Ruleset said:1.0 - Game Information
All teams are required to play the save within 24 hours, unless they request an extension in the Turn Tracker thread. After playing the save, they must send it to the next team via email. Additionally, the turnplayer must post in the Turn Tracker thread to indicate the save has been sent. The next team's 24 hours begins after said post.
1.3 - Punishment
The game administrators are responsible for handing out punishment after a violation of a rule. Punishment may be limited to one single player or the team, but it will not be overly harsh or cruel. It could include forced anarchy, forced payment of gold, removal from the team forum for a period of time, or other actions. If a team feels it is unfair, they may appeal the decision.
Seems to me the appropriate punishment for stalling the game for 72 hours should be forfeiture of the turn. An admin opens the save, presses enter, and sends it off. That's really the only way to keep interest up in these situations. It is each Team's responsibility to play the save in the alloted time - if they can't get that done, then they should suffer the consequences.

All in favor, speak up!