Selecting which tile to grow to?


Sep 26, 2010
Every time a city gains a certain amount of culture, it gets one free tile added to it. I was wondering if it's possible to choose which tile? I haven't been able to figure out any way to change, and I'd *much* rather have that nice fish tile than the plain grassland with nothing on it that it seems to want to expand to >_>
Same question here. :)
simple solution though - buy the preferred tile. Though it is supposed to prioritize a resource so this might be buggy.
The real question is to find a way to influence it to choose something desirable, like if i want a hill for more production instead of it automatically taking a grassland which i don't need.

From my observation so far it has always chosen a tile with resources when it was available. Only exception is when the resource is not directly touching my borders. For example it won't take a hex to simply bridge its way to another resource hex that is currently too far.

It might be a good idea to buy the bridge hex ourselves to bring the inaccessible resource to the governor's attention / reach.
Nope, it seemed much more interested in grabbing those grasslands than getting the fish tile despite it being right next to my border.

In my capital, the city did seem to expand to one relatively useless tile just for the purpose of grabbing a horse tile though. What was weird is it did this rather than grabbing the fish tile it could have gotten. In both cases it seemed completely uninterested in the fish tile and I had to buy them myself. I'm guessing this is a bug of some sort.
Nope, it seemed much more interested in grabbing those grasslands than getting the fish tile despite it being right next to my border.

In my capital, the city did seem to expand to one relatively useless tile just for the purpose of grabbing a horse tile though. What was weird is it did this rather than grabbing the fish tile it could have gotten. In both cases it seemed completely uninterested in the fish tile and I had to buy them myself. I'm guessing this is a bug of some sort.
This might explain it. The governor seems to think the strategic resource that is the horse has so much more value than the fish, that it will go out of its way to get it. This might even be desirable, since you will probably be able to trade a strategic resource like horse for all the fish you want because it is more valuable.

Does not explain the first city thought, but I suspect there might be another similar good reason for it.
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