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Saviors of a Broken World

Level: 1 (300/1000)
Name: Randall Flagg
  • STR: 5
  • CON: 2
  • DEX: 8
  • INT: 10
  • WIS: 10
  • CHA: 14
Hit Points: 9
Speed: 13
Background: Billionaire
Origin: Natural
Powers: Gadgets, Exosuit Gadgets, Intense Training, Charming Charisma
Gadgets: Explosive Gel, Gun Jammer, Scanner Headset
Exosuit Gadgets: Stealth System, Bioanalyzer, Stunpulse
Code: Invisible Justice
Base: Fortress
Vehicles: Stealth Plane, Space Capable
Inventory: Two Daggers, sword
Funds: $200
EXP: 0
SO, anyone interested in a mission tomorrow night?
theres one saturday, but not tomorrow because of sons metro mission.
I'm going out on Saturday.

Darn it, Domino wants to play! :cry:
I'm going out this afternoon too, so Anna will be absent. So sad.

Sunday is good for me. In fact, Saturday is probably the only day within the next week or so that I can't do it. :p

I want Domino to get TvTropes worthy material. :D
So will there still be a mission today?
Monday will work, I'll be there.
Level: 2 (150/2000 EXP to next level)
Name: Marcus Blackstone
Codename: CAIN-21
STR: 5
CON: 8
DEX: 7
INT: 6
WIS: 9
CHA: 13 (10+3)
Hit Points: 21 (+5 from level up)
Speed: 14
Background: Soldier
Origin: Natural
Powers: Loner, Firearms Specialist, Charming Charisma, Gadgets (Changed 2 Natural powers to Omni powers)
Gadgets: Grapnel Gun, Explosive Gel, Stun Bomb
Exosuit Gadgets: N/A
Code: Utter Pragmatist
Base: Mansion Gerani (Shared)
Vehicles: None
Inventory: Assault Rifle (AK-74), Dagger(K-BAR Fighting Knife)
Funds: $550 (+$100 from mission, +250 from level up)

Do we get extra attribute points for leveling up?
Right; gonna add some more summary here of the recent missions, since nobody has done it in a while.


-Someone was kidnapped from some place in Canada, and several of the team went to investigate. (I wasn't there, but I gather they didn't find anything)
-Vya Fedha got a call from 'Enigma' telling her that he beleived she was Fear, and demanding she come and save a pregnant women (later revealed to be the person kidnapped) from him. He gave her a riddle to determine the location, which led her to a pair of nearby graveyards. She sent cops to both, then she and Marcus headed to one, whilst Salazar went to the other.
-Salazar was arrested by the cops at his graveyard (Dunno why), but whilst he was being taken through the city he commited suicide via black hole creation, destroying large part of it, and wiping out Fedha Manor in the proccess.
-The gang in [other canadian city] got fed up of waiting for an IC reason to go help Fedha, and just handwaved something up. :p
-Mediator, Fedha, and Marcus fought Enigma's sidekick 'Conundrum' and ultimately subdued her, with Mediator then taking her to a hospital.
-Fear, Marcus, and Fedha fought their way in to 'Enigmas' lair, and captured him.
-Fear and Fedha had a small fight over Fedha attempting to kill Enigma for causing Salazars Death, but eventually she succeeded.
-Marcus and Fear went through Enigma's computer system, figuring out the capacity of his Robots, and discovering 'Arazel' (IIRC) had been contracted to kill both Gerani and Gates.
-Enigma's prisoners were released.

At the same time, in the US
-Gates attempted to hire Arazel to kill Blackadder, despite not having enough money to pay him.
-Gates went to a casino and cheated his way to victory in order to get said money, but when the owner (Tigershark) called him on it he was unable to collect any of the money. Tigershark was killed by Arazel before any deal could be worked out.

Sorry I didn't make it. I had an almost-family emergency and totally forgot about this. :(
Lucky me? :p
Mission Tonight gang!

Edit: well this was a weird moment. "You turn and critical hit yourself in the face with an elbow" :p

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