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SGOTM 05 - Geezers

This guy is just crazy ! :lol: Look at the time in the screenshot. 05.19 a.m. ! :eek: Don't you have a real life ? :crazyeye:

Nice turns. :goodjob:

Will have a look at the save now.
This guy is just crazy ! :lol: Look at the time in the screenshot. 05.19 a.m. ! :eek: Don't you have a real life ? :crazyeye:

I think there's an insomniac story to be told here. Look at the clock!
Turn 211 played at 02:35.
Then evidently dropped off to a fitful 2 hour sleep at the keyboard. Woke up at about 04:50 and carried on.
Remaining turns played at a fair pace over the next half-hour!
Then what? Off to bed? Or is it the start of a new day? :D
I think there's an insomniac story to be told here. Look at the clock!
Turn 211 played at 02:35.
Then evidently dropped off to a fitful 2 hour sleep at the keyboard. Woke up at about 04:50 and carried on.

To be fair an alternative is that he loaded the game @02:35, requested views on whether the emphasis should be on attacking Athens or reinforcing Corinth, maybe had a doze, checked the thread and then carried on playing. :p

Of course that story doesn't sound nearly as funny. :D
Sam is closest to the real story.

The kid woke up with a nightmare or something so I got up at midnight and went back to bed. Then he woke up again at 2am. I figured I'd stay up for 20 minutes and see if he had settled down properly so I opened the internet and saw that it was my turn. I wasn't really ready to play because I hadn't looked at the save for a while, but as we'd already missed DrHirsch's turn, I thought I'd better not delay too long. I opened the save, had a quick look, and posed my high level questions and went back to bed.

I always play normally before going to work, because it is the only guaranteed time of peace. It's a bit antisocial to play when the rest of the house is awake. So I got up at 5am, read the advice and played my turns. Simple!
Yeah. I was actually aware (from previous questions about time) that you normally play your turns first thing in the morning, rather than extremely late at night.
The late late night syndrome is more reminiscent of my own experiences - especially learning to play CIV 1 all those years ago one summer holiday. The 2am and 3am finishes were quite commonplace. Mind you. Don't think I ever has a 5am finish, ever!
Sweet! :goodjob:

It looks to me like its almost time to rock and roll. My suggestions for the next few turnsets:

I think it is time to expel Sally from our island. We almost have enough units on our original island to take his cities. While we are finishing CoL, we should be able to get a couple of more units ready (for example, I would switch Karakorum from Settler to Keshik or Sword, we can always finish the settler later). I would consider keeping both of Sally's cities to keep him from re-establishing a beachhead.

Once Sally is off the island, he should make peace. If we keep his southern city, and do not take OB with him, then I think he will need to sit and rot on his island. At this point, pressure on our original island should decrease. We can move whatever units are left over from Sally to lush island and have a go at Togu. With two gold mines, Nara is too tempting to ignore. However, we need to make sure we have enough units to defend both before we attack.

I sure would love to get peace with Cyrus. He is a big threat, would be nice to be able to maul Togu without worrying about Cyrus.

One tactical item. I see we have a scientist working in Turfan. I would prefer to pop a GP first and establish a shrine in Corinth (since Corinth already has a monestary and can spam missionaries). The scientist will pop a GS before Athens gets its GP. No problem with running a scientist, but we need to pay attention to when it is ready to pop the GS and then turn it off until after the GP.

Also, I think Corinth should be a commerce city. I think we should convert all of our cities to confusianism and then adopt it as a religion for the smilies. As a result, I don't think Corinth needs barracks any time soon. I'd switch to missionaries asap, get a few in before CoL. After we get CoL, back to missionaries. Then library to take advantage of the commerce.
Yes, we slowly come to the fun part.:)

Now that we have Athens I thought we may start to go and raze Japanese cities before Toku builds too many defenders. Raze and pillage for cash to get our economy back in shape.
Some AIs have Alphabet now. I do not remember which ones, though. One would make peace for horseback riding. I am not sure on that deal.
The other one wanted Corinth.:nono:

After Col I would be for settling drhirsch's city site on the small island with the fish and silver. This city should pay well for itself with a courthouse.

We can mm a little for more gold. After having a short look we can make at least +2 gpt with working more gold tiles. 4 or 5 more turns with + 2 gpt should give us enough cash to up the research slider by 10% and finish COL a little sooner.

I agree with removing Sally's city from our island. After COL comes in I would start filling our island, though. Where do we want our FP ? Corinth or further inwards of that continent ?
Well done on the conquest of Greece, Harbourboy!

I agree about resettling the island where Sparta & Delphi once were. That is, after we capture the Arab cities in our homeland - once we know if we can support a new colony.
The-Hawk said:
I think it is time to expel Sally from our island. We almost have enough units on our original island to take his cities. While we are finishing CoL, we should be able to get a couple of more units ready (for example, I would switch Karakorum from Settler to Keshik or Sword, we can always finish the settler later). I would consider keeping both of Sally's cities to keep him from re-establishing a beachhead.
markh said:
I agree with removing Sally's city from our island. After COL comes in I would start filling our island, though.
Pariah said:
I agree about resettling the island where Sparta & Delphi once were.

So far everyone seems to have slightly different ideas on the cities front. :p I can see the merits of keeping Sally's cities. It saves building the settlers. However we will get extra unhappiness from 'We want to rejoin the motherland'. Perhaps it may be worth bringing Silver city online before taking Sally's cities if we want to keep them? OTOH I doubt that Sally's made much improvements to his two cities so it may be better to raze & resettle instead. In the short term we only need Basra (after an expansion) to block Sally.

I checked on who would make peace:
  • Sally will make peace for HBR. Hopefully his view will change after we take his cities.
  • Qin wants Corinth for peace. I can see Qin being a PITA. I think we will need to keep a number of galleys and military in Corinth to fend him off.
  • Toku also wants Corinth for peace. Not that we're likely to be interested in making peace with him. :lol:
  • Neither Cyrus or Asoka will make peace.

Btw mark i think we need Alphabet before we can ask for techs in tribute.

The-Hawk said:
Also, I think Corinth should be a commerce city. I think we should convert all of our cities to confusianism and then adopt it as a religion for the smilies.

I suspect we're even less likely to get peace with Cyrus & Asoka if we adopt confucianism as a state religion. Perhaps we might do better just converting our cities? I don't think we can make use of any of the religious civics anyway. Given that Corinth is likely to see lots of attackers I'm not so sure that we want to building too many cottages there. Kufah, Ning-hsia or even Karakorum might be a better bet.

The-Hawk said:
Once Sally is off the island, he should make peace. If we keep his southern city, and do not take OB with him, then I think he will need to sit and rot on his island. At this point, pressure on our original island should decrease. We can move whatever units are left over from Sally to lush island and have a go at Togu. With two gold mines, Nara is too tempting to ignore. However, we need to make sure we have enough units to defend both before we attack.

We may be best razing Nagoya before going for Nara. Perhaps razing Maygar might encourage Qin to come to the negotiating table?
We can demand a tech as long as the other party has alphabet already. In my sp games I often had it that the AI demanded alphabet from me, so it works. :)
We can demand a tech as long as the other party has alphabet already. In my sp games I often had it that the AI demanded alphabet from me, so it works. :)

I stand corrected. :blush:
So - summarizing our strategic thoughts before I start my turn.
(I might be able to go in a couple of hours time. Failing that, or if we haven't condensed our ideas to some plan that even I can follow :D then it will be in 24 hours time instead)

  • Prepare to settle the silver-fish-island.
  • Push Sally off of our homeland (do we keep both cities, or just one?)
  • Make peace with Sally after we've wounded him a bit. No OB; Let him stew.
  • Prepare to go Toku-hunting, with the aim of razing his nearby cities for cash.
  • Consider razing Magyar - currently Qin's city - as an inducement for him to make peace.
  • Juggle the scientist in Turfan to allow GP to pop first. Use him for shrine in Corinth - which becomes commerce-ville. Spread Confucianism to our cities, but don't necessarily convert to it.

Do I seem to be on the right trail, guys?
Yes, sounds like a plan. However I fear this will be more or less a preparation set for the next player. We should settle the silver city and consider to take Sally's cities only after COL is finished, so we can rush courthouses. COL is still 10 turns to go although it may be sped up by 1 - 2 turns with mming for more commerce, so it seems there will not be that much action for you.:sad:
OK. Turn complete.

The Highlights.
Razed Nagoya, Nara and Magyar. :D
Qin still not interested in peace.
Learned CoL (by our efforts) and Calendar (courtesy of barbs)
Our forces standing outside Kufah ready to take once the economy can support another city.
Our settler party is on its way to silver-island.

... and another example of military genius from Qin !!

The official savegame:

My Notes

T220 (800AD)
Drop scientist in Turfan and put to work on coast.
More mm to bring commerce back up in scientist's absence

3 Keshiks zip down to forest by Nagoya. Guarded by a lone archer.

Qin's empty galley roaming around outside Corinth. Shouldn't be too much worry.

T221 (815 AD)
Nagoya falls to our first Keshik strike (at 30% odds!)
Only 9 gold though.
Remaining Keshiks head north, aiming for Nara.

Corinth builds its Barracks. Start a missionary next. Can't really rush it any time soon, since Corinth is still feeling the effects of the whip.

Tech up to 40% now.

Qin's galley attacks ours and loses.

T222 (830AD)
Ning-Hsia completes spearman, which heads for Old Sarai.
Ning-Hsia starts another.

3 Keshiks outside Nara. Inside an archer, and (wounded) axeman are waiting.
Move a cat and axe towards Nara in case needed.

Tech back to 20% for a moment.

T223 (845AD)
Keshik beats archer in Nara.
Keshik beats wounded axeman in Nara, taking it.
We raze it for 43gold.

Tech back to 40% for CoL in 2 turns.

Keshik goes to have a look at Magyar. It has a single HA inside.

mm Corinth to stop it growing into unhappiness.

T224 (860AD)
Magyar now has an archer also.
Our 2 Keshiks keep watch. 2 more are healing from previous assaults.
Cat and axe are on their way to Magyar, too.

Tech 30%. CoL next turn!

Qin the military genius races his HA out of Magyar - leaving the archer alone(?)

T225 (875AD)
We learned CoL. Next will be Alphabet.

Keshik smashes Magyar! Razed for another small chunk of gold.

Qin is not in the slightest interested in peace.

Put the scientist back on in Turfan. It's so far off popping a GS, we can get mileage out of the scientist first.

Darn! Qin's HA kills our Keshik on the hill.
Toku is moving a settler party of axe + spear into the recently emptied lands near Corinth / Magyar.

T226 (890AD)
Our Keshik from Magyar ruins puts an end to the insane Chinese HA.

We start moving our forces west from Ning-Hsia towards Kufah.

We learned Calendar, courtesy of our Barb friends.

Christianity spreads to Old Sarai

T227 (905AD)
Attack party approaches Kufah. It has a single Archer inside.
Settlers produced by Karakorum. Head to Old Sarai.
Karakorum starts a Courthouse.
Turfan also starts a courthouse.

T228 (920AD)
Attack party outside Kufah now.
Ning-Hsia also on a courthouse.
It'll be a few turns before we can rush any of them, though.

T229 (935AD)
Destroyed Toku's settler party without taking losses.

Our settler party heads off from Old Sarai towards silver island.

Decided not to take Kufah just yet, as it could have a bad impact on our economy before we have any courthouses.

Turn Log

Spoiler :
Turn 221, 815 AD: Temujin's Keshik (6.60) vs Tokugawa's Archer (7.35)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Combat Odds: 31.5%
Turn 221, 815 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 221, 815 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 221, 815 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 221, 815 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 221, 815 AD: (Hills: +25%)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 18 (10/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 18 (0/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Temujin's Keshik has defeated Tokugawa's Archer!
Turn 221, 815 AD: You have captured Nagoya!!!
Turn 221, 815 AD: You have pillaged 9 ? from the destruction of Nagoya!!!
Turn 221, 815 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Galley (2.00) vs Temujin's Galley (2.20)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Combat Odds: 32.2%
Turn 221, 815 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 221, 815 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Temujin's Galley is hit for 18 (74/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Galley is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Galley is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Galley is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Temujin's Galley is hit for 18 (56/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Galley is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Galley is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 221, 815 AD: Temujin's Galley has defeated Qin Shi Huang's Galley!

Turn 223, 845 AD: Temujin's Keshik (6.60) vs Tokugawa's Archer (5.25)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Combat Odds: 75.3%
Turn 223, 845 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 223, 845 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 223, 845 AD: (City Defense: +50%)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 22 (78/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 22 (56/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 17 (66/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 22 (34/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 22 (12/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 17 (49/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 17 (32/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 17 (15/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Archer is hit for 22 (0/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Temujin's Keshik has defeated Tokugawa's Archer!
Turn 223, 845 AD: Temujin's Keshik (7.20) vs Tokugawa's Axeman (5.52)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Combat Odds: 82.2%
Turn 223, 845 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 223, 845 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 223, 845 AD: (Fortify: +10%)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Axeman is hit for 22 (70/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Axeman is hit for 22 (48/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Axeman is hit for 22 (26/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Axeman is hit for 22 (4/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Tokugawa's Axeman is hit for 22 (0/100HP)
Turn 223, 845 AD: Temujin's Keshik has defeated Tokugawa's Axeman!
Turn 223, 845 AD: You have captured Nara!!!
Turn 223, 845 AD: You have destroyed the city of Nara!!!

Turn 224, 860 AD: You have discovered Code of Laws!
Turn 224, 860 AD: Tokugawa adopts Organized Religion!

Turn 225, 875 AD: Temujin's Keshik (7.20) vs Qin Shi Huang's Archer (4.50)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Combat Odds: 95.6%
Turn 225, 875 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 225, 875 AD: (City Defense: +50%)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Archer is hit for 25 (75/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Archer is hit for 25 (50/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Archer is hit for 25 (25/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Archer is hit for 25 (0/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Temujin's Keshik has defeated Qin Shi Huang's Archer!
Turn 225, 875 AD: You have captured Magyar!!!
Turn 225, 875 AD: You have destroyed the city of Magyar!!!
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer (7.80) vs Temujin's Keshik (6.60)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Combat Odds: 72.1%
Turn 225, 875 AD: (Extra Combat: -30%)
Turn 225, 875 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer is hit for 18 (10/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Temujin's Keshik is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 225, 875 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer has defeated Temujin's Keshik!
Turn 225, 875 AD: Cai Lun has been born in Beijing!

Turn 226, 890 AD: Temujin's Keshik (7.20) vs Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer (0.63)
Turn 226, 890 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 226, 890 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 226, 890 AD: (Extra Combat: +30%)
Turn 226, 890 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 226, 890 AD: Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 226, 890 AD: Temujin's Keshik has defeated Qin Shi Huang's Horse Archer!
Turn 226, 890 AD: You have trained a Catapult in Turfan. Work has now begun on a Spearman.
Turn 226, 890 AD: Christianity has spread in Old Sarai.
Turn 226, 890 AD: You have discovered Calendar!

Turn 228, 920 AD: Xi Ling Shi has been born in Mecca!

Turn 229, 935 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Corinth!
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Axeman (6.00) vs Tokugawa's Axeman (3.02)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Combat Odds: 99.2%
Turn 229, 935 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 229, 935 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 229, 935 AD: (Combat: -50%)
Turn 229, 935 AD: (Combat: +50%)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Tokugawa's Axeman is hit for 23 (32/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Axeman is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Tokugawa's Axeman is hit for 23 (9/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Tokugawa's Axeman is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Axeman has defeated Tokugawa's Axeman!
Turn 229, 935 AD: Your Axeman has destroyed a Axeman!
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Catapult (5.00) vs Tokugawa's Spearman (4.40)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Combat Odds: 69.9%
Turn 229, 935 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Catapult is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Tokugawa's Spearman is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Catapult is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Tokugawa's Spearman is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Tokugawa's Spearman is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Catapult is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Catapult is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Tokugawa's Spearman is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Catapult is hit for 18 (10/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Tokugawa's Spearman is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 229, 935 AD: Temujin's Catapult has defeated Tokugawa's Spearman!
Turn 229, 935 AD: Your Catapult has destroyed a Spearman!
Turn 229, 935 AD: You have captured a Worker
Sounds good. :goodjob:

Seems as you still had some action during your set.:D

I will have a look at the save when I am back from work. Now that we can build courts the real fun part begins, eh ?:trouble:

What do we want after alphabet ? Do we head for maces or knights ?
Sounds good. :goodjob:

What do we want after alphabet ? Do we head for maces or knights ?

Knights ASAP I say! The keshiks have served us well, but we need something stronger before Qin or Asoka beat us to it.
Can someone put up a screenshot of the status? A picture paints a thousand words.

Status of what? I'm at work at present but I can put up a screenshot later as long as I know what is required.
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