“Peter has somehow wrecked his economy.” He settled four poor and distant cities.
“Should we just gift all our techs to everyone to increase the tech pace of the AIs? If we tech everything ourselves we will not be competitive.” I’d look for opportunities to sell them, of course, and we would need to hold onto some to trade for techs they research, but, other than someone else building the ETower, don’t see what we would be risking?
Only thing I think we need to GG from Facism and Eiffel Tower.
Do you want to continue playing? If not, here is the essence of my planning. Will fill out with feedback.
You may go ahead and play tonight.
Tech path: RP>ST>AL>EL
I guess ST is Steam Power? Or Are you referring to Steel? Let us get steel in trade. How will you get all prereqs for AL? I doubt we will be able to trade for nationalism, constitution and corporation in 10 turns. Go Replaceable Parts, Steam Power then Electricity and Radio.
Time for GA with a GSc and a GM. Cities to run specialists: Bib, CC, 6R, and CC
Which GPs are optimal to create?
3 GM and 4 GS. 3 GS need to be created before we start Electricity.
Need one for Corp but perhaps from our next GA. (BTW, can we create Cereal Mills in IT even though it has no cereals in its area?)
We have rice and wheat. I do not think they are needed in the city cross.
Thinking we can speed research some if we get superfluous GPs: GSCs could bulb Electricity and/or Refrigeration; GM Industrialism, GE with Electricity (if we don’t have Steel). At least that’s the way I think it works in Vanilla. Needs to be double checked.
GS to bulb electricity I think is the way to go.
Do we want to put some spy points on Bis so we will know his research when we get him to Friendly?
Yes, we want that. We need 100 EP on him soon. How soon that is is up to you.
Concur with getting to Friendly with Bis. You are not building more Jewish missionaries, so will two converted cities (making three) be sufficient. Do we want a backup missionary? Target cities: Cologne and Hamburg? We could go to Free Religion for a while within a GA (not going to be building much then). Thinking that would help but would the Friendly last after we switched back to OR?
I have failed with one so far. Chances are good that we can succed with both. Should be about 80% (89% each if I remember correctly. ). But building one more is good as sending one more to secure Russia is not bad.
Whip barracks in IT into harbor.
Don't like whipping when we are starting a golden age.
Why UofS in CC? Is it for failed gold or science from religious buildings? Why wouldn’t a Customs House be about the same cost and more valuable, especially if we go to Free Market?
Fail gold.
Propose building CHs in CC and in BB (whipping Jewish Temple into it). Workers on BB forests – are they farming and chopping to completion?
They are just preparing for chops into Eiffel Tower.
5W: Chop one forest into Kremlin, to take two turns off finish date, and build CH
With 44 turns left I do not see that a CH will pay for itself. It will cost 150 gold/research and give us 2,5+ research a turn.
6R: Globe
Bib: Complete Jewish Temple and build science
Aqueduct in TC, then CH;
University give twice as much science then CH.