[IAAR] ROTQM11: RNGod's Opportunity to Quash Morons


Deviant Mind
Feb 24, 2006
Thus begins a new chapter in the ROTQM series ~ an SG series played by our father, and our fathers' fathers, and our fathers' fathers' fathers, and our fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers.

Were i not so lazy, there'd be a nice list of the previous ROTQM games that we've played, but . . .

Basically, this will be an AW game on King, on Pangaea, based loosely on Monty Python's Life of Brian, and the infamous People's Front of Judea. We (and all the AI) are Rome (SPLITTERS!!). Oh, normal map and speed??

However, there's a bit more to this game ~
Spoiler all the pre-game thoughts :

We need a religious victory.

Every city-state quest that there is, we shall roll a d20. We're still hashing out the specifics, but basically, we need to complete *most* quests or else we must delete some units. It might be:
every C-S quest we get, we roll a d20 ~ 5 or higher, we must complete. A roll of 20 means we must "super" complete it? (which means what? :dunno: ) a roll of 1 means we auto-fail and must delete two units immediately.

Or it could be:
Maybe super complete (maybe 16-20 rather than just 20) = drop everything (research/production whatever) and prioritise that quest. 6-15(19) means you have to complete, 2-4 means ignore and 1 means auto-fail???

Not sure about the time frame on completion yet.

Oh, and there's the RNGod element. In a game made famous by our own Greyfox: Praying to the RNGod, the team had random objectives that needed to be completed during the game, or suffer the wrath of the Almighty. In this particular game, true to our hatred of the Romans (What have they ever done for us?), our random objectives are:
1. Aqueduct (district)
2. Sanitation (tech)
3. Roads (from trade routes)
4. Irrigation (tech)
5. Medicine (don't think this is a tech/civic)
6. Education (tech)
7. Health (maybe increase amenities)
8. Wine (resource)
9. Public Baths (actually roman district replacing aqueduct)
10. Public Order (not sure)
11. Peace (haha AW)

Or, they might be:
1 Build a Wonder
2 Generate a Great Person
3 Amass x gold
4 Learn a tech that enables a wonder
5 Learn a tech in the next age (not sure how this works in VI)
6 Capture cities from 3 different Civs
7 Capture or found 3 more cities
8 Eliminate a Civilization (or maybe just capture an AI capital)
9 Connect a new resource
10 Add x xp to a unit (can you see this in VI)
11 Capture a city with new resources
12 Kill 10 enemies
13 Learn a Tech that allows new unit
14 Capture a size 10(5?) city
15 Learn a civic that enables a wonder
16 Get 5 eureka moments
17 Get 5 inspirations
18 Convert 5 cities to a religion
19 Get a great work (relics included)
20 Learn a tech that reveals a resource

We're not really sure yet . . . :confused:

So, we're still hashing it out here, and if you lurkers have any thoughts, feel free to chime in or just mock us or cheer us on ~

Roster is pretty closed as of now, but watch this space ~ we're trying to get the band back together (w some noobies as well) ~

permanent imhotep
Hero of Flames
Rex Tyr Anus Tyrannus

Leader: Reg, PFJ (Rome ~ can we change this in cVI?)
Rivals: Standard Random
Difficulty: King
Map: Inland Sea
Size: Standard
Speed: Normal
VC: All Enabled

Variant Rules:
AW Game
We must win a Religious Victory
RNGod-given Objectives
01 Capture a Wonder
02 Generate a Great Person or 3 Great Works
03 Learn a tech or civic to BUILD a wonder (ie, learn it, then build it)
04 Capture cities from 3 different Civs
05 Learn a tech that reveals a resource, connect it
06 Add 25 XP to a unit
07 Capture a city with new resources
08 Kill 10 enemies
09 Learn a Tech that allows new unit
10 Capture a size 7 city
11 Build 3 Holy Sites
12 Cleanse 3 cities of Splitters (only our religion in 3 cities)
13 Get 3 relics (capture or create)
14 Capture a Splitter Holy City
15 Hire 3 priests (ie, fill 3 citizen slots in Holy Sites)
16 Kill 5 Religious units
17 Have 5 Apostles, each with a different promotion
18 Build 3 "Worship" Buildings (the final building for our religion)
19 Pillage 6 Splitter Holy Sites
20 Purchase 3 buildings with Faith

The RNGod is a fickle deity. The only thing we know for sure that He desires is some of the ol' smashy-smashy
After the 4rd turnset, inspiration hits ~ we must declare war on every opponent we know, and everyone we meet afterward. City-states can be friend or foe.
Once we have a religion, we must roll a d20, and consult the table above. We must then complete that objective in 1d3+4 turnsets.

Hero of Flames
Rex Tyrannus
Ruff Hi
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Stan: Alright, that's it! No more briefing! From now on, we take action!
Judith: (breaking into the room) Brian's been caught! They're going to nail him up!
Stan: Right! This calls for immediate discussion!

Greetings brothers, sisters, even-toed ungulates and pholk. Checking in.

I think that the quests should be half (ie 1-10 on d20, get rid of peace) what have the Romans ever done for us and half from the other list (ie 11-20 on a d20) or we could have 2 sets of quests running.

As it is AW, the rewards/punishments should be about units (increasing the unit cap or deleting most powerful units).

The first ever ROTQM inspired me to actually post on the forums for the first time after following the action for a couple months (not 11 years Forster ;)) and was my introduction to the sordid world of SGs. Not sure I was ever in a winning ROTQM game but I fondly remember the Quarrelplegic Midgicants and Quatrain Maven losses (see putting links in ain't that hard pholk).

King, standard size and speed I think. Not sure about map though, any would work I reckon (maybe not island though).
from 6:

RotQM02 was played at DM, and we won that baby (*cough* after a BC loss *cough, cough*). However, we next saw a string of losses: Quantum Monkeys, Quatrain Mavens, Quarrelplegic Midgitants (5 AND 5.5!). Even those AW games I started NOT cursed with the RotQM label suffered losses (see: The Dirty Dozen, The Magnificent Seven, & The Golden General). But now, the time has come for revenge ~ (so let’s please, please, please win :yup: )

most likely at DM b/c of the *questionable* material

but let's not forget:


Checking in.

Ho boy. I never participated in any of the old school RNGod games, but I lurked in some. This is going to be a wild one!
OK, that explains RNGod, but what the heck is AW? Always war? And What?! Any wiseasses? I'll try to keep up, you guys are moderately funny. :rolleyes:
Well this should be interesting. Guess I should rewatch Life of Brian then. Not that that's a bad thing...
Checking in for duty :egypt: Glad to play this one along with you guys. It's been a while. Also I have to re-watch Life of Brian too I think ;)
Everyone should read Rex's intro report on Quantum Monkeys (page 3 there). Still brilliant after all those years.
So what does everyone think about the RNGod objectives? One set (half Romans, half random) or two sets of objectives? Map settings? What about city state objectives? Best breakfasts?

I'm not sure how the WW aspect of VI works, can anyone illuminate? This could be the biggest problem with the variant. Obviously, the easiest way is to wipe all the Romes but we ideally want to convert them to worship the RNGod but we may be crippled by WW if we don't eliminate civs.
So what does everyone think about the RNGod objectives?

I'm not too keen on what I've heard so far, but I don't really have a better suggestion. I'm worried that their un-thought-through nature will have some very un-fun consequences. That said, if the group feels it's worth diving in head-first, I'm willing to happily proceed.

I'm not sure how the WW aspect of VI works, can anyone illuminate? This could be the biggest problem with the variant. Obviously, the easiest way is to wipe all the Romes but we ideally want to convert them to worship the RNGod but we may be crippled by WW if we don't eliminate civs.

From what I've seen, leaving a civ alive and never making peace with them means that any captured cities will never grow and have -5 amenities due to war weariness. So we either raze every city we take, deal with a very unhappy populous, or kill the bastages.

Is there a doctrinal reason why we cannot convert the populous *after* killing their leader?
I'm not sure how the WW aspect of VI works, can anyone illuminate? This could be the biggest problem with the variant. Obviously, the easiest way is to wipe all the Romes but we ideally want to convert them to worship the RNGod but we may be crippled by WW if we don't eliminate civs.

I'm not too keen on what I've heard so far, but I don't really have a better suggestion. I'm worried that their un-thought-through nature will have some very un-fun consequences. That said, if the group feels it's worth diving in head-first, I'm willing to happily proceed.

From what I've seen, leaving a civ alive and never making peace with them means that any captured cities will never grow and have -5 amenities due to war weariness. So we either raze every city we take, deal with a very unhappy populous, or kill the bastages.

Is there a doctrinal reason why we cannot convert the populous *after* killing their leader?
re: war weariness ~ it more than likely WILL be a problem ~ perhaps ill read through TheRat's game and see if it became one or if he conquered all civs. That being said, razing cities or eliminating civs sort of makes the religious angle moot ~ if all the cities are ours, what's so hard about winning militarily? I do believe ceding cities eliminates the occupied penalty. Perhaps, if we fail an objective, instead of deleting units, we have to make immediate peace, on their terms, ceding cities to ourselves. OTOH, we can simply make peace with a civ briefly to get cities ceded to us. I just don't see how eliminating civs can be fair for the religious objective.

that being said, if we want to drop the religious angle from this particular SG and save it for another SG, I'm ok w that, too. this will also make things a little tougher if everyone's NOT rome.

re: objectives ~ i have no problem w hashing it out before we start. We have some weeks until all of our wives allow us to play the game :mischief: so getting things Just Exactly Perfect is ok by me. i like the *idea* of themed objectives from the movie, but they seem too difficult to squeeze into rngod objectives.

This list
  • 1 Build a Wonder
    2 Generate a Great Person
    3 Amass x gold
    4 Learn a tech that enables a wonder
    5 Learn a tech in the next age (not sure how this works in VI)
    6 Capture cities from 3 different Civs
    7 Capture or found 3 more cities
    8 Eliminate a Civilization (or maybe just capture an AI capital)
    9 Connect a new resource
    10 Add x xp to a unit (can you see this in VI)
    11 Capture a city with new resources
    12 Kill 10 enemies
    13 Learn a Tech that allows new unit
    14 Capture a size 10(5?) city
    15 Learn a civic that enables a wonder
    16 Get 5 eureka moments
    17 Get 5 inspirations
    18 Convert 5 cities to a religion
    19 Get a great work (relics included)
    20 Learn a tech that reveals a resource
works w very little modification ~
#5 i do believe on the tech tree, at the bottom, the eras are listed, separating the tree.
#8 I think capture a capital works
#10 "promote a unit two levels" ~ at bottom of unit info in the corner, i do believe is an xp bar, though don't know that it shows any more info than the bar.
#14 Capture a pop 5 city seems to work better for cVI. or, we could have to capture a city larger than any one of ours
#15 Are there many civics that enable wonders??
Checking in ... and remember ... you are all individuals!
and remember ... you are all individuals!

I'm not.

As for the quests list, there are many Civics that enable wonders so that should be OK.

Maybe instead of #14 or 20 we could have "Building a district."

Happy to drop the religious angle but really it just adds a flavour element and we could just as easily keep and allow destroying the AI (we still need to convert a majority of world wide cities to win this way).
I like the religious aspect and wouldn't want to drop it. I just think we might have a few too many variants here that I won't be able to keep track of. So my vote is to simplify the RNGod piece and don't make it so punitive when we--inevitably--fail to build a wonder while we're at war with 7 civs.

Here's my thought on how AW and religion could play out:
  1. Goal 1 is to found the PFJ/RNGod religion. Until then, this is a regular civ game, but our primary focus must be on founding a religion. We don't have to build Stonehenge and we *are* allowed to build other stuff. However, RNGod must never be allowed to feel we're shirking this duty. (Maybe be Arabia and use the last prophet UA?)
  2. Once goal 1 has been met, we must immediately declare on all civs we've met.
  3. We must declare war the moment we meet a new civ thereafter.
  4. We're not allowed to peace anyone out. Ever.
  5. AW is for civs only. City states are cool, but we're not allowed to win the game with any city state not yet unconverted to PFJ/RNG. (We can lose the game anytime we want, though.)
  6. We're not allowed to take a city until at least one city from that civ is converted to PFJ/RNG. (eg: Can't take Antium until either Rome, Antium, or Ostia has been converted)
  7. Optional: not allowed to use apostles to expand PFJ/RNG (no splitters).
For the RNGod, I'm just not sure. I like the idea of some of those, but others are just too ambitions. Get 5 inspirations? The idea of the original RNGod game was to let the RNG plan our meanderings through time. I wouldn't mind seeing RNGod rules that chose our war or conversion strategies. Some possibilities:
  1. Every 25 turns, we roll a D8. Each opponent has a number assigned (order we meet them in). For those 25 turns, all offense must be directed at that civ only. If we roll an 8 (assuming 7 opponents), we must turtle for 25 turns. Likewise, if we roll a number for an already dead civ, we must turtle. This would be difficult to kill all 7 civs in time. Maybe 15 turns? Maybe re-roll for the dead civs?
  2. Roll a D-20 every X turns, corresponding to a list of military or religious achievements (alternately, use the "What did Rome ever do for us?" list). If we fail to accomplish the task within the time allowed, we must immediately make peace with a random civ and give back one of his cities that we've captured in the peace treaty. Peace lasts for the minimum time only. If we've not yet captured a city of his, we must build a settler and send him to that civ unprotected. (No peace in that situation.)
  3. Flip a coin every 20 turns. Heads, sword; tails, bible. With sword, we're not allowed to convert anything. With the bible, we're not allowed to kill anything (on offense).
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