[Scenario] Age of Discovery 1492-1792


Mohawk Games Developer
Mar 14, 2002
Age Of Discovery Scenario for Civ4:

The date is 1492 and Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus has just discovered Cuba. The Hundred Years war between England and France has been over for a few years now, and the only English presence on the mainland is Calais. The War of the Roses is over in England, with the Tudor line now on the throne. Portugal has explored down the African west coast, and Genoa is the major trading port in Western Europe. The Arabs have conquored most of North Africa, except for Morocco. Burgandy has broken apart and their lands taken by Saxony, France and the Duchy of Holland.

Europe is on the brink of social, economic and religious reform as it leaves the Middle Ages and enters the Renaisance. Scientists are making major discoveries in all fields and the people are feeling the effects of new social freedoms with the end of serfdom. History is yours for the making.

Play as one of the major nations of the era, colonizing the New World, expanding your trade Empire, and using your new found wealth to teach your enemies in Europe a lesson. Can you re-write history in your favour?

Map: Western Europe + North Africa + Eastern/Central North America + Carribean. [Size: 108*81]
Coloniser nations: England, Holland, France, Spain, Portugal
Minor nations: Scotland, Saxony, Genoa, Ottomans, Aztec, Maya, Natives

Current versions:
Age of Discovery: v1.12 - 21/11/2006 - EGE Edition
Age of Discovery: v1.0 - 27/08/2006 - MAC Compatible

The Age of Discovery scenario has been attached to this post. This release finalises the AoD scenario. There will be no further work to this scenario done.


I hope you have fun with this scenario. :)

Install instructions:

1. Download the zip file here:

NOTE: Below 2 links no longer works.
v1.12 Windows - http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3667
v1.0 MAC only - http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=2610

Use this link instead:

2. Unzip to the root of your "Sid Meiers Civilization 4" directory. Files will be placed in the correct locations. (The AoD scenario folder will be created within the "Mods" folder).
3. Start Civ4 and select Single Player and Play a Scenario.
4. Select the Age of Discovery scenario and allow Civ4 to restart to load the settings.
5. Choose your leader etc, and off you go. :)

Version History:

v1.12 - 21/11/2006

- Texts finished (finally ;) ).
- New! Pirates & Traders added to mod to depict the battle between merchants, pirates and pirate hunters.
- New! An intro movie has been added to the mod. This is the first mod to contain an intro movie.
- Fixed religion/wonder movie crash bug.
- Minor bug fixes.

v1.0 - 27/08/2006

- Civics: Turn off "No non-state religion spread" for Theocracy
- Religion: Add Catholic back in
- Religion: Eliminate Protestant religion (all non-Catholic European religions are protestant)
- Religion: Slow Catholic / Muslim / Pagan spread and increase dramatically other religions
- Texts: Completed
- Map: Fish added across map
- Map: Catholic added to all European cities as required
- Map: Eliminate Muslim / Catholic / Pagan Holy Cities

Beta3 - 02/01/2006

- Buildings: Check all buildings
- Civics: move Free Market to macro-economics
- Civics: look at other placements
- Units: Bombard/cannon fixup
- Units: Delete unique units
- Units: Names for Indian units
- Concepts: check all correct
- Civs: Leaderheads & flags
- Civs: add North American Indians
- Civs: start techs for Indians
- Civs: making Indians hate the Europeans
- DoM: typo
- Religion: speed up spreading
- Religion: change christianity to pagan religion
- Religion: graphics

Beta2 - 08/12/2005

- Texts in other languages
- Arab leader: Sulyman?
- Explored squares in New World
- City diversity: pop size, units
- Cordoba --> Sevilla, Vigo --> Santiago
- Scoring victory condition?
- City lists (Major civs)
- Scottish spelling
- Barb gunpowder units removed
- City food shortages
- Dawn of Man text
- European gold/silver to go
- Macemen --> Men at Arms
- Arquebusier cost/balance
- Starting civics
- Tech tree: more cross pre-reqs
- General unit tweaking
- Consolidate text xml files
- AI helper
- Spain/Portugal settler-explorer on land

Beta1 - 29/11/2005

Beta1 only has the techs, units, religions, buildings and some texts in at this point. However it's completely playable.

Last edited by a moderator:
Screen1: Northern Europe
Screen2: Southern Europe
Screen3: Land ho! Discovering the New World!
Screen4: Meeting the natives

I would love to help you with this, I spent a great deal of time making one for civ 3 so I have a lot of good information put together. I'll for sure start testing the beta soon. Thank you for starting this! Its my favorite era.
Just promise you won't add units unless they are well made. Also keep in mind that keeping units balanced is very difficult. Best to leave values default if you can.
I love this Dale! Thank you!

Only bugs I've found are the lutheran and protestant denominations have Jewish temples and symbols etc

And now that I'm in the 1570s it lags BAD and CTDs a lot.
Whenever I capture Oran, it stalls, CTDs, or now it gave me the dreaded blue screen of death :(
I'm also experiencing very serious lags. And i agree, that those religion symbols should be changed to more suitable ;)
But overall, a very good scenario :)
This should really be under the Completed Scenario sub forum. CFC Forums are a little more organized than Apolytons ;)
CyberChrist said:
This should really be under the Completed Scenario sub forum. CFC Forums are a little more organized than Apolytons ;)

But it's not completed. ;)

Beta2 will hopefully be out soon. It'll fix a lot of issues found, as well as adding in more stuff (hopefully all bar the python scripting).

Thanks for trying it, and keep those suggestions coming. :)

Few suggestions. First you should change the icons for the new techs, not a must but would be nice, also remove all the techs that are out of the range of this scenario, also I don't know if you did this but make the religions protestant and catholic, then you have that aspect of the game, also you need incentive for AI to go the new world so someone that scripts needs to volunteer to help us and make some sort of advantage to colonizing as a means of wealth from commerce and gold and silver.

Its an amazing start though, if this is beta its already much better and complete than 98% of civ 3 mods. I'll keep playing it and test for more ideas.
Also we need to get a new skin for the cavalry unit, I hate that American Cavalry design, so unrealistic to every other country. It should like the one from civ 3.
anything you want me to do for this other than test? I'm so excited to see such a cool scenario made...

Also I'm not usually a proponent of adding new units because it tends to throw off balance and custom units made on this site are usually not the best, but there needs to be more naval units...like a ship of the line, bigger than the frigate.
okay last post in a row I promise but things keep coming to me...

You know how in civ 3 it listed the city names that each nation had for new cities? So that when spain settled the default name was "Hispaniola"? instead of now where it says "Seville", this would be good to do, if theres an easy way in civ 4. Englands first would be Jamestown and on down the line. We could just copy the names from the civ 3 age of dicovery.
Okay, let me answer some of your questions:

1. Graphics will be one of the last elements updated. No point creating graphics for things that might get trashed later. :)

2. There will be incentive for the AI to move west. This can be done through python.

3. SOTL is actually in. Activated by Sextant at the same time as Indiaman comes available.

4. City lists are currently being put in for the civs. BTW, Roanoke is the first English colony. ;)

Dale said:
4. City lists are currently being put in for the civs. BTW, Roanoke is the first English colony. ;)


Bah, the first English colony was St. John's, Newfoundland, 3 years before Roanoke. ;)
anyways I can't believe how efficiently this mod is being put together... it shall exceed all my expections of the modding communities abilities.

What about the protestant/catholic religions?
Dale said:
But it's not completed. ;)
Scenarios are hardly ever truly completed here on CFC - they are all more or less 'work in progress' and the same goes for 'Completed mods' :D

The main General Creation and Costumization forum is normally used for questions, request and debates about modding and scenario making in general. :)
also you need incentive for AI to go the new world so someone that scripts needs to volunteer to help us and make some sort of advantage to colonizing as a means of wealth from commerce and gold and silver.
Actually, AI does go to the new world, in game i played AI controlled Spain quickly managed to send settlers to new world :crazyeye:
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