settlement plans

Absolutely!!! Failure to agree on a border with our ally pretty much lost us the civ 4 MTDG 2, as you have probably noticed if you have been lurking there, Calis. It doesn't have to happen right away, but when we're settling the frontier it will be important to at least communicate with our allies about that sort of thing, instead of accidentally provoking them by violating spheres of influence that can be negotiated. No point in wrecking our alliance over a corrupt jungle town.

I agree. We will negotiate that in time.
I don't agree on the strategy for the Northern Settlements or our new Eastern city, so I won't comment.

We don't need to share our maps with anyone yet. We don't need to set up proposed borders either. Both of those things are a long way off, as they only NEED to be done when the matter is urgent or pressing. Our borders won't be close for 6 months.
The city you place on the tobacco (eliminating it's worth) just to capture the whale, is too close to Tuscan Talon. The city should have been placed farther East to give TT growing room and establish the lux immediately. Yes, I wanted cities up North, but not in the manner you have planned. I saw it develop your way from the begining and held my tongue, but seeing how you've asked. It's to crowed and a waste of a city. A second city at the end ot the Peninsula would have been good for a second city up there.
I agree actually, the less settlers we have to build the better. Since those cities won't be as corrupt, they could be more useful at larger sizes. Fewer cities means fewer settlers and not hitting the OCN as quickly.

I agree we don't need to discuss boundaries for a while yet, but when the time comes we need to discuss the issue with our ally, rather than engaging in a passive aggressive "war" with them. Maybe I'm just paranoid from the last time...
But I believe that we've been over this before. I asked what bonuses a resource gets the city core, because I avoid it outright in my games, and Chamnix I believe said that once it hits size seven, it gets the bonus.

Why would you hold your tongue? The whole point of a Democracy Game (or at least a multiple-team one) is for people to present their opinions, discuss and debate them, and, in the end, the team as a whole decides who presented the more compelling argument.

If I should bring up again the failures of our team in the Civ IV MTDG, our team was essentially a bunch of people agreeing with what was being done, and at this point, the game has been essentially "hijacked" by the only member willing to play, who doesn't post anything about the game. In fact, the only way I knew we were at war with the best team was that the administrator posted to inform us of the new turn clock.
Looks good so far.

Just two points.

1. Grey could maybe move N to get an additional fish and the grassland tile where it is now located.

2. White maybe one to the SW. That would create a passage to the inland sea. But on the other hand the hill gives +defense and we have the passage to the east by the light blue dot.
I agree with your comment about grey - for some reason I only saw mountains further north. Maybe black should be moved 1 north also then?

I'm not sure how to handle the chokes. Originally I had both on the iron hills for defense, but I agree that we want at least one inland sea passage. Moving white southwest makes sense if we are confident in our ability to defend it.
Grey should be moved North one, but it shouldn't be settled for a long time. Black is where it is to get the Whales. The Whales were the reasoning for the placement of those cities, which I originally disagreed with. But it would be too late to change them now for an improvement. Just keep Black where it is. We have two Settlers up there now, freeze settlement in the North.

Do the eight cities you have in the South. Forget Dark Red and Green for now. Our Cultural borders wil expand to cover those areas as we move South. I would move White 1 South onto the Oasis to get that Western passage to the inland sea. That would be easier to defend, while using a desert tile. The Oasis isn't reall that good of a bonus. If we can get the Eastern passage plus the Western one, we'll have a pass through along with the extra ship builders.

We need to get down to the desert SW of the inland sea and the jungle to the SE of it. Hopefully, we can secure those two Southern Dyes.
An oasis tile is the same as a bonus grassland tile.

The more I think about it, the more I agree that white should be moved south or southwest, and then brown can be moved southeast to get the dyes hooked up without having to build a jungle road.
I agree with the placements and above comments. I would prefer to keep the city off the oasis, but it's not that big of a difference. If we have passages on both sides of the lake, then ships can go right through the middle of the continent, which could be useful.

I would say thew next 2 settlers go on peach and brown.
I think green should be settled sooner - every tile that produces more than 2 fpt should have a citizen working it every turn.

Let's keep workers focused on building roads to city locations. There is no hurry to mine tiles that will not have citizens working them for a while or tiles whose extra shield will be lost to corruption.
Next turn we will settle the green spot.

Shortly after that brown will be settled right on the dyes.

What's next? I'd prefer to settle white soon to claim that passage.

Next turn we will settle the green spot.

Shortly after that brown will be settled right on the dyes.

What's next? I'd prefer to settle white soon to claim that passage.


Sounds good. Gaining control of that passage is important.
I've attached two dotmaps. One is the map showing our current plan of cities we intend to settle next (2 will be founded next turn and I've drawn borders for them). I've also created lines for Eagles and Kuche that each would agree not to cross with their cultural boundaries, this is in order to prevent any disputes that could arise from settlement. The other attachment is a potential dotmap for island settlement.

I've given Kuche a lot of space, but I don't see us making good use of that space anyways, if we decide to continue settling southward we can snap up the territory in no-mans land. My main concern is to claim the chokepoints, which would be heavily fortified as the only access points for a Kuche invasion. This would also allow us to cut through the continent in two turns with Dromons, and Dromons based in the city on the red dot can bombard an attacking force at either chokepoint. I would prefer settling towards the islands, and then focusing on the remaining territory between us and Kuche, leaving them the space we've offered.

As a side note, there is probably saltpetre in that desert.


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