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SDK Update


DLL Minion
May 30, 2011
Near Portsmouth, UK
SDK has just updated via Steam, and ModBuddy has stopped crashing for me whenever I try to log in to GameSpy - woohoo!!! :goodjob:
Change-list for this update:


- The console window will no longer auto scroll to the top then scroll back to the bottom when large amounts of text are being displayed (ie. map script output).
- The console window will no longer display odd selection boxes during scrolling when nothing was selected by the user.


Project Settings

- The maximum version number has increased from 100 to 32767.
- Improved the actions tab so that it is easier to create new actions as well as reorder actions.
- Improved the published content tab so that it's easier to create new published content.
- Added "Deploy Only" configuration that will skip the process of compressing a mod into a civ5mod package. (Useful for local testing)
- Added "Package Only" configuration that will skip the process of copying mod files to the user's MODS directory.

Online Services

- Fixed a crash that would occur when users log into online services.
- The scroll bar for the mods browser now works

File Properties

- Added content properties to the file that directly relate to an entry in the project's published content settings.
- Added action properties to the file that directly relate to an entry in the project's actions tab.
- If a file is removed, any entries in the published content table or actions that match the filename are removed.
- If a file is renamed, any entries in the published content table or actions that match the old filename are renamed to the new filename.
- Added "Deploy Only" configuration that will skip the process of compressing a mod into a civ5mod package. (Useful for local testing)

yes, will be very usefull, thanks :D

and some other welcome fix here, good.

still miss the dependency section, next planned ?
And that update appears to have broken the ability to load Mods altogether...

EDIT: A reinstall seems to have fixed things.


  • ScreenHunter_01 Jul. 26 17.10.jpg
    ScreenHunter_01 Jul. 26 17.10.jpg
    200.9 KB · Views: 175
You forgot to mention, you can now crop maps in WB now (they call it resize, but really you can extend and crop)
- Fixed a crash that would occur when users log into online services.

:thanx: :thanx: :thanx: :thanx: :thanx:

Yay! I can log on to my Thalassicus1 account for the first time since early October! Persistence paid off with reporting that bug and bringing it up every few months... :bump:
Now if they get rid of those (my words) stupid icons above the unit and get back the FLAGs, it might be a worthwhile game, but the way it is now, not even close, No offense to those who made it but come on now, these changes are horrible. Especially the icons above the unit, YUCK, plus again i want the Flags back, IMO. I just had to say it, withOUT these fixes, no one will be really interested that much, but with, i BET you, you will DOUBLE your contacts for Civ V.

Had to get this off my chest, sorry to everyone.
- Added "Deploy Only" configuration that will skip the process of compressing a mod into a civ5mod package. (Useful for local testing)
- Added "Package Only" configuration that will skip the process of copying mod files to the user's MODS directory.

Anyone know how to use these? When I set the dropdown on the top bar to either one, it still does both.
another bug, I've got this message :

"An error occurred trying to load the page.
Operation did not succeed because the program cannot commit or quit a cell value change."

when trying to access the custom properties panel of the project.
another bug, I've got this message :

"An error occurred trying to load the page.
Operation did not succeed because the program cannot commit or quit a cell value change."

when trying to access the custom properties panel of the project.

I've gotten this as well.
Anyone know how to use these? When I set the dropdown on the top bar to either one, it still does both.

From the 2K Games forums

There is a tag "missing" in "older" mods (probably anything pre this patch) in the .civ5proj file

<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Package Only' ">
[COLOR="Red"]    <DeployMod>false</DeployMod>[/COLOR]  </PropertyGroup>
  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Deploy Only' ">
[COLOR="Red"]    <DeployMod>true</DeployMod>[/COLOR]

A fix is being worked on, for the moment you'll have to add them by hand!
hey, whenever I click on worldbuilder it doesnt respond and never loads. Any ideas why? Every other thing like modbuddy and nexus work, but not worldbuilder.
im having an issue with modbuddy where i cant build any solutions at all since the update. can anyone help.

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Firaxis\ModBuddy\Civ5Mod.targets(117,41): error MSB4092: An unexpected token ")" was found at character position 68 in condition "'($(PackageMod)' != 'false' And '$(Configuration)' != 'Deploy Only')".
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