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That makes 2 of us. I just ignored the main quest in all my subsequent playthroughs. What a crappily thought out concept.

I specifically remember being excited to finish the Mage's Guild quests so I could use their forge to make magic items. I wanted to make a strength-raising ring in order to be able to not have to constantly drop things every five minutes, because mages have no weight capacity.

I look back on that, and what the hell was I thinking? I was excited to finish a very large segment of the game just so the rest of the game would be less pointlessly tedious?
The Gates were pretty boring to me, I had more fun just sneaking up on people and planting an arrow in the back of their. Then measuring how far they flew
I don't think you need to close all the gates. Just the ones the main quest wants you to go into. They all close up after the main quest.
You only have to close three gates to finish the main quest, and considering that they play like any other dungeon with the exception of offering better loot, i don't understand what the fuss is about.
You really have to rush them if you want them gone. I dunno, I played the game while doing sidequests the first time, in parallel, as I'm sure it was intended, but after a while it seemed as if the world was scarred by so many annoying gates everywhere it sent me in fits of sighing. Especially if you hadn't minimaxed your character to deal with the really bad auto-leveling system. Purposefuly not training certain skills in order to get the proper multipliers at level up, wow. Talk about counter-intuitive crappolla. It was like that in Morrowind too but it seemed like I actually was becoming stronger because there weren't extremely powerful demons and minotaurs where there used to be rats just a day earlier.
maybe the game just sucked......
I've got a crap ton of mods for it now. Right now, I'm enjoying Unique Landscapes that really revamps the terrain to be other than the stock terrain.

A waterfall near Bravil

Random night shot
If a game requires mods to be decent, then it clearly wasn't very good to begin with. I don't want to download and install mods simply to make a game actually enjoyable. :(
It's an enjoyable platform upon which very fun mods have been made. A good game is a good game, I really don't care what route it had to take to get there, considering there may be 1-2 "good" unmodded games per year otherwise.
Playing L4D2, doing my Gordon Freeman impression, when we noticed you could give pills to the original survivors.

If a game requires mods to be decent, then it clearly wasn't very good to begin with. I don't want to download and install mods simply to make a game actually enjoyable. :(

Well it's great when you first play it! But like all games, it starts to get a little more stale, a little more boring. It's that I've been playing the game for years now but mods keep it fresh for me.
The painstakingly recreated final game map from a multiplayer Victoria: Revolutions game. Only two players, Justo and myself as France and Russia. Think this counts.

Spoiler :
Do I see Cascadia there on the west coast of North America? :D
Once modded with more equipment and a better monster spawning system, and by ignoring the main quest, it was a great game. I loved exploring it. But it was a notch down from Morrowind that's for sure.

Lol that sounds like a lot of work to make the game enjoyable....:lol:
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