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scene stealin


Chill moan!
May 23, 2004
No not about actors. I'm currently trying to write a scipt for a 90 minute feature but can't seem to get anything credible on the page.
If you guys have some suggestions, ideas, maybe some direction it would give me more options.

If you got some ideas for shorts, that be great too (short film not clothing)

PS need to be low budget. Ofcourse people contributing will get proper credits.
WS78 said:
If you guys have some suggestions, ideas, maybe some direction it would give me more options.

That's kind of a broad request as we have no idea what you want the feature to be about.
Thought that it was clear, but course it isn't.

What I'm asking if you guys had some interesting stories or characters or situations or a story outline, something small, big anything would do.
at a party, a girl want up to my friend and asked where randy was. she was drunk out of her mind so my friend told her that Danny (another friend) was randy. she went over to danny looked at him for a for moments and slapped him. danny was trying to ask her what she was doing and then she slapped him a few more times. pretty funny.
general_kill said:
at a party, a girl want up to my friend and asked where randy was. she was drunk out of her mind so my friend told her that Danny (another friend) was randy. she went over to danny looked at him for a for moments and slapped him. danny was trying to ask her what she was doing and then she slapped him a few more times. pretty funny.

That sure is funny, may use that sometime.
Course you'll be properly credited when that gets done.
There was this guy on a web forum, he had writer's block and so he asked all the people for help on a story idea, then his head imploded and he died.
well, having been given one of the most broad outlines ever (come up with any story about anything, under any subject matter for any depth, for any length of time) I'll choose something random, write about the epic battle between a brigade of spearmen and a tank commander. (i told you it would be random, as in RNG). Or write about a kid who's good with computers, becomes a spy against russia for america, and then becomes a double agent. Or write about a teacher, and how they change from when they started teaching to when they retire.
IglooDude said:
There was this guy on a web forum, he had writer's block and so he asked all the people for help on a story idea, then his head imploded and he died.

That would be an idea, but visual effects are a little costly.
I could try a melon but pyrotechnics is not really my specialty.
WS78 said:
That sure is funny, may use that sometime.
Course you'll be properly credited when that gets done.

lol yea i know. u really need to know danny to think it was funny, the guy is a really laid back dude.
WS78 said:
That would be an idea, but visual effects are a little costly.
I could try a melon but pyrotechnics is not really my specialty.

Okay, instead of head-imploding, Darth Vader (hidden behind a couch) force-choked him to death.

You can fake choking, right?
ybbor said:
well, having been given one of the most broad outlines ever (come up with any story about anything, under any subject matter for any depth, for any length of time) I'll choose something random, write about the epic battle between a brigade of spearmen and a tank commander. (i told you it would be random, as in RNG). Or write about a kid who's good with computers, becomes a spy against russia for america, and then becomes a double agent. Or write about a teacher, and how they change from when they started teaching to when they retire.

That's a start. Don't get me wrong, a lotta stuff you put down can be very interesting, maybe not groundbreaking.

I always say: never shot, never scored.
You can have the idea I had when reading another thread: A detective tries to solve the mystery of dissapearing African children in London, but has a difficult time and has roadblocks thrown in his way by the police. Turns out local authorities are trying to cover up the fact that a prominent politician from the immigrant community is involved.
me and my friends make short movies heres a list of all the movies we've made and a short discription
Bum Alert: The host of a reality show called "Bum Alert" (where he goes and interviews bums) becomes seriously poor and becomes a bum himself. He then realizes what he was doing was wrong and corrects what he was doing and becomes a better person
Gorrilla Warfare: In the 1970s a boy visits the Brookfield zoo to see a little baby gorrilla, baby gorrilla falls in love and thinks the boy is acually a girl. Goes 30 years later he escapes, and searches the world to find this "girl". in the end he finds "her" only to find out "she" is a girl. then in the end the gorrilla fights the guys girlfriend (who is acually and alien) and then runs away crying (note: this is all a flashback)
Gene War: 2024: (i acually had to do this for a class) Crops who are sprayed with Round up (round up ready crops) find there is a bug who is now not effected to this insecticide. In the end we find a new chemical that kills them game over for them.
James Frond 009 and a half: The evil Alien Scum is trying to take over the world! James Frond and his monkey sidekick have to defeat an army of aliens, monkey's ex girlfriend and a random guy with a butterknife!

i hope these movies help! :lol: if you want to use any of them just make sure im on the credits in BIG letters: Original Idea from Mike Huttner

BTW i have A LOT of masks, thats how i was able to pull alot of these off.
Ask Moss.
He is one of the most creative writers around here.
Well, yesterday, some old woman just walked into my house. I didn't quite notice at first (assumed it was my grilfriend, as no one else tends just walk in), but did a doubletake a minute later as I noticed her just wandering around. She had a bag from the liquor store in her hand, though she didn't seem drunk at all, just really out of it. I questioned her and she said she was just looking for her room. Responding to the puzzled look on my face, she asked if this was "166", and upon my reply of "No", she asked where that was. I pointed her in the direction that 166 would be (assuming it was on my street), and she went out the door. She then asked if she could sit on one of the chairs on my porch. I acquiesced and then closed the door, quietly locking it. She was still there a bit later when the mailman came by, as they briefly spoke, but was gone within half an hour when my girlfriend actually came home. I wasn't sure whether I should have called the police or perhaps the hospital, but all's well that ends well. Anyway, you might be able to use that as some sort of vehicle for something :)
WS78 said:
PS need to be low budget.credits.
Oh I didnt notice this when I posted last night. In that case, do something in the spirit of "Run Lola Run". Cant get much more low budget than that, but its a good film.
Do a real drama about school life. None of this crap, where all the kiids speak politely.
Damn, noncon, I had the same idea I was going to say.

And one more thing, please make it have a realistic ending. And by realistic I mean not happy.
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