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Yes, this seems to be one of those non-sense issues with the rule-set. Anyhow, what is a big "-" for us, is that it's most probable that everyone else also has this DOOR-STEP protection to their capital. In that case, we really can't rape a neighbour with our triremes like we had planned.

Well if we block someone's access to the mainland with Triremes (should be possible with just 2) they're as good as dead anyway. Whether this is a good thing for us or only enables the next guy to get more land, that's another issue...
can someone please post an actual sandkasten? I then can do the needed sim on new second city location + oracle and worker actions... ...no sandkasten, no sim (i dont have enough time to do both)... ...only both workers road on 1 from capital next seems obvious so far;)
I would like to help but currently I can't due to work do anything until Sunday.
I'll try to make one later on, but I've got things going on today and four exams this week, so I can't promise anything.
Ok, so I took Snaaty's turn 0 Sandkasten file, worldbuilder'd our island and recreated each turn from the turn tracker thread.

Couple of things:

1. I suck at placing rivers, don't make fun of how it looks funny.
2. I couldn't stop the AI from founding religions, so we don't have Hinduism. I don't think this matters since we don't have any religion civics.

I'm going to go back and try some things out in this.

Have fun!


  • Sandkasten-EndOfTurn35.CivBeyondSwordSave
    50.7 KB · Views: 84
Note: We need to work both dyes (the farmed and non-farmed) instead of one of the farmed rice for 1 turn or else we miss Priesthood on turn 38 by 1 beaker.
Best I have so far is Oracle whipped on T45 (built on T46). There doesn't seem to be much wiggle room.

I'll write details later unless someone can beat that.
Best I have so far is Oracle whipped on T45 (built on T46). There doesn't seem to be much wiggle room.

I'll write details later unless someone can beat that.

i tried, but cant beet it. best i managed to do is get oracle in t45 also with the whip -> thats exactly what we should do.

please post your plan, i will post mine also, cause mine sacrifices lots of things for getting the oracle in t45... ....it was damn hard, with some past turns not beeing ideal:crazyeye: - worst is that we cant take the overflow from the settler into oracle -> settlerchop comes 1 turn to late, so we cant squeeze in a filler build like in original plan...
here we go, you have to follwo it exactly, cause if you loose 1 hammer, it wont work, so DMOC please try yourself in sandkasten before going "live":

worker (w) capital (c)

t36: w1 77 c, w2 88 c, settler on spot, c switch to barracks, work 2 gems, 2 rice
t37: found city 2, start warrior, work farmed dyes, both w start to chop, c work 2 gems, 1 rice, 1 riverdye (without farm), switch back to warrior (overflow should be 4)
t38: c start oracle, work 2 gems, 2 rice
t39: see turn 38
t40: w1 74 c, w2 87 c start chopping
t41: w1 start chopping, c grows to 5, c works 2 gems, 1 rice, 1 woodplainshill, 1 grassforest
t42: c works 2 gems, 2 rice, 1 woodplainshill
t43: c works 2 gems, 1 rice, 1 plainshill (wood gone now), 1 plains (1 hammer tile), w2 build 1 turn road c 4
t44: w2 start farm on rice city 2, w1 finish road c4, capital now should have exactly 120 hammers into oracle -> 2pop whip (we should have a decent chance here, thanks to our fast workers doing extremechopping)
I'm at work right now, but make sure your plan includes the forge getting built in city 2.

It is VERY hard to get it up in time. Best I've been able to do is get the GE and GP on pace to pop on the same turn, which I believe means the tie goes to the GE because there's a little more overflow (right?).

I will post what I have later today.
No, ties are broken by settling order, so the capital always pops its GP first in case of a tie.
here we go, you have to follwo it exactly, cause if you loose 1 hammer, it wont work, so DMOC please try yourself in sandkasten before going "live":

worker (w) capital (c)

t36: w1 77 c, w2 88 c, settler on spot, c switch to barracks, work 2 gems, 2 rice
t37: found city 2, start warrior, work farmed dyes, both w start to chop, c work 2 gems, 1 rice, 1 riverdye (without farm), switch back to warrior (overflow should be 4)
t38: c start oracle, work 2 gems, 2 rice
t39: see turn 38
t40: w1 74 c, w2 87 c start chopping
t41: w1 start chopping, c grows to 5, c works 2 gems, 1 rice, 1 woodplainshill, 1 grassforest
t42: c works 2 gems, 2 rice, 1 woodplainshill
t43: c works 2 gems, 1 rice, 1 plainshill (wood gone now), 1 plains (1 hammer tile), w2 build 1 turn road c 4
t44: w2 start farm on rice city 2, w1 finish road c4, capital now should have exactly 120 hammers into oracle -> 2pop whip (we should have a decent chance here, thanks to our fast workers doing extremechopping)

Brilliant. Snaaty is right -- one minor foul up will put us out by a turn. This must be executed exactly (especially the switch to barracks right after the settler comes out).

I'm going to work on making sure the GE can pop first.
With the current plan, I don't think it is mathematically possible to have the forge up in time in city 2 to execute the gambit. Unless someone proves me wrong, we have to make a choice:

1) Delay the construction of the Oracle by some turns to allow city #2 to prechop/grow.

2) Build/whip a forge in the capital, run an engineer and hope the RNG blesses us with a GE. The odds will be something like 70% GP/ 30% GE. We would have another chance in 20 turns, which would be a more favorable 40% GP/60% GE.

Neither is ideal, but I think option #2 is the safest bet.

Also, here is an updated Sandkasten. I worldbuilder'd in Hindu holy city on the turn we researched Polytheism.


  • Sandkasten-EndOfTurn35.CivBeyondSwordSave
    50.8 KB · Views: 92
problem is solved, we are spiritual, so we can simply build a temple for 30 hammers and run a priest for 1-2 turn (whatever we need) in forge city

while building the oracle, second city always works the dyes. rest of the sim i will post within the next days...
problem is solved, we are spiritual, so we can simply build a temple for 30 hammers and run a priest for 1-2 turn (whatever we need) in forge city

while building the oracle, second city always works the dyes. rest of the sim i will post within the next days...

You're as smart as you are handsome!
Neither is ideal, but I think option #2 is the safest bet.

Option #2 is how I usually do it 99% of the time. The problem though, is on deity you only get one shot, because even on the second turn-around if you finally hit that GE, usually the Mids is already gone. I suppose we don't have that problem here vs humans, not sure. But with just about everyone else (except the rookies) as financial, it's highly unlikely they'd want to sink half a grand of hammers into a wonder. Very unlikely.

Just possibly... the Amazons were given stone to balance out the fact their imp rush got fuxxoured by the map-maker, but even then it is a bit of a stretch I think.

If we go with Option #2, no one can beat us, that's for sure. But then we start leaving things up to the dice-gods. We are a favourite, but not by much for the GE after 2 rolls.
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