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SGOTM 04 - Murky Waters

I also see the need for a medic III unit, usually very handy to have during an invasion like this. Will put the GG on this unless you object...
As an alternative to Medic III, how about taking a melee unit from MW (7xp + combat I), and promoting to combat III, Medic I/II, and March?!?

Does the March promotion affect only that unit or all units moving in the same stack?
BUt don't forget, after Gnejs comes JERFit, our expert city builder, renowned far and wide for choosing the location for GC that is easier for G to capture (hopefully).
Yes, but hopefully G won't be capturing any cities on our new continent.... ;)
Does the March promotion affect only that unit or all units moving in the same stack?
It is only that unit - and is therefore a fairly useless promotion (except when combining a stach of Mech Inf with a Medic)

This is a useful thread on the mechanics of unit healing.
How about keeping Vienne and build New Vienne 4E? We will then get the fish.
4E is an attraction location.

What was really driving my dot map was those two ugly desert cities in the SE. Doubling up Vienne was just looking for a nice hammer location for our HE.

EDIT: I can't find another location that even goes over 20h/t all the way down to Mehmed. Vienne West is awesome. Almost as good BC.

Good luck, Gnejs! I vote for your decision, whatever it may be...
4E is an attraction location.

What was really driving my dot map was those two ugly desert cities in the SE. Doubling up Vienne was just looking for a nice hammer location for our HE.

The two ugly desert cities are not that bad from a commerce point of view. Not perfect, but not bad either. They will pay for themselves at least.

EDIT: I definately agree on Vienne West. And I wish Gnejs good luck. You now have lots of opinions to ignore! :lol:
Did you retire? :lol:


I finished my WOTM7 game instead of playing this one. :D

I figured you people would come up with totally opposite strategies if you only got some spare time. And it appears I was right... :)

So, the common opinion is that Brennus' cities are poorly placed? But no consensus on where they should be and what cities to raze/rebuild? Sigh, do I have to decide all this as well...
I finished my WOTM7 game instead of playing this one. :D I think BP would agree that you are now a fully qualified

I have taken a breath of fresh air to think this over and these are what I think are the relevant factors in our decisio:
  • Overall game speed
  • Quickly spreading G's religion to at least one city in BrennusLand and spreading Brennus' religion to CC, MW and any other cities on the Old Land if possible.
  • Leaving GandhiLand entirely, asap
With this in mind, I think Erkon is right. We keep the poorly placed cities we want (raze those really lousy cities that Erkon suggested.

The only possible exception might be to raze Vienne because Vienne W is really a nice hammer city. I'm not keen on Erkon's idea to keep Vienne if we decide to build Vienne West, but I do find Vienne and 4E Vienne East acceptable.

Madrid is an awesome commerce city (did anyone notice she has built cottages onhers hills!!!).

I think the military operations should start with Varmillion Verlanion to the SW and proceed clockwise around to Bibracte. Then onward and down around to Isabella.
I have taken a breath of fresh air to think this over and these are what I think are the relevant factors in our decisio:
  • Overall game speed
  • Quickly spreading G's religion to at least one city in BrennusLand and spreading Brennus' religion to CC, MW and any other cities on the Old Land if possible.
  • Leaving GandhiLand entirely, asap
With this in mind, I think Erkon is right. We keep the poorly placed cities we want (raze those really lousy cities that Erkon suggested.

The only possible exception might be to raze Vienne because Vienne W is really a nice hammer city. I'm not keen on Erkon's idea to keep Vienne if we decide to build Vienne West, but I do find Vienne and 4E Vienne East acceptable.

Madrid is an awesome commerce city (did anyone notice she has built cottages onhers hills!!!).

I think the military operations should start with Varmillion Verlanion to the SW and proceed clockwise around to Bibracte. Then onward and down around to Isabella.

Having looked at the dotmaps for a while, I agree that we should avoid razing/resettling as much as possible. Razing hopeless cities is ok, but razing good cities just to get better production when resettling does not seem very useful. Besides, we won't be building any spaceship parts, nor any wonders. Our focus should be on commerce and research, so cottage spamming rather than mining. I think current cities + 4E Vienne would serve us fine.

Even in a regular game, I am not sure it would be worth it. Any city that we raze costs us the hammers of the remaining buildings (say 100-200h) + the cost of a settler (120 h) + lost whipping opportunity (say 10 pop = 440h) = about 700 hammers. Plus a delay before resettling, time lost not working cottages etc. It would have to be a really huge production increase to offset this.
I like a city 3W of Vienne. We can build NE there, and build units. All other cities can focus on research.

Maybe, but by the time we have it up and running we will have finished conquering anyway. :p

Perhaps a coastal city would be better, so we can build and maintain a strong navy.
I like a city 3W of Vienne. We can build NE there, and build units. All other cities can focus on research.
In other words, leave Vienne and build 2 new cities: 3W and 4E?

EDIT: Eventually, we could gift Vienne to someone and then raze it if we choose. Best of both worlds--leave the cities as they stand, build two better ones, eventually dump the dead wood in between that's slowing down our Viking juggernaut?

Or plant GK in Vienne if we're fast enough...
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