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Scytale's standard Warhammer map

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  • Very good

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • Good

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Outstandig

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Below averege

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Shaping the Old World
Nov 5, 2004
Bucharest, Romania
After learning more about the WH world, I decided to create another standard map of WH accurately following the details of the original map. I used the map from the WH site which I will post in this thread.
I added 2 new luxuries to make trade more specific: the panda and the mead.
So enjoy and send me some comments.


  • sWHmap.zip
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This is the original map of Warhammer - the Old World, which I used to create most of the map.


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Looks like the Earth centered on europe and asia
Rout said:
Looks like the Earth centered on europe and asia

It is Earth but in a somehow very early period...as I figured it out the civilisations in WH have corespondents in real-life civilisations. for example the Brettons= the French or Reikland=Germany an so on. And since I wanted a standard map of WH so much(it's easier to move around and it takes less time to conquer everything ;) ) I imagined one using Earth's geography.
I like the idea and the map - a couple of immediate suggestions...

1)Make 'Lustria' much larger connecting the Amazon and Lizardmen zones to give these civs some more room. I'd probably increase the depth of Naggaroth a bit too.

2)Connect up the Dolgan island and move Marienburg and Kislev west if possible. The Dolgans could shift to the east then to more closely imitate the Warhammer world.
Also, Chaos' starting position is terrible. From the very start, their size 7 city is starving because there's not enough food-producing tiles within its radius. You may want to consider adding more food-increasing resources in that general area so that the civilizations that thrive up in that area can actually... thrive. ;)

Maybe even make a new resource that is only visible by, say, Chaos and Norsca (the 2 civs that thrive up in the cold northlands). You could even go further and make another resource for Kisliv (Kislev Crops or something :p) that increases food greatly, also only visible to Kislev. All you have to do is make the resource only become visible to those who have a certain technology. Then make that tech available only to those civ(s) from the start. Make it non-tradeable and non-researchable, and you're set!

Another idea you may want to consider: Have all the civ's cities pre-set with some roads, some irrigation, some mines, some forts, etc... maybe even a few improvements and military/worker units (respective to their civ traits; e.g. Chaos will start with Barracks and Shrines and/or Herdstones, with a little bit of military. Nothing excessive.) That way you can control who gets what resources (before the wars break out, anyways) so that things can be a little more "true" to the WH world. I think it would be fun!

Just some ideas. :crazyeye:
IXIRandyIXI said:
Also, Chaos' starting position is terrible.

You were right...I don't know what I was thinking :crazyeye: ! But it's all solved.
Following the sugestions I received I added 2 more res: the sake-a luxury for the Cathayans and the seals for food in the frozen lands.
Also I've increased the land mass for the Amazons, the Slann and the Dark Elves.
I've moved the westerlanden a bit to the west and placed a new, more suitable location for the Kiselev.
I've replaced the 1st map with the new one and it awaits your attention!
Have fun!
Looks pretty good! :goodjob:

However, there's some minor installation issues:

The files do not install to the correct folder:
- your new Civilopedia.txt and PediaIcons.txt needs to install to ...\Conquests\Scenarios\WH2\Text

- your new Resource icons need to install to ...\Conquests\Scenarios\WH2\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Resources

- your new resource.pcx file needs to install to ...\Conquests\Scenarios\WH2\Art

- the .biq file needs to install directly into the ...\Conquests\Scenarios folder

- the large and small icons for the Panda appear to be missing. Please include those in the next update, having them install to the same folder as the other Resource icons (...\Conquests\Scenarios\WH2\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Resources)

Pretty sure that's all of it. :crazyeye:

Also, some comments on the map:

- The beginning roads seem to be a bit excessive. Maybe just have the roads connecting the different cities instead of all over? :p I know we all end up doing that with the roads anyways, but make people work for it! :D

- Chaos' starting city still starts out starving! ;) That's only because the Seal resources requires Domestication, however. Nothing too big to worry about.

Otherwise, excellent work! I like it. :) Hopefully I will get some time to play a game or two on it sometime soon.
IXIRandyIXI said:
Looks pretty good! :goodjob:

However, there's some minor installation issues:

The files do not install to the correct folder:
- your new Civilopedia.txt and PediaIcons.txt needs to install to ...\Conquests\Scenarios\WH2\Text

- your new Resource icons need to install to ...\Conquests\Scenarios\WH2\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Resources

- your new resource.pcx file needs to install to ...\Conquests\Scenarios\WH2\Art

- the .biq file needs to install directly into the ...\Conquests\Scenarios folder

- the large and small icons for the Panda appear to be missing. Please include those in the next update, having them install to the same folder as the other Resource icons (...\Conquests\Scenarios\WH2\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Resources)

I'm sorry I didn't say anything about this... I was in a big hurry and I assumed everyone knew where everything goes and I just provided the files.
As for the panda files I'll see to it right away.
Again sorry about all the trouble...it's the first time I post a thread...hope you understand.
Glad you like the map.


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I always wanted to try WH-Mod on a WH-based map, but can't deal w/ load times on the existing maps (which are really big), hopefully yours will be better
:suicide: :bounce: awesome map, good work.
Just started as Sylvania Emperror level, it seems that after your resource addition Kislev (my Polite neighbour) have best chances to win...
and.. as Sylvania i really enjoying - i see you added skeletons to Sylvania and now they can build it at start, and i have lotsa meal at my starting location so my pop grow like rabbits, so soon I'll CHOP ALL THOSE SLIMY MORTALS DOWN WITH MY HUGE ARMY OF UNDEAD.... And those Gospodar Dudses :E He he :suicide: :drool:
i just have a opinion on the wh map. when the people who created warhammer did this map they probably had the old world as wurope, the land south of it as africa., and the land in the west the americas. finally the high elf island is probably atlantis type thing.
@greenman 1234
I agree! It's like they wanted to create an alterantive ancient history.
I'm glad you like the map...I'm not so sure this is just a map anymore - it has become more like a scenario. I have an update on the way ;) .
Mmmm... :) i need dto say its best "hand-made" map i saw , it balanced, factions more closer to WH gameplay (like skeletons aviable to Vampire Counts faction from start) and :
Al-Agnon Gardes were built by Araby
Silk Route was built by Cathay
Spice Route was built by Ind
Marienburg built Suiddock
etc (all (95%) of great wonders were built by factions that by WH Fantasy game plot
were supposed to build them
So its most "realistic" WH Fantasy World Map
That looks like a very nice map, Scytale! :) I'll try it out someday...
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