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SGOTM 05 - Geezers

Now that is a very CIV time to be finishing a turnset! 5:39am !! Excellent.

I did say I was going to play in the morning! Plus it means if I do anything dumb, I can blame it on the fact that I was still asleep when I played.

20 turns is still right at this stage because, to be honest, nothing much really happens. I only made about 3 decisions in that whole turnset.
Looks good. :goodjob:

I would say it is up to you, AgedOne whether you play 10 or 20. You can also hand over at 12 or 16 or anything between 10 or 20 if you think it is appropriate. For example if we get a new tech in that range and we did not agree on what to research next. We can even out at a later stage then.

For the next set I think the most interesting part will be whether we have copper and use the settler to claim it.

On research we will have to find an agreement if we want a wonder or not. If not I would say we go pottery, writing. If we want a wonder we will have to agree on which one to choose the right techs.
(Sorry markh. I sat preparing this post for so long I didn't notice you'd made your post above. Some of my points may seem a bit contradictory as a result)

I'm wondering about the next turnset:

  • Where am I heading for with the settlers now leaving Karakorum? I'm assuming it's the Red Site by the clams and stone. That'll become Turfan (iirc).

  • Bronze will be up in 7 turns (and then we'll know a thing or two...)
  • Pottery is on our list, and current estimate is 13 turns.
  • Mysticism is being researched by Barb-Aid, but hasn't got far yet. Cheap tech. We can get it in 6.
  • Masonry is also on Barb-Aid, and will take 14 turns. Or fewer, if the Barbs continue adding to the beakers while we research.

  • Karakorum is going to produce our first chariot in 6. It'll nip down to police Beshbalik, I guess. What next? Another settler is tempting. An off-beat idea is a workboat (7 turns) which allows K to grow to size 3 while it builds, and can go straight off to work the clams beside Turfan.
  • Beshbalik started a worker - due in 14. Next maybe an obelisk, if we have researched Myst by then, otherwise maybe a warrior for PM.
  • Turfan, when we found it, probably starts another worker.

I do feel that once Bronze Working comes up, I'll have a quiet stop and think, as maybe plans will change depending on the availability of copper nearby.

Feel free to knock these ideas about. I'm just plopping them down as a starting position for discussion. I'll be back online tomorrow.
Looking good... my 2 cents:

- Although I suggested growing out the capital, folks have changed my mind. Barbs are building cities, we need to get a couple of more settlers out. I would switch chariot to settler so we have one ready for the long-awaited copper strike. The workboat idea is a good one, but I think we can't risk barb cities.

- I am not a fan of obelisks, I much prefer early libs because they work for us forever. However, a lib might take too long, and we need our second city to expand. So, I'm ok with building an obelisk.

- Having said that, I think we should let the barbs finish Myst for us. Having them tech is a big advantage on the AI's. Let's try to beeline up tech paths and let the barbs fill in gaps. If they are not making progress, maybe we need to research it ourselves, but I'd rather wait. I'm with Mark... pottery, writing.

- RE: Wonders. Again, I'm with Mark. I think the price is too high, especially given our hammer poor start. I'd rather spend our early hammers building things that can hammer :hammer:

- As a couple of others suggested, no need for MP's. If we have spare hammers to build units I would stick with chariots.
Yes, I think we should switch to another settler in Karakorum to claim a copper spot if there is one. Yellow looks suspicious as there is absolutely nothing beside the seafood.
If there is any copper, there are 3 likely spots: Our big fat cross, down in the very southeast or in the southwest.

The latter 2 spots might incur a significant maintenance cost, keep that in mind, so if we decide to go for saladin and/or alex we should settle there at the latest point possible before starting to build all out axes.
But maybe it shows up somewhere near. Or not at all. Well :)

What about the Pyramids? With stone, I would always try to get them, even at higher difficulties. It allows out cities to hold 2 more pop and makes a specialist/cottage hybrid economy very powerful. The Great Engineer is very handy too, it usually allows either the Great Library, which does go very well with Pyramids because of the specialist bonus, or does give a boost in the long run as permanent resident.

I think it is possible to do both war with alex and building the pyramids, but it requires some planing. Any thoughts about that?
OK. The way it's looking to me now for this evening's turnset is this:

Use the current settler to found Turfan at the Red Site by the clams & stone.

(after Bronze) Pottery and Writing.

Switch the Karakorum build to a settler. The chariot follows that (or does it?)

Beshbalik completes its worker, and then (if we have Myst by then) starts an obelisk.

Turfan, when founded, starts a worker (or should it be a workboat here? Lets it grow)

Plus, don't speak to any strangers, and pay very close attention in 7 turns time when BronzeWorking comes up.

I'll certainly aim to play the full 20 turns. I'll only change that plan if anything unexpectedly exciting occurs, and I need to ask for directions :)
Ha HA! Hope it all goes like this.
Turn 71 (IBT) and we got this little news snippet:
View attachment 157200

Go Barbarians !! :D

At turn 75 we learned Bronze Working (founding Turfan speeded research a little)
This is what was revealed:

View attachment 157203

So the only copper on our island is on the grassland just south of Karakorum.

I didn't notice before, but our Barbie mates settled their first city really early - 1990BC !! It's on lush continent in the South West by a whole wodge of gold. It's a little way from Toku and Cyrus. Hope they survive.
I'm also scared now that they'll plop a city down on our copper at any moment.

Where should we plant our copper city? I'm going with the Green Site from Sam_Yeager's original dot-map unless anyone says otherwise.
I'd say go with green. Where is our scout ? Can you move it there to fogbust ? I do not remember whether this will prevent the barbs settling a city in a fogbusted area.

So, it is an exciting set with some tension.:)
Turnset completed.
My notes:

Scout to hilltop as lookout.
Workers continue roading towards Beshbalik.
Settler heads for Red Site.

(IBT Ha! Guangzhou razed by Barbs!!)

Settled Turfan.
Worried over first build. Worker in 45, Workboat in 45, but city can grow. Decided on workboat.
Losing 5gpt, so will have to reduce tech rate in 2 turns.

Noticed Myst is half researched now.

Reduced tech to 80% to break even.

Workers continue roading across stone towards Besh.

Learned Bronze Working; Started Pottery.
Didn't bother adopting Slavery immediately.
The nearest copper is (rather surprisingly) on the grasslands just S of Karakorum.

Didn't notice before, but the Barbs settled a city on lush land very early.
View attachment 157213
1990BC !! I'm scared that they'll plop one down on our copper any time.

Karakorum gets its next cultural expansion.

Workers now roading final stretch into Besh. Next they'll work the gold.


Nothing much, except Barbs missed their chance to damage Asoka. Axeman lost attacking newly founded Bombay.

Stonehenge built in a far away land.

Our workers move to the gold, ready to start work.

Workers start mining.


Note: Myst is 103/145 researched now.

Beshbalik produces workers; They head towards the copper. Besh starts a chariot next.

Noticed Barbies have a second city, but (phew) it's not on our land. It's in the east of lush continent, and (if it survives) would make a good stepping stone for an attack force.
Settler out of Karakorum. Heads for Green Site (just West of Copper)
Karakorum continues with chariot.
Workers arrive at jungle to link Karakorum to copper.

Learned Pottery. Next will be Writing.
Settlers arrive in position.
Workers are roading through jungle to copper.

Founded Ning-hsia beside the copper. Started an archer.
Goldmine is complete, and is now being roaded.
Losing money again 3gpt. Will need to reduce tech rate in 3 turns.

Nothing - except we hit the top of the scoreboard.

The copper is being mined.

Workers have completed roading the goldmine, and head north to work near the capital (or the copper)

NB. Barbies actually have a 3rd city:
View attachment 157211

The save is here: http://gotm.civfanatics.net/saves/civ4sgotm5/Geezers_SG005_BC1300_01.Civ4SavedGame

From the Autolog:

Spoiler :
Turn 70/660 (1900 BC) [01-Aug-2007 20:51:09]
Karakorum begins: Settler (15 turns)

Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards Asoka(India), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards Saladin(Arabia), from 'Pleased' to 'Cautious'
Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards Cyrus(Persia), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Asoka(India) towards Qin Shi Huang(China), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Asoka(India) towards Isabella(Spain), from 'Pleased' to 'Cautious'
Attitude Change: Isabella(Spain) towards Alexander(Greece), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Cyrus(Persia) towards Qin Shi Huang(China), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Cyrus(Persia) towards Isabella(Spain), from 'Pleased' to 'Cautious'

Turn 71/660 (1870 BC) [01-Aug-2007 21:00:33]
Turfan founded
Turfan begins: Worker (45 turns)
Turfan begins: Work Boat (45 turns)

Civics Change: Alexander(Greece) from 'Tribalism' to 'Slavery'

Turn 72/660 (1840 BC) [01-Aug-2007 21:17:17]


Turn 73/660 (1810 BC) [01-Aug-2007 21:20:04]

Attitude Change: Isabella(Spain) towards Alexander(Greece), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Turn 74/660 (1780 BC) [01-Aug-2007 21:22:04]
Tech learned: Bronze Working


Turn 75/660 (1750 BC) [01-Aug-2007 21:24:30]
Research begun: Pottery (57 Turns)
Karakorum's borders expand


Turn 76/660 (1720 BC) [01-Aug-2007 21:47:27]


Turn 77/660 (1690 BC) [01-Aug-2007 21:57:20]

Attitude Change: Isabella(Spain) towards Alexander(Greece), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'

Turn 78/660 (1660 BC) [01-Aug-2007 21:59:16]


Turn 79/660 (1630 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:01:04]


Turn 80/660 (1600 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:03:19]

Attitude Change: Isabella(Spain) towards Alexander(Greece), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Turn 81/660 (1570 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:05:23]


Turn 82/660 (1540 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:06:34]


Turn 83/660 (1510 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:07:36]
Beshbalik finishes: Worker


Turn 84/660 (1480 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:09:43]
Beshbalik begins: Chariot (19 turns)
Karakorum finishes: Settler


Turn 85/660 (1450 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:11:30]
Karakorum begins: Chariot (7 turns)
Tech learned: Pottery


Turn 86/660 (1420 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:16:34]
Research begun: Writing (18 Turns)


Turn 87/660 (1390 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:18:31]
Ning-hsia founded
Ning-hsia begins: Archer (19 turns)

Civics Change: Tokugawa(Japan) from 'Tribalism' to 'Slavery'
Civics Change: Isabella(Spain) from 'Tribalism' to 'Slavery'

Turn 88/660 (1360 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:23:24]


Turn 89/660 (1330 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:26:03]


Turn 90/660 (1300 BC) [01-Aug-2007 22:31:34]


View attachment 157212

All-in-all, we founded 2 cities, mined the gold and are mining the copper.
On the downside, I feel as though I've started too many military builds. Some could have been workers / settlers.
But we hit the top of the scores, thanks to combined scores with our barbaric friends.
Barbies actually have a 3rd city

OK, new strategy. Let's sit back and let the barbies do all the work. ;)

Actually, on a more serious note, if this wasn't a speed-based competition, it would be interesting to see if we could sit back and let the barbies win. I.e. if we sat on our initial island and focused on tech, could we put the barbs far enough ahead to reach Dom on their own? Prolly not, they are pretty stupid when it comes to attacking. Having said that, Qin has his hands full. He is going to lose a city very shortly.

I would like to see another settler or two, but I think your decision to build military is good. Two reasons:

1) Our economy is on the verge of a dead stop. We are already spending half our commerce on maintenance. Another city or two might close our tech down altogether.
2) I noticed Togu has a galley in his city. This says the AI's are starting to want to explore. It may not be too terribly long before we have some visitors. So, a couple of chariots to cover any incursions is good. Or, they become the start of the Alex-extermination-committee :D .

Given the first issue above, I would strongly recommend our worker in Turfan hop up to Karakorum and build a river cottage. Our pop is about to go to 3, might as well have the new citizen kickstart our economy by working a cottage.

Once the copper miner is done the mine, he should road the copper into our trade network. Then he too should get working on cottages.
Aged One, what did you push to get that Event Log window that is your screen shot? I have never seen that before.

Ah. That's one of the options on the HOF mod screens. Haven't got all the details in front of me right now, but basically you turn autologging on by checking one of the boxes, and then I said I wanted the output in forum format (rather than html).

Then it's a matter of finding the file after I played. (It's in something like My Games/Sid Meyer's Civilization 4\Autolog and was called Temujin.txt)
Paste the contents into your post, and there you go.
Some thoughts:

We have to be careful of overexpanding.

What is the general plan? Attack asap? That would be after sailing comes in, founding another city would be good, but slow our sience to a crawl for some time.

The Great Prohpet is not amused to see no obelisks. There goes our Pyramids.

If we want a late (Astronomy) attack, we need to boost our sience. This means cottages, and expanding.

Is there something in between? Don't know, but it is of course possible to attack with Cats+Axes(or Maces) on galleys, but I have never tried it :)
Productive turnset. :goodjob:

For the time being 4 cities should do fine. We should settle more cities after we have some cottages up and can pay for the maintenance.

As I am up I am planning to build some military now for MP and maybe get another worker out in my set. Barracks also come to my mind especially in Beshbalik. Research is set to writing as agreed, so nothing to do for me in the research department. After that I am thinking of fishing, sailing. I will adopt slavery enabling us to whip in future. Now it won't hurt us to switch.

I got it.

I am quite confident that we can hurt Alex without cats if we will be quick. The AIs are still in settling mode and they seem to struggle with our team mates. :D We should use this best as we can.
For the time being 4 cities should do fine. We should settle more cities after we have some cottages up and can pay for the maintenance.
I am quite confident that we can hurt Alex without cats if we will be quick. The AIs are still in settling mode and they seem to struggle with our team mates. :D We should use this best as we can.

Unless we settle another city in the far SE to get our culture over the ocean between our island and Alex's island then it doesn't matter what we do on the military front.

Whilst we can wait a while to found this city we have to factor in the time to build an obelisk and then wait for the cultural expansion. We also need to build some galleys to transport our troops. This requires Sailing which we also have to get, either through our allies or researched directly.
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