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SGOTM 02 - The Real Ms. Beyond

I can play this tomorrow or on Wednesday. So if someone wants to grab it next (and help us in this, our hour of need), feel free. Otherwise, I'll play tomorrow.
Okay, real life has conspired to make me unable to start play for about 22 hours from now. If anyone wants to take it before then, post and go. Otherwise, I'll be playing then.

Also, for SGOTM3, I'd probably be willing to play, though December and January look to be hectic for scheduling. So, if we do muster enough interest for an RB team, I'm in. But I probably won't play on a non-RB team.
regoarrarr -
BeefontheBone -
Kodii - just played
Compromise -
ruff_hi - I couldn't upload my game - did someone do it?

Anyone - I cannot play tonight.
Hey Ruff, I think Kodii grabbed your save from your post page, then ran turns and posted his own save game. So, your (now older) version won't be accepted by the SGOTM server.

Oso or Beef, can you take it today/tonight?
Compromise said:
Hey Ruff, I think Kodii grabbed your save from your post page, then ran turns and posted his own save game. So, your (now older) version won't be accepted by the SGOTM server.
oh well - no biggie but did you actually try uploading it. I thought I saw a post by AlanH saying that it doesn't actually matter regarding the order of uploading. I tried the upload with fire fox and IE - both no go - the thing hates me.
So far, it sounds as if only Compromise and I will move onto SGOTM3. A newcomer named Iainuki is also interested in joining us. I only haven't heard from Oso. Good luck to whoever takes the save next! :)

ruff: I uploaded your save
As we head into (American) Thanksgiving, we have at least a little bit to be thankful for.

1750: We're pretty darn unhappy from drafting, and our foothold on the AI continent has been decimated by Mansa. And there is a marauding Malinese *empty transport* causing us grief by sacking our big continent's fishing operations. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Oh well. At least we're not fighting off troops. (Though we have lost Edo.) I celebrate this state of affairs with a couple whips, but not many.

I turn up the research on Steam Power. Everybody else already has it, but our workers are still busy and could use the improvement. Plus, railroads will be quite nice.

1752: Lose another fishing boats to the accursed transport.

1754: Mansa switches to Vassalage. I guess that's good.

1756: Mansa will now talk to us and will give us peace for Tadmekka. That's the city he founded on our continent. Hmmm. That's not such a bad deal. Well, first, I'm gonna whip that city right proper and get a few fishing boats back out of it!

1758: May as well whip another Takmekkan fishing boat...

1760: Move the lone longbow out of Tadmekka, pillage Tadmekka's wheat with it, then... Peace with Mansa for Tadmekka. Good riddance. Basically, we were just suffering war weariness with that war, and Mansa wasn't really interested in attacking us.

Also, you can let me know if this was :smoke: or not, but I decided to earn a little profit and get on Mansa's good side again by immediately trading him Sheep for 13gpt. If others disagree with that move, feel free to cancel it, but I thought it might be worth a shot.

Because I knew peace was coming, I have workboats ready in most cities and move them onto the appropriate seafood resources. Only a few near our capital are lacking, but they're probably not critical.

1762: Japanese revolts in Tadmekka and Edo! They're not under our control, but at least Mansa's not deriving any benefit from them. They'll flip back to us eventually.

1764: Peace deal with Huayna cancelled. Sadly, we're in no shape to attack again. Yet.

1766: Tadmekka out of revolt. Tadmekka revolts again :) (But still not ours. I do think we should keep it when it comes out of revolt, if only as a peace bargaining chip with the #1 AI.)

1768: An eventful turn:

Steam Power is in. I set us at 100% research toward railroad. Then, I think we'd better get Combustion to regain naval parity. Other thoughts welcome.

We have coal in an already-mined hill near Nagasaki!

Narak (a Great Prophet) is born in Madrid. I send him south so he can found the Christian Superchurch (next turn). I don't see a reason to do anything else with him.

And that's where we are now. The save is here.

I think we're turtling again until we can do some kind of tech catchup. There's a bit of a culture battle with the German city on the south of the continent. It's got a lot of oil (on and offshore) and Biz just started building a well there. I've got a theater queued up in one nearby city (the other has one) which you might want to rush.

This is going to be a modern age finish, I bet. We might end up using the Sirian doctrine, which I've never tried, so it could be interesting.
Compromise said:
This is going to be a modern age finish, I bet. We might end up using the Sirian doctrine, which I've never tried, so it could be interesting.
The Sirian Doctrine - I've heard of this - what is it? Is there a link that illustrates it?
I don't have a reference, but from what I remember, the basic idea is: build up a huge naval stack with lots of battleships etc. Go from enemy coastal city to coastal city and bombard it to zero, amphibiously attack it, raze it, and move on. Apparently, the AI can't muster a suitable defense against the tactic.
Yay, looks like things are heading back on track. Anyone can take it now, ruff, Oso, Beef? If not within a day or two, I guess I'll have to take it again.:lol:

EDIT: Compromise, I've signed up for SGOTM3 under The Real Ms. Beyond, so if you'd like to do so as well, go ahead. I'll see if I can get some more interest to have a full roster in the RB forums.
Kodii: If we don't get many RB signups for SGOTM3, we should change our name to Ms. Beyond. :)

On SGOTM2, I must confess that I didn't expect to get off so easy in our war with Mansa. He took away our foothold on the AI continent (presumably) and grabbed Edo from us. That's fine. Edo won't do us a whole lot of good for the rest of the game, so if it can tie up some Malinese troops, all the better.

We're still dead last in tech. It's so bad that I don't even think we know how many techs we're behind. Even Biz is building a well on the city on "our" continent, so even he's got combustion, a tech we're about 25 turns away from.

But, we're still second in score. I'm not sure what our tech rate is, but we're probably doing okay. I think I assigned some specialists to help with the railroad research, but I'm not sure if we really need them.

I've started a couple drydocks in a few continental cities. It might be nice to pump out some experienced destroyers and battleships.

We should probably be thinking of ways to get some good amphibious troops (without need of promotion). Then, we could attack coastal cities with impunity, using destroyers (say 10 of them) to reduce defenses to 0 in one turn.... We can simply avoid any cities that have big stacks in them.

That'll remove Mansa's trading partners right quick!
What do you guys think of using Theocracy (and spreading Christianity) to get to 6xp out of the gate? We're aggressive, so we can get amphibious at 5xp after Combat II. Just a thought. Might be the easy way to get rid of some AI tech suppliers.
Compromise: It looks like right now we have 3 RBers, 1 CivIII RBer, and two new people. Shall we look into changing the name to Ms. Beyond?

EDIT: I'll try to play a turnset tonight, or tomorrow if nobody else claims it.

EDIT2: LKendter has signed up to join us in SGOTM3, which I am extremely excited about, as Lee is a very experienced player.
To shave off some time, I'm going to stop making detailed reports for this SG. I'll only add major points and screenshots when necessary. So here we go:

-We build the Church of the Nativity
-Another Japanese revolt in Tadmekka
-Railroad comes in, I begin Combustion
-Mansa offers Open Borders, but I decline for now

We should decide where to build our small wonders. Also, we now have until December 14th to be eligible for a prize. Anyone can go next.

I'm away from a Civ-capable computer until Tuesday, so I'll take some turns then. I'm glad to hear we didn't get into any more wars on Kodii's turns!

I also have a confession: I am absolutely *awful* at choosing where to put the national wonders. It's so bad that I usually just don't build them. :blush: So yes, I agree that we need to build some, but any input as to where would be most helpful.

I forgot to check during my turnset: how are we doing relative to the AIs in tech rate?

I suspect we can leave Biz and Huayna alone for a while. They probably won't be big threats for the rest of the game. Maybe we need to teach Mao a lesson? (Not until we build up another decent attack force, of course.) Doesn't Mao have Versailles somewhere?

What about stockpiling troops in our capital? With sufficient transport capacity, they could then be brought to bear against any enemy....
Hmm. If Compromise is uncivable until Tuesday, we still need to get going. Unless I hear from ruff, or Oso, or someone, then I'll play two turnsets in a row :lol:
Actually, I think we'll want to speed through to the end on this one, so my vote is to play long turnsets from here on out.
Ok, I played some more. This is basically what happened:

Edo revolted twice more. Isn't it supposed to flip by now?
Built Oxford University in Madrid
Just finished Assembly Line
Connected our Oil
Begun upgrading riflemen to infantry, galleons to transport, frigates and ironclad to destroyers.
Mansa and Mao have both finished Apollo Program, Mansa also finished an SS Casing

At this moment, I cannot upload my save. I'll ask about that.
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