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[BTS] SGOTM 27 interest.

If I understand correctly, in a succession game, one person plays some turns then gives the save to another person, then to next person, next, and next... ?
You're right, that is exactly what SGOTM is all about. However, you don't have to play all by yourself during those turns. You can share the save files and discuss what you all want to do and then proceed. It is like one person in the drivers seat with several navigators next to you.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes! If you're not sure what to do, all of you can discuss the options and after that you can go ahead and play further on. The amount of turnsets is not written in stone. You can play 1 turn and let one other proceed if you like.
Perhaps space and corps? Or a condition to win but destroy ai capital after they launch spaceship. Not sure how you would prove this.
Might be interested, but I've seen some of those sgotm logs. Y'all use math and stuff :nono: while "it feels right" has always been good enough for me :)
Also what if my team doesn't believe in building TGW !? :crazyeye:
Might be interested, but I've seen some of those sgotm logs. Y'all use math and stuff :nono: while "it feels right" has always been good enough for me :)
Also what if my team doesn't believe in building TGW !? :crazyeye:

It's about having fun too. A new team called 'it feels right'. Let's do this.
Ragng barbs SGOTM 27? Would that be too much about RNG and less about skill?

How about a Wonderful SGOTM 27.

What about a point system? Each wonder is assigned x points. You cannot exceed x points. So maybe 100 points overall? Each point below X takes 1 turn off your finishing date. All about the maths. The more important wonders could have higher values. This might bring some RNG in terms of if a nearby Ai built a wonder or not. Hmmmm. You could add a caveat that any city captured with a wonder must be razed? That could also add some RNG if the nearest capital had to be razed. So maybe all captured original Ai capitals must be razed?

Who needs wonders anyway? :D
I have an idea...
Ban the use of slavery (or even self tech BW at all) on immortal or deity level. This could make things interesting :lol:

It said this was an all levels skill player game though... :hide:
It said this was an all levels skill player game though... :hide:

Very unlikely immortal or deity. These games are about skill and not rng from a deity game where you get steam rolled by Shaka come 2000bc.

The last game was a great example of a well designed game. Low risk ai and a start where moving your units 1-2 would not mean a lucky settle to find resources. It was all about micro and which team played best. With many teams having fun.
It said this was an all levels skill player game though... :hide:

Yes, it is!

I was just kidding with banning slavery on the highest levels.
The nice thing about sgotms is that the mapmakers create some unique challenges/tasks to perform during the game. The fun part is to talk about these tasks and how to do them. Every idea/solution will help the team as a whole.
I for instance had many ideas during the last game and many of them were crap :lol:. Knowing how NOT to do it is also a way towards success and fun.
@Noble Zarkon May we please get an update on the status of a new SGOTM game? thanks
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