you later, thank you for your patience.

You're good, don't worry. This is an OCC scenario. Nobody spent hours. Providing maps makes up for all of it :hug:
That's a good point :)

I recommend changing the tile 1South 1East of clams to an ocean tile.
Spoiler :
That way the player is protected until a Monty/Barb Galleon shows up.
They can also sail a galley over that tile when the city reaches 500:culture: or when the player techs Astronomy.

Barbs forts and cities can be adjusted after that.
Because of one-city challenge, the player capturing a barb city will autoraze it at Size 2 ya.
Lord Croissant, if you're looking for an interesting scenario, an interlude while Gwaja fixes her maps (there are many enjoyable of those),
I would recommend the BOTM The Three Musketeers.
The screw up potential is way up but it's also a lovely setting. (I did screw up.)
Lord Croissant, if you're looking for an interesting scenario, an interlude while Gwaja fixes her maps (there are many enjoyable of those),
I would recommend the BOTM The Three Musketeers.
The screw up potential is way up but it's also a lovely setting. (I did screw up.)

Heh, the very next civ game I tried I lost a 97% success must-win battle on turn 33 trying to get a 2nd city. (Rage Quit :mad:)

Sure, I'll try a one-chance game next. :D
Er, the starting save is fixed now?
Maybe check it again one more time?

Good thing you mentioned that. Because...

Gwaja is in the process of realizing that Barbarian cities replacing forts do not allow movement accross 1 tile islands.
We will come back to you later, thank you for your patience.

You're good, don't worry. This is an OCC scenario. Nobody spent hours. Providing maps makes up for all of it :hug:

Spoiler :

Absolutely correct. I am not sure what I was thinking? Hello?? Neutral? Barbarian cities? DUH!
Even if they were not neutral, since I made this an OCC, the cities will be razed anyway.
Yeah... how on earth do I play games like this I wonder....

Well... this required some major changes that stray from the initial vision of the map, but at least it should work now.

Apology #2 :(

That's a good point :)

I recommend changing the tile 1South 1East of clams to an ocean tile.
Spoiler :
That way the player is protected until a Monty/Barb Galleon shows up.
They can also sail a galley over that tile when the city reaches 500:culture: or when the player techs Astronomy.

Barbs forts and cities can be adjusted after that.
Because of one-city challenge, the player capturing a barb city will autoraze it at Size 2 ya.

GREAT advice so I took it and applied it.

Spoiler :
I mean.... how on earth did I not even have the attentiveness to realize that, in an OCC game, the cities will be razed anyway, blocking any further progress? I should stop playing strategy games! :( My apologies once again.
Is there a limit on number of barbs on a map? I assume this is just for spawning purposes and the restriction does not stop the cities producing units.

Thanks for sorting map issues. OCC really does mean just one city allowed. I wonder if they had been previously owned by SB if the option to return them might come up? Not sure that would of worked as It would require SB to have a city somewhere.
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