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SGOTM 17 - Unusual Suspects

A shrine would be great, but I'm not sure we can force it.

Best way would probably be to spread a few religions to Supercity and build temples. For each one we can run a priest. It will still be luck based though, as we could not have enough temples to have every specialist as a priest. Without farming any more tiles, and after connecting Bananas, Supercity will have surplus food to have 7 specialists
I expect it probably will take Tanks & Infantry. It all depends on who & where the last 2 AI are.
If we really want a Prophet, we could build/capture Angkor Wat.

Also, what it the plan for the GS we get next turn? Save for Education?
My hope would be that Mansa builds Angkor Wat and/or gets a GP for the shrine and builds it for us. That's another reason to leave him unmolested for now.
Mansa getting the shrine for us would be ideal.

Scientist could put an Academy in Supercity, this place will be running a lot of specialists and it has Gems. It can support 7 specialists with its food, so an Academy will generate a lot of extra bpt.

Bulbing Edu will require us knowing Philo, CS & Paper. Mansa does have Philo, and he might part with it for Engineering or Machinery.

By the time we get Philo & Paper we will surely have generated at least 1 more GS anyway, so I kind of like a Supercity Academy with the next GS.
That's a good point. With Supercity running a lot specialists, a second academy would help the tech rate. But what about Pork Central? It is generating more bpt at the moment at the same pop and running the same number of scientists.

Edit: Looking again, with 10 riverside tiles, I think Pork Central has better long term commerce potential, but Supercity will have more food for specialists after the 2nd plantation is complete, so I agree with the academy in Supercity.
Hej Neil... just wondering what "beauro" could possibly signify.

French word for EU currency? Bureaucrazy?

Just wondering.

I prefer byu-ro.
Hej Neil... just wondering what "beauro" could possibly signify.

French word for EU currency? Bureaucrazy?

Just wondering.

I prefer byu-ro.

My spelling is shocking.... I admit it :) I like Byu-ro, but I don't normally like typing dashes, it's out of my keyboard comfort zone.

I am a software engineer, I don't normally have to string words together, just code, and the spellcheck compiler tells me if I get something wrong ;)
Revent is busy at the moment, so he has asked to be skipped until the next turnset.

I think this means Neil is now UP! (then Revent, then Chris. :))
OK, got it. Will post a provisional PPP tonight for comment & ridicule.
Revolt to buddhism
Keep exploring
Tech trade if/when we can
GS due in 1t (aachen), Academy in Supercity
GS(85%) due in 10t (supercity), part bulb Edu

Engineering -> CS -> Paper -> Edu ??

- Aachen, whip in 2 turns -> Market -> Rathaus
- Phantastic, next turn assign engineer from growth -> buddhist mish -> barracks -> units
- Pork Central, riverside grass to marble. Whip Forge next turn -> buddhist mish -> barracks -> units
- Supercity, bananas to merchant, whip Forge next turn -> buddhist mish -> units
- Iron city, whip forge this turn -> explorer -> galley -> units
- Silver city, whip forge this turn -> caravel -> galley -> barracks -> units
- Sydney, spy take rice from Yellow Dot, whip Forge in 3t -> barracks -> units
- Alcatraz, Rathaus -> Forge (no whipping)
- Yellow Dot, Granary -> Rathaus -> Lighthouse
- Djenne, market -> buddhist mish -> Forge
- Walata, give the Marble back to Pork Central, whip Granary this turn -> Rathaus

1 - finish plantation, irrigate towards Djenne
2 & 4 - irrigate tile NE of rice
3 - cottage Walata
5 - cottage Pork Central/Iron City
6 - cottage Aachen/Phantastic
7 - finish plantation
agreed, i was planning on playing 10 ish turns, give or take a few.
Which directions are the chariot, caravel, and explorer going to go?
Green from me.

Have we picked the next target or will that depend on scouting in the south? What types of units are we aiming for?
The explorer will Go West if there is a secret passage, otherwise it will go south, but skirt the western boundary looking for a way west.

I think our default target is Qin, as he doesn't have Feudalism, or even Monarchy. But we will see.

Units will be: Trebs, Landskneckts (these are very cool), Maces & X-bows.
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