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SGOTM 05 - Geezers

Random lurker thoughts.

More :beer: is good!

Can I suggest that you think about several raiding parties of spear/axe/keshik or two as the next stage of :hammer: ing the AI. You must have spears for Cyrus as he will have Immortals. The parties should pay for themselves and you really need to slow down the AI.

I love Qin, he's a master tactician :lol:
More :beer: is good!

I'm halfway through another pint. :D

Can I suggest that you think about several raiding parties of spear/axe/keshik or two as the next stage of :hammer: ing the AI. You must have spears for Cyrus as he will have Immortals. The parties should pay for themselves and you really need to slow down the AI.

Good point about Cyrus. :goodjob: Judging by Qin's landing force he's seems to be heavily into horse archers. I'm not sure we can afford too many raiding parties at present. One or two would be the max until they pay for themselves. We also have to make sure we have enough defence in Corinth.

I love Qin, he's a master tactician :lol:

Perhaps he'll make into the history books in Corinth as 'Qin the foolish'. :)
Will have a look at the save tomorrow.

So far I agree with everybody at all points :)

So what did you decide after looking at the save?
With Magyar & Phoenician in the hands of our enemies, Corinth is in trouble. We've got to reinforce it, though I'd hate to further postpone the capture of Athens.

Good turnset Sam. :) The Lizards would have been hard-pressed to reach Chicago with you in command...
With Magyar & Phoenician in the hands of our enemies, Corinth is in trouble. We've got to reinforce it, though I'd hate to further postpone the capture of Athens.

Good point. Though I agree that we wouldn't like to postpone activities against Athens.

I'm pretty sure that we'll take Athens very comfortably in the next 2 or 3 turns. That will hopefully still be too soon for any serious attacks on Corinth.

The priorities at that point must be to reinforce Corinth (hopefully using forces that have just taken Athens, if all goes well!).
Then the economy needs attention. But of course we will have got a bit of gold from Athens capture :)

Definitely in favour of the MM points The-Hawk outlined in his recent post.
The Lizards would have been hard-pressed to reach Chicago with you in command...

But I want to use that explosive-metal bomb. :D :p
Good set, Sam ! :goodjob:

I would like to see 2 or 3 more cats for the attack on Athens. I think one sacrificed cat will not hurt the defenders enough to take Athens comfortably with Keshiks and axes.

I will have a look at the save later today for further comments.
I have a virus problem with my PC. I will have to reinstall everything :-(

Please, skip me for this turn. I will probably need a few days.
Sorry to hear that.

Roster update :

Sam - Just played
drhirsch - skipped due to virus hunting
Harbourboy - UP
I have a virus problem with my PC. I will have to reinstall everything :-(

:( Commiserations. Hope you haven't lost any important data.
Athens : remove the cultural defense and see what odds our city raider II axes have. Maybe the cat is enough sacrificing it on the attack.

Corinth I can only comment on once I opened the save. I am not aware what we have there.
SGOTM5 665AD0000.JPG

This is the Corinth siituation, for those who can't see a save.
I would say attack Athens first. It has 6% cultural defence left which the cat can take out next turn. After that you use the cat to weaken the defenders. We have a lot of attackers so we should be able to take it. I believe there's another cat on the way to Athens but it's probably about three turns away. Corinth should be able to defend itself in the short term unless we get three or four attackers at once.

I know the The-Hawk reckoned that we should take Athens first & then reinforce Corinth.
I'm with Sam_Yeager on this one. I looked at the save yesterday, and I thought at the time that one more bombardment with the cat to zero the defences, followed by a cat collateral attack the next turn, and the axemen pile in. That should see us owning Athens in 2 turns time, by my reckoning.

I just don't see any more concerted attacks hitting Corinth in the next 3 or 4 turns, by which time we can reinforce using the remaining units from Athens.

Oh. Extra thought. Don't forget to implement Hawk's city management changes he mentioned a few posts back. That way we'll be able to up the tech rate pretty soon and get CoL, which is going to be very useful
Apologies. One more thought (Thinking slowly today, one thought at a time)
Since it's likely to be the axemen that carry out the brunt of the attack, due to much better attack odds, we should have most of our Keshiks unused at the moment we get Athens. Let's pop the Keshiks across to Corinth as soon as we can.
Once there, they can not only act as mobile defenders should any more galleys show up, they can also fan out into the nearby forests to forewarn us of any incoming land units. Remember they can move through forests like grassland or plains :)
Summary: We took Athens for the loss of only one Axeman. No other disasters. Code of Laws should come in next turnset.


SGOTM5 800AD0000.JPG

Turn 211/660 (665 AD) [28-Aug-2007 02:35:46]
While attacking in Greek territory at Athens, Axeman defeats (0.50/5): Greek Archer (Prob Victory: 68.6%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Athens, Axeman defeats (0.75/5): Greek Archer (Prob Victory: 72.7%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Athens, Axeman loses to: Greek Archer (1.11/3) (Prob Victory: 64.8%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Athens, Axeman defeats (1.60/5): Greek Chariot (Prob Victory: 75.1%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Athens, Axeman defeats (4.20/5): Greek Phalanx (Prob Victory: 90.9%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Athens, Axeman defeats (5.00/5): Greek Archer (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
Christianity has spread: Athens
Captured Athens (Alexander)
Greek Empire has been eliminated
Ning-hsia finishes: Library
Corinth grows: 2


Turn 212/660 (680 AD) [28-Aug-2007 04:54:25]
Ning-hsia begins: Spearman (11 turns)


Turn 213/660 (695 AD) [28-Aug-2007 04:58:19]
Axeman promoted: Combat II


Turn 214/660 (710 AD) [28-Aug-2007 05:01:19]


Turn 215/660 (725 AD) [28-Aug-2007 05:05:56]
Axeman promoted: Shock
Corinth grows: 3
Corinth's borders expand

While defending just off shore near Corinth, Galley defeats (0.48/2): Japanese Galley (Prob Victory: 67.8%)
Attitude Change: Isabella(Spain) towards Qin Shi Huang(China), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Civics Change: Isabella(Spain) from 'Despotism' to 'Hereditary Rule'

Turn 216/660 (740 AD) [28-Aug-2007 05:09:01]
Athens begins: Library (135 turns)
Galley promoted: Combat I
Ning-hsia grows: 4
Ning-hsia's borders expand


Turn 217/660 (755 AD) [28-Aug-2007 05:11:56]
Beshbalik finishes: Library
Athens's borders expand


Turn 218/660 (770 AD) [28-Aug-2007 05:13:55]
Beshbalik begins: Swordsman (15 turns)
Turfan grows: 4
Corinth grows: 4


Turn 219/660 (785 AD) [28-Aug-2007 05:15:31]
Beshbalik's borders expand
Corinth finishes: Confucian Monastery


Turn 220/660 (800 AD) [28-Aug-2007 05:18:30]
Corinth begins: Barracks (9 turns)
Excellent news Harbourboy. :goodjob:

Harbourboy said:
While attacking in Greek territory at Athens, Axeman defeats (4.20/5): Greek Phalanx (Prob Victory: 90.9%)

This seems way easier than expected. :D
Congratulations, Harbourboy, on eliminating Alexander !!:goodjob:

You just went for it, didn't you? No bombardment. No attacking with the cat to cause collateral damage. Killed 'em all with axes on move 1!

I haven't picked up the save yet (to look at, not because my turnset is next) so I don't know whether you've moved any units around. What do we have in Corinth now?

PS. I won't be playing my turn for 24 hours at least. Plenty of time to get all of our ideas together.
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