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Sandwich Elimination Thread III

Ham salad 5
Sausage 15 offal and trotters
Chicken salad 10 if you can't get turkey this Christmas, why not consider a succulent roast salad
politics drifting into other threads where it is not welcome!

Ham salad 2 (5-3) Donald Trump loves this sandwich.
Sausage 16 (15+1) Donald Trump hates this sandwich.
Chicken salad 10
Ham salad 2
Sausage 13 gristle tubes
Chicken salad 11 packed on the pounds over Christmas? A little salad will do a lot of good
Ham salad 2
Sausage 14 pigs in blankets are a Christmas staple!
Chicken salad 8 noone has salad at Christmas!
Ham Salad 3 Seriously? Hating it because some orange clown likes it? Are you going that far in letting him control your life?
Sausage 11 What kind of sausage, anyway?

Chicken Salad 8
Ham Salad [Eliminated] :spear:
Sausage 12 (11+1) What kind of sausage, anyway? Hopefully British or German, the best kind!
Chicken Salad 8
Sausage 9 an old sock full of slurry
Chicken Salad 9 just thinking about this healthy, invigorating salad sandwich is putting a spring in my step!
Sausage 10 (9+1) Real meat
Chicken Salad 6 (9-3) Fake salad
Sausage 8 (7+1) A great way to end a night out :beer:
Chicken Salad 4 (7-3) Not a great way to end a night out :vomit:
Sausage 10 WINS
:ar15:Chicken salad
@Catharsis as one of only three people prepared to spend their valuable time debating the highly important topic of what is the greatest sandwich ever, you seem more than worthy to come and join us playing what will likely be the final ever forum game on the Civ Fanatics site. :salute:
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